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Lunch and Learn: “Graduate Fellowship Opportunities at the National Institutes of Health”

In collaboration with Associate Professor Tammy Donahue (ME-EM) and Chair Jason Carter (Exercise Science), Sponsored Programs will host a Lunch and Learn on the NIH Individual Graduate Fellowship Opportunity–Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award NRSA.

The session is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday, March 15, in Memorial Union Ballroom A-1.

Graduate students and faculty will learn who should apply, what is involved in preparing an application, specific tips for writing a successful NRSA and an inside perspective on the criteria which reviewers use to evaluate applications.

This session will focus on an explanation of the different NRSA funding mechanisms, an understanding of the role of institutes in funding decisions, and how to determine if NIH is a good fit for interested applicants, or if NSF or others are better

Specific proposal development tips will be given on the four main proposal components: candidate qualifications, training plan, mentor statement and research plan.

To register for the event, see lunch and learn.

For more information, contact Jodi Lehman at 487-2875 or

Published in Tech Today.

Keys to Graduate School Success

In a recent article in Tomorrow’s Professor, the authors advocate that the three keys to success are:

  • Follow your passions and talents
  • Pick your advisor and lab wisely
  • Learn to write well

In the article, they expand on these ideas, and offer tips and suggestions to achieve them. One piece that particularly stood out to me is to “follow your passions.” Graduate school is challenging, but your goal is achievable if you lay a good foundation. One piece of that is to find a project that will motivate you even when the research is difficult and it seems like the project can’t be completed.

If you haven’t heard of Tomorrow’s Professor, it’s a great newsletter with tips and article for those pursuing or interested in careers in academia. It’s worth your time to read.

What are your keys to success in graduate school?  Do you agree with the authors?

Spring 2013 Professional Development Series

The Graduate School is pleased to announce it’s spring seminar series.  Designed to help students prepare for careers as researchers in an academic community, attendees will learn about publishing, proposals, and project management.

Please join us on one or all of the following dates for a brown-bag lunch and learn (noon – 1pm).  Light snacks and beverages will be provided.  Seating is limited; please register to reserve a seat and receive the room location.  Students may also choose to view the seminar online (live streaming or recorded).

  • March 20 | Publishing, Presenting, and Building your Reputation
    • Learn strategies to build your professional reputation through writing and presenting your research
  • April 3 | The Art of Proposal Development
    • Learn from a panel of experienced proposal writers how to craft successful and compelling proposals to meet the requirements of specific funding opportunities.
    • Take-away tips will be applicable for a variety of proposals, including graduate fellowships, research proposals, outreach events, and related proposal opportunities.
    • Co-sponsored with the Sponsored Programs Office.
  • April 24 | Project Management
    • Learn time-tested strategies for steering research projects to successful completion within the context of a complex and demanding graduate student experience

Seminar on Competitive Fellowships

Many federal agencies solicit highly competitive graduate fellowship/scholarship applications. In particular, Michigan Tech students have had success with the following:

The Sponsored Program Enhancement office is offering a series of seminars/workshops to help eligible domestic first-year graduate students and senior undergraduate students understand what opportunities are available and help them develop a competitive application.

  • Overview of Funding Opportunities
    Sept. 8, 4 to 5 p.m., Memorial Union Peninsula Room
  • Writing the Personal Essay and References
    Sept. 15, noon to 1 p.m., Memorial Union Peninsula Room
  • Tips from Real Panel Reviewers
    Sept. 22, noon to 1 p.m., Memorial Union Ballroom B3
  • Writing Research Essays
    Sept. 6, 4 to 5 p.m., Memorial Union Peninsula Room
  • Peer Review Workshop
    Sept. 13, 4 to 5 p.m., Memorial Union Peninsula Room
  • Peer Review Workshop
    Sept. 20, noon to 1 p.m., Memorial Union Ballroom A2

For more information, contact Jodi Lehman at .

How to use the Edit Text Tool

Adobe Acrobat has a Edit Text & Images Tool for content editing. This tool can be used to do minor text edits, such as deleting a small amount of text, or fixing a spelling mistake.

Open your pdf file, and select Edit Text & Images by clicking on “Tools” and selecting it from the “Content Editing” section as shown in the screen shot below.  If you use the tool a lot, right click on the tool to “Add to Quick Tools” and it will appear on your toolbar.

Maintain Your Lit Review, Maintain Your Sanity

A good literature review is one of the foundations of your thesis or dissertation.  Most students complete a thorough literature review as part of their Research proposal examination, but the final dissertation might be a year or more away in the future.

This article from the Gradhacker blog has some tips on how to keep your literature review up to date using technology to automate as much of the process as possible.  Learn how to:

  • Keep track of search terms
  • Use Google Reader to stay up to date
  • Use the media to stay current

ORAU Presentation August 20

Steve Roberts, university partnership specialist from Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), will give a presentation, “Value through Partnerships,” Tuesday, Aug. 20, at 2:30 p.m. in GLRC 202.

ORAU is a consortium leveraging the scientific strength of 105 major research institutions to advance science and education by partnering with national laboratories, government agencies, and private industry.

Michigan Tech has participated in ORAU-administered programs such as the Powe Junior Faculty Award, DOE Office of Science Graduate Fellowship, ORNL Postdoctoral Research Associates, and the NETL, DOE and EPA Research Participation Programs.

For additional information: ORAU

This presentation is hosted by the Office of the Vice President for Research.

Updated Academic Policies for Spring 2020

This information was emailed to all enrolled graduate students on April 24, 2020.

