Tag: Awards

DeVlieg Recipients Announced

The Graduate School is pleased to announce that two students have earned fellowships from The DeVlieg Foundation.  The DeVlieg Foundation has generously provided support for graduate students pursuing research in engineering, wildlife, and biology at Michigan Tech.

The recipients this year are:

  • Anthony D. Matthys, PhD candidate in Biological Sciences
  • Renee C. Oats, PhD candidate in Civil Engineering

Photographs and details of awards and fellowships coordinated by the Graduate School can be found online.

Jim Hwang, Zhiwei Peng Selected for Bhakta Rath Research Award

Materials science and engineering professor Jiann-Yang “Jim” Hwang and 2012 PhD graduate Zhiwei Peng have been chosen to receive Michigan Technological University’s 2013 Bhakta Rath Research Award for their studies on the use of microwaves in steelmaking.

The award, endowed by Michigan Tech alumnus Bhakta Rath and his wife, Shushama, recognizes a doctoral student at Michigan Tech and his/her faculty advisor for “exceptional research of particular value that anticipates the future needs of the nation while supporting advances in emerging technology.” Hwang and Peng, now a research assistant professor, will share a $2,000 prize.

Peng and Hwang were nominated by Stephen Kampe, the St. John Professor and chair of the materials science and engineering department.

Kampe called Peng’s work “incredibly thorough in scope and rigorous in its approach.” He noted that Hwang has researched microwave steelmaking for years “and has become a renowned authority on environmental and sustainability issues within the materials processing industries.

“This project represents an excellent fit with Dr. Rath’s vision of this award,” Kampe said.

The researcher did theoretical and experimental work on the use of microwaves to heat materials, particularly magnetic substances, and offered ways to improve microwaves’ heating efficiency. They also provided guidelines for making large-scale microwave furnaces for industrial use. Peng’s dissertation research was an integral part of three grants totaling $2.6 million.

Their work has led to five books, 25 papers and invitations to prepare books on microwave heating.

In support of the nomination, Dinesh Agrawal of Penn State wrote that Peng’s work “will surely accelerate the development of microwave heating for various applications in the field of ceramic and metallic materials, organics synthesis, biomedical treatments, etc.” And Jian Li of Canada’s CanmetMATERIALS research laboratory wrote that Peng’s dissertation reveals “great potential in energy saving and environmental safety.”

Mingming Zhang of the Canadian steel and mining company ArcelorMittal wrote that Peng’s research “attracted my attention because of its huge potential in energy savings and environmental protection compared with conventional technologies,” adding that the achievement is all the more remarkable because steelmaking consumes more energy than any other industry. “Moreover, there is a great possibility to substantially reduce the CO2, SOx and NOx emissions, contributing to an environmentally friendly world,” Zhang said.

Peng’s solid foundation in math and science and his interdisciplinary approach have been key to the project’s success, said his advisor. “He is not afraid of challenges, and he willingly took courses from other departments that advanced his research,” Hwang said. “By combining knowledge from several disciplines, Zhiwei has developed a new field of research.”

Published in Tech Today by Marcia Goodrich, magazine editor

19th Annual Student Leadership Awards Announcements

Congratulations to the following students, student organizations, and advisors for inspiring community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability and tenacity within Michigan Tech as well as our community.

Here are your 2013 Student Leadership Award recipients:

Melanie Hoffman, President’s Award for Leadership
Michael Adler, Provost Award for Scholarship
Claire Meneguzzo, Vice President’s Award for Service
Kevin Cassell, Exceptional Leadership in Student Governance
Yu Summer Gu, Exceptional Enthusiasm as a Student Leader
Jason Cattelino, Student Employee of the Year
Hannah Altscheffel, Rising Star of the Year
Caleb Vogt, Undergraduate Research Expo, Exceptional Program of the Year
Society of Women Engineers, Most Improved Student Organization
Leo Ureel II, Breaking Digital Barriers, Exceptional Community Service Project
Memorial Union Board, Student Organization of the Year
Emanuel Marcos R. Castro Oliveira, Student Organization Advisor of the Year

Published in Tech Today

ESC/BRC Student Research Forum Winners Announced

The Ecosystem Science Center and the Biotechnology Research Center announced award recipients of the Ninth Annual ESC/BRC Student Research Forum, held March 27.

