STEM Faculty Openings at the University of Maryland

The University of Maryland has openings in the following STEM fields:

  • Biological Sciences-Lecturer
  • Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering-Assistant Professor
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry-Assistant/Associate Professor
  • Computer Science and Electrical Engineering-Assistant Professor, Professor of Practice, Lecturer
  • Economics-Assistant Professor
  • Information Systems-2 Assistant Professor, Lecturer
  • Marine and Biotechnology-Assistant Professor
  • Mechanical Engineering- Multiple Assistant Professors
  • Physics-Assistant Professor
  • Psychology-Assistant Professor

For more information and additional faculty opportunities:

The Van Pelt and Opie Library Announces Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech.

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech offers the campus a digital repository for worldwide access to its research, scholarship and other academic works created by members of the Michigan Tech community.

Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech has the capacity to provide and preserve access to all types of documents and publications–from articles and reports to books, journals and other creative works. Tools are also provided to manage the publication process, including peer review. Organization can be by college, department or even individual scholar. Access can be open globally, controlled by ISO login or unique passwords when desirable.

PCMI graduate’s paper published in Journal

Peace Corps Masters International Environmental Engineering Program graduate Cara Shonsey has published a paper titled, “Quantifying available water supply in rural Mali based on data collected by and from women,” in a special issue of the Journal of Cleaner Production on Water, Women, Waste, Wisdom and Wealth. Her advisor, John Gierke (GMES), co-authored the paper. See online.

Published in Tech Today.

Summer ORISE Fellowhip Opportunity at CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), Division ofLaboratory Sciences (DLS), is seeking Summer ORISE Fellows to focus on public health issues related to the environment.  Candidates will join projects associated with developing and applying new methods to characterize and quantitate biochemicalmarkers that are relevant in environmental exposures and chronic diseases.

The fellowship carries a stipend of approximately $2,700 per month for full-time undergraduate student fellows and $3,300 for full-time graduate student fellows.

Graduate School Recruits in Thailand

It’s become a popular and successful strategy. Graduate School staff venture to Thailand to recruit, and they get a lot of help from alumni over there.

Jacque Smith, director of graduate enrollment services, and Kristi Isaacson, assistant director of graduate enrollment services, have just returned from another trip, replete with 30-hour airplane rides both ways.

While there, they attended the Royal Thai Scholar event, which featured Thailand’s best and brightest, according to Smith.

2014 Lee Schipper Scholarship Call for Applications Announced

Applications are now open for the 2014 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship for Sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency.  Provided jointly by the Schipper Family and EMBARQ, the sustainable transport and urban planning program of the World Resources Institute (WRI), the Scholarship will award two extraordinary candidates up to $10,000 each to advance transformative research in efficient and sustainable transport.

Thanksgiving break and computer maintenance

The University is closed on Thursday,  November 28th and Friday, November 29th.  When the University is closed, the “two week” rule for submitting drafts is relaxed to the next available business day.  The Graduate School does not expect students to submit drafts to the committee or the Graduate School when the University is closed (but the Pre-defense form will still calculate these dates as the “due” dates).

  • Students scheduling a defense on December 12th or 13th may submit the draft no later than 4pm on Monday, December 2nd.
  • Of course, submitting earlier is always fine.

Additionally, the University is scheduling campus wide home directory maintenance from Thursday Nov. 28, 7 p.m., through Sunday Dec. 1, 11 p.m. During this time:

  • No one will be able to use a campus computer (like one in the Library, or an office)
  • No one will be able to access their campus home directory or the Multidrive
  • Everyone will be able to use the wireless network on campus with a personal laptop
  • Everyone will be able to log into Canvas or other campus sites (like

To track progress during the upgrade please visit

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, about the planned upgrade, please call the User Services help desk at 487-1111 or email for assistance.

Michigan Tech Enters PhD Program Agreement with University in India

Mechanical engineering faculty from a private Indian university will soon be pursuing their PhDs from Michigan Tech.

The new agreement with Vidya Prathisthan, located in Baramati, India, creates a 2-plus-2 PhD program in mechanical engineering for faculty, plus a 1-plus-1 master of science program for students.

Qualifying faculty will complete the first two years of their PhD program in India, where they can take Michigan Tech courses online and graduate courses from any of the Indian Institutes of Technology (ITTs). Then they will travel to the US and spend the final two years of their program conducting research with Michigan Tech faculty advisors.

Published in Tech Today

Belote to Speak on Ecuador

Hosted by student organization Global City, local resident and former Peace Corps Volunteer (and Dean of Students) Linda Belote will present “La Mega Cooperativa Artesanal:  How Ecuadorian Indian Women Found Economic Success through Hand-Woven Beadwork” on Monday, Nov. 18, in Fisher 133 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Belote will tell the story of five indigenous women’s organizations from highland Southern Ecuador who joined together in 2010 in order to bring their handwoven beadwork jewelry to an international market. Aided by Belote and other American friends, their communities’ folk art and the story it tells has reached the US and beyond via the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market.

Pizza and snacks will be provided, and the cooperative’s beadwork will be available for purchase following the presentation. The public is welcome.

Global City is a student organization dedicated to providing a forum to address critical issues of human development such as economic development, resource distribution, and sustainability. Visit for more information.

Posted in Tech Today