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Nominations open for the 2024 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award. Please submit nominations to the Graduate School no later than 4pm, May 30, 2024, following our online instructions. This year, nominations are being accepted from dissertations in the fields of:

  1. Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering
  2. Social Sciences (note: history is classed within the humanities and is not a field of competition in 2024)

Michigan Tech may nominate one student in each field. PhD students who have completed all of their degree requirements between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2024, are eligible. The fields of competition for 2025 will be Biological/Life Sciences and Humanities and Fine Arts (including history).

A nomination packet must be submitted by the department chair or college dean to our google form no later than 4 p.m. on May 30, 2024. Contact Debra Charlesworth ( if you have any questions about the competition.

Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship

The Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship program awards $330,000 annually to 56 Fellowship recipients: 51 Fellowships at $5,000 each and 5 Fellowships at $15,000 each. The Fellowship program is designed to provide support to active Phi Kappa Phi members as they prepare to enter their first year of graduate or professional studies in the upcoming 2012-2013 academic year. Eligible applicants cannot have earned more than nine (9) semester hours of graduate/professional school credits by the deadline date of April 15, 2012.

140 Love of Learning awards at $500 each are funded each year. Love of Learning Awards help fund post-baccalaureate studies and/or career development for active Phi Kappa Phi members to include (but not be limited to): Graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development, travel related to teaching/studies, etc. Past recipients of the Fellowship award are not eligible to apply.

Applications cab be downloaded from our website, and

For any additional information, please contact Society Headquarters at 1-800-804-9880 ext 35 or via email at

Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program

Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program

Dissertation Fellowship Program seeks to encourage a new generation of
scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to
undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. These
$25,000 fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show
potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the
history, theory, or practice of formal or informal education anywhere
in the world. This highly competitive program aims to identify the most
talented researchers conducting dissertation research related to

More information on how to apply. 

Deadline Wednesday, October 21st. 

Jack Kent Cook Foundation Graduate Scholarships

The Foundation’s Graduate Arts Award is for up to $50,000 per year for up to three years to college seniors and recent graduates with financial need who will pursue a graduate or professional degree in the visual arts, performing arts, or creative writing. To be eligible, candidates must be nominated by the faculty representative at their undergraduate institution.

The Foundation’s Dissertation Fellowship is for up to $25,000 for advanced doctoral students who are completing dissertations that inform the Foundation’s mission: advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial need. To be eligible, candidates must demonstrate superior academic achievement, have successfully defended their dissertation proposals, and be enrolled full-time in a US graduate degree program.

The Foundation’s Graduate Scholarships are offered to students who receive undergraduate scholarships from the Foundation.

July 7(2pm): An Introduction to Adobe Acrobat

This seminar along with handouts is now available online.  Look in the Archives for the July 7, 2009 seminar.  It will be online for approximately one year.

Join the Graduate School to learn the basics of Adobe Acrobat.  Michigan Tech has a site license for this software, and all theses and dissertations are required to be submitted using this file format.  We’ll talk about how to generate a pdf, how to edit a pdf file, how to embed fonts, and all about hyperlinks and bookmarks.

Please register for the event at our online registration site:

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the location and a reminder of the date and time.  Space is limited, so register early! The seminar will be taped and available online for those unable to join us at this time.

Nominations open for the 2023 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award

Nominations are now open for the 2023 Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award. Please submit nominations to the Graduate School no later than 4pm, June 8, 2023, following our online instructions. This year, nominations are being accepted from dissertations in the fields of:

  1. Biological and Life Sciences
  2. Humanities and Fine Arts

Michigan Tech may nominate one student in each field. PhD students who have completed all of their degree requirements between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2023, are eligible. The fields of competition for 2024 will be Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering; and Social Sciences.

Nominations must be delivered to Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School no later than 4 p.m. on June 8, 2023; e-mail nominations to are preferred.  Contact Debra Charlesworth ( if you have any questions about the competition.

EndNote Workshop at the Van Pelt and Opie Library

Learn how EndNote can help you easily create and manage bibliographic information and incorporate references into your writing. EndNote also offers a relatively easy way for faculty to upload citations into Digital Measures.

This combined EndNote Basic and Cite While You Write workshop will be held from 5:05 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday (Nov. 9) in Library 242.

During the session, we will cover how to create and build an EndNote “library,” add references from online databases and PDFs, and organization best practices. Incorporating references into a Microsoft Word document and changing output styles will also be covered.

Registration for the workshop is required. Register for the EndNote Basic and Cite While You Write workshop.

The Library 242 instruction room has EndNote X8 installed on Windows workstations. Attendees may bring their own laptops with EndNote X8 downloaded prior to the session. Visit the library’s EndNote Guide to download the software and get a sneak peek at what EndNote can do for you. Email with any questions.

Nominees for 2018 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award

The Graduate School would like to congratulate and recognize Lauren Schaefer and Erin Pischke for being nominated for the Council of Graduate Schools / ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards, the nation’s most prestigious honors for doctoral dissertations.

Two awards are given annually in two different broad areas (mathematics, physical sciences and engineering; and social sciences; and the biological sciences; and humanities and fine arts). The winners of the awards will be announced during the Fall 2018 Semester.

The 2018 fields of competition are:

Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering

Mathematics and Social Sciences

American Philosophical Society – Phillips Fund for Research in Native American Studies

Deadline: 3/01/2011

The Phillips Fund of the American Philosophical Society provides grants for research in Native American linguistics, ethnohistory, and the history of studies of Native Americans, in the continental United States and Canada. Grants are not made for projects in archaeology, ethnography, psycholinguistics, or for the preparation of pedagogical materials. The committee distinguishes ethnohistory from contemporary ethnography as the study of cultures and culture change through time. The grants are intended for such costs as travel, tapes, films, and consultants’ fees but not for the purchase of books or permanent equipment.

The committee prefers to support the work of younger scholars who have received the doctorate. Applications are also accepted from graduate students for research on masters theses or doctoral dissertations.

The committee sometimes approves two awards to the same person within a five-year period.

Award and Duration
The average award is about $2,500; grants do not exceed $3,500. Grants are given for one year following the date of the award.

Deadline and Notification
Applications and letters of support are due by March 1. It is the applicant’s responsibility to verify that all materials, including the two required letters, reached the Society on time.  Send an email inquiry to Linda Musumeci, Director of Grants and Fellowships, at or call 215-440-3429. Notification is sent in May.
