Employment for F-1 and J-1 Students and Scholars Workshop

Thy Yang from the International Programs and Services Office will be conducting a workshop for students entitled, “Employment Options for F-1 and J-1 Students and Scholars” on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Faculty and staff who advise international students are strongly encouraged to attend in order to gain greater insight on the legal challenges and issues faced by our international students seeking to work in the United States.

Topics addressed include:

  • on campus employment
  • co-ops and internships
  • optional practical training (OPT)

We will also discuss special benefits for STEM students after they complete their studies at Michigan Tech.

To register for the workshop, please contact the International Programs and Services office at 7-2160 or ips@mtu.edu.

Published in Tech Today.

Michigan Tech Students Take Top Honors at SME

Michigan Tech undergraduates and graduate students studying chemical engineering took first and second place in the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration’s (SME) Mineral and Metallurgical Processing Division 2013 student poster contest at the SME annual meeting in Denver.

Undergraduate winners:
First place: Katrina Swanson
Second place: Paul Hagadone II

Graduate student winners:
First place: Brett Spigarelli
Second place: Howard Haselhuhn

Published in TechToday

Additional EndNote Workshop scheduled for Sept 30

Due to the strong interest in the event, the Van Pelt and Opie Library has scheduled a second ‘EndNote Basics 1’ workshop to be held on Monday, Sept. 30, from 5-6pm.

We would also like to remind those interested that seating is still available for the ‘Advanced Topics’ session scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 3.

Seating is limited and registration is required.  To register please visit: EndNote LibGuide.

EndNote Basic I – Monday, September 30 from 5-6pm, Library room 242

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is offering a one hour introductory workshop on creating and managing references using the citation software, EndNote.  EndNote allows you to easily collect, organize and use your research references.  No prior knowledge of EndNote is necessary.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Construct an EndNote Library in order to effectively organize references
  • Create custom and smart groups to efficiently manage references

Note:  Our sessions use EndNote X7 on PCs.  Laptop users are encouraged to update their versions of EndNote prior to the session.  See the Library’s EndNote Download page.

Fall Career Fair Features New Companies and Veteran Recruiter

With 264 companies registered for the Fall Career Fair on Tuesday, Sept. 24, recruiters are running the gamut from new to renewed to never-miss-a-fair.

Among the new companies, according to Jim Turnquist, director of Career Services, is Chevron. Although they have recruited and hired on their own on campus, this year they’ve joined the job fair and expanded their search.

“In the past, they focused on geology, but this year they are looking for many different engineering fields: chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, mechanical,” Turnquist says. “That’s a big plus.”

Back after a hiatus from recruiting is Procter and Gamble. They are scouting for chemical, electrical and mechanical engineers, Turnquist says. “This is fantastic.”

A new company to the fair is Tata Motors, India’s largest auto manufacturer. “They have an IT branch, called Consultancy Services, which is also huge,” he says.

Old favorites like Dow Chemical have increased their presence. Instead of a couple of interview rooms, they’ve reserved eight for the day after the fair.

The Career Fair has grown into a week-plus of activities, Turnquist says, in both the fall and spring semesters. Interview skills training and resume blitzes have already started, and fair week has numerous events:

* Chrysler and GM both had ride and drive events. Chrysler’s Sunday Copper Harbor trips were all full. GM’s events were split between faculty and staff (Sunday) and students (Monday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) leaving from the pay lot, next to the Administration and Student Services building. More information is available at career@mtu.edu.

* The Society of Women Engineers hosts Evening with Industry, where recruiters can meet with students before the fair. It will be held tonight at 5:15 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom.

* The University Department Information Fair (Meet the Faculty) is held from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesday at the fair. Academic and administrative departments can meet with company representatives.

* Center for Diversity and Inclusion Corporate Reception–Corporations can meet with students from organizations such as the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (oSTEM), American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), and more. The event is scheduled for 6 to 7:45 p.m. at the Hamar House Tuesday night.

* Railroad Information Night, Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m., DHH Ballroom–The Railroad Engineering and Activity Club and Tech’s Rail Transportation Program bring together students and railroad industry representatives.

“Also, on Monday night, there will be more than forty company information sessions,” Turnquist adds. “And these companies are looking for people. They are looking to hire.”

Published in Tech Today by Dennis Walikainen, senior editor

Responsible Relationship Events Planned

As part of the annual Responsible Relationships Awareness days, two events are happening on campus this week.

Anti-violence/anti-assault t-shirts will be displayed on clotheslines around campus all next week as part of the Clothesline Project. The Clothesline Project provides a way for campus and community members to speak out against sexual violence and sexual assault. Full details are available at Clothesline Project.

Also, there will be a “Forget Stranger Danger” event next Thursday, Sept. 26, from 7 to 8 p.m. in MUB Ballroom B. This event is intended to help educate students about the dangers of acquaintance/date rape among college students. Please encourage students to attend. The event poster is available at Forget Stranger Danger.

The Clothesline Project and Forget Stranger Danger Event are part of the 2013 Responsible Relationship Awareness Days, an annual week of events hosted by the Title IX Committee to raise awareness about issues such as sexual violence, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, harassment, and hazing. For more information about Title IX resources and reporting channels, see Title IX.

Published in Tech Today.

A Night at the Museum Features Geology PhD Student

The Carnegie Museum, in downtown Houghton, will host its third annual “Night at the Museum” fundraiser this Saturday, Sept. 21, from 4 to 8 p.m.  Tickets are $25 each and include a guided Red Jacket Trolley Tour, gourmet refreshments, music performed by local Suzuki students, and a silent auction.

