Category: News

Interesting stories about and for our students.

“Writing Science” talk to be given by author Josh Shimel

The Distinguished Ecologist Lecture Series presents Josh Schimel from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

From Amazon’s description of Shimel’s book: “As a scientist, you are a professional writer: your career is built on successful proposals and papers. Success isn’t defined by getting papers into print, but by getting them into the reader’s consciousness. Writing Science is built upon the idea that successful science writing tells a story. It uses that insight to discuss how to write more effectively. Integrating lessons from other genres of writing with those from the author’s years of experience as author, reviewer, and editor, the book shows scientists and students how to present their research in a way that is clear and that will maximize reader comprehension.”

Writing Science” talk on Friday, October 28 at 3:00 p.m. in Forestry G002. also, see Shimel’s science writing blog.

Shimel , a microbial ecologist, will also give a talk on”The Biogeochemistry of Drought,”t 12:30 p.m. Thursday (Oct. 27).  Both seminars will be held in the Noblet Forestry Building Room G002.

Three Minute Thesis Winners

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, held on Oct. 12, featured 10 speakers from departments across the University.  The competition encourages graduate students to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

Six of the students who participated advanced from the preliminary heats to compete in the finals. The winner of the competition, who will advance to the Midwestern Association of Graduate School’s 3MT Competition in April, was Divya Kamath’s presentation on improving water quality with aquesous phase advanced oxidation processes. Muraleekrishnan Menon’s presentation on improving wind turbine rotors using active flow-control devices took second. The audience selected Leigh Miller’s presentation on the protection of clean water in Panama as their favorite for the People’s Choice Award.

The event was sponsored by the Graduate Student Government and the Graduate School. Thank you to all of the judges, volunteers and competitors who helped make the event a success. Originally written by Tyler Capek in TechToday, 10/20/16

3 Minute Thesis: Big Winners in Short Time

3 Minute Thesis

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition (originally conceived by The University of Queensland) celebrates both research and clear communication in a competition to get your disseratation across to a mixed non-specialist audience in only 3 minutes with only one slide. All student presenters are winners just for attempting this feat. Pictured in the photo are the winners according to the panel of judges and people’s choice award. If you missed this event this year, be sure to look for it next year.

IT Connect

HuskyCard Printing Events for Orientation Week

Orientation is coming. In the next few weeks there will be a lot of new students on campus. Many of you will likely assist students and answer questions.
One of the top initial questions asked is where they can pick up HuskyCards. Direct students to the MUB Ballrooms at the following times:
  • Friday, Aug. 19 from 1 to 3 p.m.

  • Saturday, Aug. 20 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

  • Sunday, Aug. 21 from 9 a.m. -noon

Students can expedite the process of picking up their HuskyCard by pre-submitting their HuskyCard photo to

Thank you for helping us welcome new students during Orientation week. If you or the students have any questions about HuskyCard printing, contact us at or call 7-1111.

GradSWE Workshop — Developing Confident Leadership Skills

Join the Graduate Society of Women Engineers (GradSWE) at 6 p.m. tomorrow (March 17) in Chem Sci 215 for a professional development workshop,”Developing Confident Leadership Skills”, led by Ruth Archer.

Archer is the Manager of Process Improvement at Michigan Tech and the president of the Superior Leadership Institute. The workshop will help improve your leadership skills and confidence as you take on these roles in the future.

For more information on GradSWE, visit our website. To join our mailing list, email

by GradSWE

Nominations Open for Bhakta Rath Award and the Michigan Tech Research Award

The Vice President for Research Office is also accepting nominations for the Michigan Tech Research Award, which offers an opportunity for an individual to be recognized for outstanding achievements in research. For complete submission guidelines, see Michigan Tech Research Award.

Nominations should be submitted electronically in PDF format per the guidelines on the web pages no later than 4 p.m. on Mar. 10. All nominations should be sent to Cathy Jenich at

by Cathy Jenich

Counseling group sessions offered through Counseling Services.

Anxiety Group (all students may attend) – Tuesdays at 2pm in the Relaxation Room
Grief Group (all students may attend) – Fridays at 5pm in the Relaxation Room
Transgender Support Group (students must be prescreened and should be referred to Amber)
Eating Disorders Group (students need to contact Counseling for further information)

Amber Bennett
Assistant Director of Counseling Services
Michigan Technological University

Engineering Fundamentals Lecturer Chosen for National Academy Symposium

Graduate School Announces Award Recipients

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the following graduate student award recipients:

CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award Nominee:

  • Gary Kaunonen, PhD Graduate in Rhetoric, Theory and Culture

DeVlieg Foundation Fellowships:

  • Joseph Niehaus, PhD Candidate in Atmospheric Sciences
  • Shawn O’Neil, PhD Candidate in Forest Science

Doctoral Finishing Fellowships:

  • Mehran Bidarvatan, PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
  • Kamal Dhungana, PhD Candidate in Physics
  • Rebecca Frost, PhD Candidate in Rhetoric, Theory and Culture
  • Ruilong Han, PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering
  • Jun Tao, PhD Candidate in Computer Science
  • Xu Yang, PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering

King-Chávez-Parks Future Faculty Fellowships:

  • Alexander Miranda, PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics
  • Renee Oats, PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering
  • Sterling Prince, PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics

Photographs and details of awards and fellowships coordinated by the Graduate School can be found online.