Category: Funding Opportunities

Opportunities for funding graduate education.

Nominations open for KCP Future Faculty Fellowships

Applications are being sought for KCP Future Faculty Fellowships, a program funded by the State of Michigan.  Applications are due no later than 4pm on September 12, 2018.  KCP fellowships provide students up to $20,000 (MS students) or $35,000 (PhD students) to pursue their degrees.  Funds may be used to support students pursuing degrees at Michigan Tech or Michigan Tech staff and faculty pursuing graduate degrees outside of Michigan Tech.  For Michigan Tech students, the Graduate School and nominating department must also contribute matching funds to help support the student.

The goal of the KCP Future Faculty Fellowship program is to increase traditionally underrepresented candidates pursuing teaching careers in postsecondary education.

To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • Be a US citizen.
  • Be a Michigan resident (contact the Graduate School for questions).
  • Be accepted into his or her Michigan Tech graduate program of choice.
  • Be planning and able to teach or secure an administrative position in postsecondary education.
  • Not have received another KCP Fellowship award for the same degree level (master’s or doctorate).
  • Not be in default status on any guaranteed student loan and/or a KCP fellowship.

A complete application will include:

  • A 1-2 page statement of purpose written by the student as it applies to the KCP fellowship goals
  • A current resume or curriculum vitae that includes positions held, fellowships received, current funding, and expected funding, if applicable
  • A letter of support from the graduate program (chair, dean, program director, or advisor) detailing:
    • the merit of the candidate.
    • how the student will contribute to the diversity of the program.
    • willingness to provide financial support to supplement the KCP funds.
    • the mentoring plan for the student.
    • if the student has already earned a graduate degree, the letter must also address why a second graduate degree is necessary in order to obtain employment in post-secondary education.

Please submit complete applications to the Graduate School, attention Dr. Debra Charlesworth (a single PDF via e-mail to is preferred).  The review panel will also consider the candidate’s application to Graduate School (for students entering in the next academic semester) and current Michigan Tech transcript (if applicable).

Additional information on the KCP fellowship is available on our web page.

Fall 2018 PHF Graduate Assistantship Nominations Open

Applications for fall 2018 PHF Graduate Assistantships are being accepted beginning May 15, 2018 and are due no later than 4pm, June 28, 2018 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student participating in health-related research that is aligned with the PHF’s mission.
  2. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.
  3. Must be 2 years after starting the graduate program at the time of application.
  4. Must not have previously received a PHF Graduate Assistantship.

Priority will be given to students originally from Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga, or Ontonagon counties. Non-resident students and international students are encouraged to apply if their health research is applicable to health needs and job shortages of our local community (obesity research, rural health, medical informatics, drug delivery and lab testing, physical therapy, etc.).

These assistantships are available through the generosity of the Portage Health Foundation. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD talent in health-oriented research areas. Applicants should be a catalyst for promoting and improving the overall health of Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga, and Ontonagon communities through one of the following:

  • health research and technology development
  • health education or preventive and wellness initiatives
  • rural healthcare access, informatics, and assessment of care

Students who receive full support through a PHF Graduate Assistantship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a PHF Graduate Assistantship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Fall 2018 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Applications for fall 2018 finishing fellowships are being accepted beginning May 15, 2018 and are due no later than 4pm, June 28, 2018 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Materials emailed to is preferred. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish during the semester supported as a finishing fellow.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous application for a finishing fellowship.
  4. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.

Finishing Fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who are close to completing their degrees. These fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees and are also contributing to the attainment of goals outlined in The Michigan Tech Plan. The Graduate School anticipates funding up to ten fellowships with support ranging from $2000 to full support (stipend + tuition). Students who receive full support through a Finishing Fellowship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a Finishing Fellowship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

KCP Nominations Sought for Fall and Summer 2018

Applications are being sought for Summer and Fall 2018 KCP Future Faculty Fellowships, a program funded by the State of Michigan.  Applications are due no later than 4pm on April 9, 2018.  KCP fellowships provide students up to $20,000 (MS students) or $35,000 (PhD students) to pursue their degrees.  The Graduate School and nominating department must also contribute matching funds to help support the student.

The goal of the KCP Future Faculty Fellowship program is to increase traditionally underrepresented candidates pursuing teaching careers in postsecondary education.

To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • Be a US citizen.
  • Be a Michigan resident (contact the Graduate School for questions).
  • Be accepted into his or her Michigan Tech graduate program of choice.
  • Be planning and able to teach or secure an administrative position in postsecondary education.
  • Not have received another KCP Fellowship award for the same degree level (master’s or doctorate).
  • Not be in default status on any guaranteed student loan and/or a KCP fellowship.

A complete application will include:

  • A 1-2 page statement of purpose written by the student as it applies to the KCP fellowship goals
  • A current resume or curriculum vitae that includes positions held, fellowships received, current funding, and expected funding, if applicable
  • A letter of support from the graduate program (chair, dean, program director, or advisor) detailing:
    • the merit of the candidate.
    • how the student will contribute to the diversity of the program.
    • willingness to provide financial support to supplement the KCP funds.
    • the mentoring plan for the student.
    • if the student has already earned a graduate degree, the letter must also address why a second graduate degree is necessary in order to obtain employment in post-secondary education.