We hope this email finds you and your family doing well during these extraordinary times.  At the University Senate meeting this week, three new policies were approved. Pending administrative approval, these policies will give you additional options and flexibility toward completing your courses this semester.

Policy 1: Pass/Low Pass/Fail option

Pending administrative approval, graduate students will be able to change the grading mode of their classes with letter grades to pass/low pass/fail.  Pass/low pass/fail grades will not be included in a student’s GPA calculation. See the next section of this email for information on how these grades may be considered for degree completion and the University’s FAQ page for more information. Research credits will not be eligible for conversion, as they are already graded as Progress (“P”) or Inadequate Progress (“Q”). 

Graduate students will be able to view their spring grades and have until 11:59 PM Eastern on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 to decide if they would like to switch any spring 2020 classes to pass/fail grades (grades of SCV, LCV, or ECV). 

  • A pass grade (SCV) will be assigned for a grade of C or better.  
  • A low pass grade (LCV) will be assigned for grades of CD or D.  
  • A fail grade (ECV) will be assigned for a grade F. 

To change your grade from the letter grade earned to a Pass (SCV), Low Pass (LCV), or Fail (ECV) option, go to Banweb and click on the Student tab and then click the Student Records link.  Finally, select the COVID-19 Pass/Fail Grade link.

Policy 2: Scholastic Standards

Pending administrative approval, and at the discretion of the graduate program, a limited number of SCV grades may be used to satisfy degree requirements.

A graduate program may allow up to six (6) credits of  BC, C, or SCV grades to count toward degree requirements. The BC or C grades may be from any semester.  At the discretion of the graduate program, an additional three (3) credits of SCV may be allowed to count toward degree requirements.  Please consult with your graduate program director to determine the scholastic standards in your program.

Policy 3: Repeating courses

Pending administrative approval, students may repeat any course taken during Spring 2020, regardless of the grade they earned in that course or the number of times they have taken the course.

The following policy changes have been previously announced and are already in place:

  • Drop deadline extended: The deadline to withdraw from classes with a “W” grade has been extended to 5 p.m. on April 24. W grades do not impact cumulative GPA calculation.  Please email the Registrar’s Office ( with your M-number and the course(s) you would like to drop.  International students and supported students can be registered with fewer than nine credits without impacting their support or student status.
  • Probation and suspension: The process to place graduate students on probation or suspension will be placed on hold for spring 2020. Students will maintain their current academic standing after semester grades are posted and no student will be suspended. Students currently on probation may return to good standing if their academic performance has improved in spring 2020. Dismissals (if any) will be handled on a case-by-case basis after consulting with the graduate program.

We are concerned about your health and well-being. If you have concerns about your workload, educational experience, or personal matters, please contact us ( so we can connect you with resources. Anna McClatchy, our Student Support Coordinator, is available to help students. HuskyFAN is available to provide emergency food for those in need. The University has gathered a wide variety of resources to assist students. Finally, Counseling Services is providing individual services, group sessions, and seminars through remote services and referrals. 

We understand that you might have reservations about openly discussing your concerns. If you prefer, you may address concerns or questions confidentially. Students may contact Counseling Services at 906- 487-2538, or the Office of the Ombuds at or 906-487-2391. Concerns can also be reported anonymously online

Take the time you need to take care of yourself and your family. We wish you the very best as we navigate through these extraordinary times. Please reach out to us with any questions or suggestions you may have. 


Michigan Tech Graduate School

The University of Alaska Fairbanks announces the opening of applications for its 2021 Arctic Innovator Program.

Fairbanks, AK – The University of Alaska Fairbanks today announced the opening of applications for its 2021 Arctic Innovator Program.  The application deadline is January 8, 2021.  To learn more or apply, visit:

The Arctic Innovator program provides early career innovators and entrepreneurs the opportunity to spend up to two years developing their technology at a U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory and University of Alaska Fairbanks pursuing commercialization.

The Arctic Innovator program is open to early career professionals:

  • who currently have or will have a graduate degree in a science, technology, engineering and mathematics related field before the program start date;
  • with a technology or area of research that they are interested in developing toward real-world adoption; and
  • whose technology or area of research addresses Arctic-based challenges and aligns with U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office Strategic Goals (

This program, formally titled the Arctic Advanced Manufacturing Innovator Program, provides selected Innovators with the resources and guidance to maximize their likelihood of success.  Innovators receive: a competitive personal stipend, a travel and training allowance, health insurance, a mentor at University of Alaska Fairbanks and a U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratory, and space and collaborative support at each organization.  Innovators also have the adventure of living in Alaska while working on Arctic-related challenges.

Nathan Prisco, a 2020 Arctic Innovator, is representative of the passion and skill that the Arctic Advanced Manufacturing Innovator Program is seeking in candidates.  Prisco is working on ammonia-based technologies for improving energy production.  He explained that the program offers him “a great way to get science out of the laboratory and into the world at large.”  Prisco says he was attracted to the significant research and commercialization support while also being “intrigued by Alaska, both in its pristine wilderness and the feeling that there is an incredible opportunity in the last frontier.”  To read more about Prisco’s experience, visit:

To learn more or to apply, visit:

This program is sponsored by the Department of Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office and is a collaboration with the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Nominations Open for Bhakta Rath Award and the Michigan Tech Research Award

The Vice President for Research Office is also accepting nominations for the Michigan Tech Research Award, which offers an opportunity for an individual to be recognized for outstanding achievements in research. For complete submission guidelines, see Michigan Tech Research Award.

Nominations should be submitted electronically in PDF format per the guidelines on the web pages no later than 4 p.m. on Mar. 10. All nominations should be sent to Cathy Jenich at

by Cathy Jenich