This year’s guided Red Jacket Trolley tour will be of the ruins of Houghton’s Isle Royale Mine. Led by Erika Vye, geology PhD student and Wil Shapton of the Red Jacket Trolley company, the tour reflects our current exhibit theme “Gone But Not Forgotten: Preserving Memories of the Copper Country.”  The tour will illuminate how mining influenced our city’s landscape and how the remnants of the mining days live on amongst us.

Tickets are available at the museum (open Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m., and Saturday noon to 4 p.m.) Trolley seating is limited so be sure to choose your tour time, (4, 5, or 6 p.m.) when purchasing your ticket. Tickets sold at the door are not guaranteed a trolley tour.  All proceeds from the event will support building restoration and improvements, website development, exhibits and programs.

For more information, email history@cityofhoughton.com or call 482-7140.

Published in Tech Today

Women Launch a Publication About Gender Issues

Two humanities students at Michigan Tech have launched a newspaper called Beyond the Glass Ceiling. They hope it will become an outlet for writers who want to explore gender issues and gender inequality on campus.

“We had a lot of people interested, but most of them wanted to write anonymously. They thought it was too much of a risk.”

Megan Walsh, one of the student editors of Beyond the Glass Ceiling, talks about attempts to establish a base of writers last year as the publication was being launched. If you wonder why we need a feminist publication on campus, for Walsh, the request for anonymity answers it.

“That alone tells me we need to do this.”

Beyond the Glass Ceiling is the successor to the former TechnoBabe Times, a publication largely housed in the humanities department a decade ago. Graduate student Katie Snyder wanted to revive the tradition, with encouragement from faculty, leading to the new publication.

For the full story about the new publication, see online

Published in Tech Today by Kevin Hodur, creative writer

NASA Space Tech Research Fellowships – Fall 2014

NASA is seeking applications from U.S. graduate students for the agency’s Space Technology Research Fellowships.


  • US citizens or legal permanent residents.
  • Graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in STEM disciplines.
  • Undergraduates planning to enroll in graduate school by the start of this fellowship

The fellowship begins at the start of the Fall 2014 semester.

The application deadline is November 13, 2013.  Click here for the application submission instructions.

The maximum award is $68K per year.

For more information on the fellowship:

Employment Opportunity with the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Program provides unique hands-on experience to prepare exceptional graduate students to become next-generation leaders in domestic and global nuclear security. During the 12-month, full-time, salary-plus-benefits terms, Fellows work alongside NNSA experts in Washington, D.C. or other NNSA site locations.  Fellows receive specialized training and opportunities for career development and professional networking, while also directly supporting NNSA’s global nuclear security mission in placements that align with their backgrounds and interests.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens eligible for a high-level security clearance, who are accepted into, enrolled in, or will be graduating from a master’s or Ph.D. program during the year of application. Desirable academic specializations include international relations, security or nonproliferation studies, political science, public administration, and economics.  Some positions may also benefit from backgrounds in safety and health, infrastructure and operations management, or finance/accounting.  A combined policy and technical background is highly desirable, and a foreign language is a plus.  Applications typically are accepted beginning in early August through October 21st. Fellowship terms begin the following summer. Visit http://ngp.pnnl.gov to learn more and apply.

EndNote Workshops Sponsored by Library

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is offering EndNote workshops on September 26 and October 3 2013.  EndNote is a citation management software that helps you to easily create and manage bibliographic information and incorporate references into your writing. In other words, EndNote streamlines the research and reporting process.

To register please visit: EndNote LibGuide. Seating for these workshops is limited, and registration is required.

EndNote Basic I – Thursday, September 26 @ 5pm, Library 242

One hour introductory workshop on creating and managing references using the citation software, EndNote.  EndNote allows you to easily collect, organize and use your research references.  No prior knowledge of EndNote is necessary.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Construct an EndNote Library in order to effectively organize references
  • Create custom and smart groups to efficiently manage references

EndNote Basic II – Thursday, September 26 @ 6:15pm, Library 242

One hour EndNote Workshop on how to incorporate your EndNote Library citations into a written document (MS Word).  Attendance of the EndNote Basic I workshop, or prior knowledge of building and managing an EndNote library, is recommended.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Successfully incorporate EndNote Library references into their writing process (MS Word)
  • Locate, identify and import specialized output styles

Using EndNote – Advanced Topics – Thursday, October 3 @ 5pm, Library 242

Kristen Faeth, Customer Education Product Training Specialist at Thomson Reuters, will conduct this advanced Endnote workshop.  Light food and beverages will be provided.

This workshop will cover the new features in EndNote X7 as well as ways to use your synced EndNote Basic library online.  EndNote X7 allows you to easily search hundreds of online resources to collect references and PDFs or automatically import PDFs from your computer.  Prior knowledge of, or attendance of, the EndNote Basic I & II workshops is recommended.

In this workshop participants will learn how to:

  • Create bibliographies with subheadings and utilize new output styles.
  • Attach charts, tables and equations as figures to be cited in your work.
  • Sync your EndNote library with your online library to share groups of references with other EndNote users and access file attachments from anywhere.
  • Easily cite references in your own work using the Cite-While-You-Write plug-in for Microsoft Word.

Note:  Our sessions use EndNote X7 on PCs.  Laptop users are encouraged to update their versions of EndNote prior to the session.  See the Library’s EndNote Download page.