Please submit complete applications to the Graduate School, attention Dr. Debra Charlesworth (a single PDF via e-mail to is preferred).  The review panel will also consider the candidate’s application to Graduate School (for students entering in the next academic year) and current Michigan Tech transcript (if applicable).

Additional information on the KCP fellowship is available on our web page.

Graduate Research Opportunities at DOE National Laboratories

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science is pleased to announce that the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program is now accepting applications for the 2018 Solicitation 1.  Applications are due 5:00pm Eastern Time on Tuesday, May 15, 2018.

Detailed information about the program, including eligibility requirements and access to the online application system, can be found at:

The SCGSR program supports supplemental awards to outstanding U.S. graduate students to conduct part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE national laboratory/facility in collaboration with a DOE laboratory scientist for a period of 3 to 12 consecutive months—with the goal of preparing graduate students for scientific and technical careers critically important to the DOE Office of Science mission.

The 2018 Communicating Science (ComSciCon) Workshop for graduate students

ComSciCon18_FlyerTo all graduate students in STEM and related fields:

Applications are now open for ComSciCon 2018, the 6th annual Communicating Science workshop, to be held in Boston, MA on June 14-16th 2017. Graduate students at U.S. and Canadian institutions in all fields of science, technology, engineering, health, mathematics, and related fields are encouraged to apply. The application will close on March 1st.

Acceptance to the workshop is competitive; attendance is free and travel support and lodging will be provided to accepted applicants.

Summer 2018 PHF Graduate Assistantship Nominations Open

Applications for Summer 2018 PHF Graduate Assistantships are being accepted beginning January 22, 2018 and are due no later than 4pm, February 28, 2018 to Dr. Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School. Instructions on the application and evaluation process are found online.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student participating in health-related research that is aligned with the PHF’s mission.
  2. Must be eligible for or in Research Mode at the time of application.
  3. Must be 2 years after starting the graduate program at the time of application.
  4. Must not have previously received a PHF Graduate Assistantship.

Priority will be given to students originally from Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga, or Ontonagon counties. Non-resident students and international students are encouraged to apply if their health research is applicable to health needs and job shortages of our local community (obesity research, rural health, medical informatics, drug delivery and lab testing, physical therapy, etc.).

These assistantships are available through the generosity of the Portage Health Foundation. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD talent in health-oriented research areas. Applicants should be a catalyst for promoting and improving the overall health of Houghton, Keweenaw, Baraga, and Ontonagon communities through one of the following:

  • health research and technology development
  • health education or preventive and wellness initiatives
  • rural healthcare access, informatics, and assessment of care

Students who receive full support through a PHF Graduate Assistantship may not accept any other employment. For example, students cannot be fully supported by a PHF Graduate Assistantship and accept support as a GTA or GRA.

Global Grant Scholarship 2018-2019

The Rotary District 6220 Global Scholar Program provides $30,000 scholarship awards for graduate studies at a qualified college/university (i.e., has a graduate level program of study that directly relates to at least one of The Rotary Foundation’s  Areas of Focus) outside the USA for US citizens; or, for international citizens (namely, cannot have U.S. citizenship or have a green card or in the process of applying for U.S. citizenship), outside their native country where a Rotary host club can be identified.  Scholars must commence studies no earlier than the beginning of the academic year in the fall of 2018 and conclude no later than December 30, 2019 and expend the scholarship funds within 12 months of starting studies.

Amelia Earhart (AE) Fellowship from Zonta International

Zonta Awards 35 annual AE Fellowships worth $10,000.00 to talented women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related science or aerospace-related engineering.  More information and applications can be found with a quick internet search or here:

The next AE Fellowship application deadline is November 15, 2017.

The Reedsy National Creative Writing Scholarship and Sponsorship Program

The Reedsy National Creative Writing Scholarship is a $1,000 award granted twice annually to students with an interest in English.
You can find all the relevant details on our site—including more information about the work Reedsy does in the publishing community. Reedsy is passionate about nurturing the next generation of writers. That’s why current and incoming students at Michigan Tech University are eligible to enter the scholarship to win $1,000 to fund their education.

Application Deadline Dates: September 21, 2017 & February 21, 2018

Minimum SAT/ACT and GPA: None

School Year: 2017-2018

Majors: Creative Writing, English, Writing, Professional Writing, Liberal Arts, Theatre, Communications, New Media, Other

Value of Scholarship: $1000 Bi-annually with renewal upon reasonable progress.

Number of Scholarships Available: 1 cash, 5 sponsorship opportunities

U.S. Citizenship: Citizens and Permanent Residents

Required Student Activities: Applicants must have completed the first chapter of a novel they are currently writing, or have written but not published.

Hobbies: Creative Writing, Novel Writing, Fiction Writing, Professional Writing, Media

Contact details

Address: Reedsy Ltd. Seedcamp 4-5 Bonhill St, Shoreditch, London EC2A 4BX

Phone: 020 3108 9367