For the graduate students, two Grand Prize Awards and six Merit Awards were presented. They were selected from among the 59 posters and abstracts submitted by graduate students conducting research related to ecology, the environment and biotechnology at Michigan Tech.  Posters will continue to be on display in the atrium of the Forestry building through April 12.

Graduate Research
$500 Grand Prizes
Biotechnology Research Center
Ramkumar Mohan (SBL) for, “miR-483, a Novel MicroRNA Expressed in Pancreatic Beta Cells but not in Alpha Cells,” Advisor: Xiaoqing Tang

Ecosystem Science Center
Adam Coble (FFS) for, “Comparison of Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) Leaf Morphology in a Closed-canopy and Canopy Gap,” Adviser: Molly Cavaleri

$100 Merit Awards
Biotechnology Research Center
Komal K. Bollepogu Raja (IBMB) for, “The Role of Toolkit Genes in the Evolution of Complex Wing, Thorax, and Abdominal Color Patterns in Drosophila guttifera,” Advisor: Thomas Werner

Maria Tafur (ECM) for, “Reduction of Porcine Parvovirus Infectivity in the Presence of Protecting Osmolytes, ” Advisor: Caryn Heldt

Ecosystem Science Center
Brian Danhoff (SBL) for, “Manistee River Tributaries as Potential Arctic Grayling Habitat,” Advisor: Casey Huckins

Anthony Matthys (SBL) for, “Estimating Physical Habitat Characteristics and Fish Habitat Preference within Streams: A Tool for Restoration Monitoring,” Advisor: Casey Huckins

James Olson (SBL) for, “Evaluating the Impact of Culvert Designs on Hydrologic Connectivity and Nutrient Uptake in Northern Wisconsin Streams,” Advisor: Amy Marcarelli

Julie Padilla (EEN) for, “An Evaluation of the Proposed MDEQ Water Quality Standard for Copper in the Upper Peninsula Using Two Multimetric Approaches,” Advisor: Noel Urban

Published in TechToday

Evan Anderson represents Michigan Tech in Distinguished Thesis Competition

Evan Anderson, Michigan Tech’s MAGS nominee
The Graduate School is pleased to announce that Evan Anderson is Michigan Tech’s nominee for the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Thesis Award.  Mr. Anderson was nominated by his advisor, Dr. Blair Orr of the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.  His thesis, “The Impact of Balsamo (Myroxylon Balsamum L. Harms) on Coffee Yield and Household Income in El Balsamar, El Salvador,” investigated sustainable coffee production in El Balsamar.  His work was conducted during his time as a Peace Corps Volunteer, and was developed in response to local community needs.  The thesis integrated the biological, social, and economic role of the tree in the community.  Evan is currently an urban forester with Davey Tree in San Francisco, California.

Three other graduate students were also nominated for consideration.  Jean DeClerck was nominated by her advisors, Dr. M. Ann Brady and Dr. Wendy Anderson of Humanities, and committee member Dr. Victoria Bergvall of Humanities.  Nathan Kelley-Hoskins was nominated by his advisor, Dr. Petra Hüntemeyer of Physics.  Andrew Orthober was nominated by his advisor, Dr. Carol MacLennan of Social Sciences.  All of the nominations were noteworthy for their scholarship, and the evaluation panel had a difficult task in selecting one nominee to represent Michigan Tech.

The Dean’s Advisory Panel, representing each college or school at Michigan Tech, evaluated the nominees.  The faculty on this panel represent a broad range of graduate programs:  J. Gierke (Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences), S. Martin (Social Sciences), D. Flaspohler (School of Forestry Resources & Environmental Science), X. Wang (School of Technology) and G. Campbell (School of Business and Economics).  Next year’s competition will consider applicants who have completed their degrees between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013.  An application consists of an abstract of the thesis, recommendation letter from the advisor, and an electronic copy of the thesis.  Please consider nominating your master’s students next year.

BRC Graduate Travel Grants Awarded for Fall 2012

The Biotechnology Research Center Announces the Recipients for its Fall 2012 Travel Grants

Graduate Recipients include:

  • Tayloria Adams (ECM); 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (poster)
  • Felix Adom (ECM); 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (podium)
  • Zainab I. Alshoug (ECM); 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (poster)
  • Ran An (ECM); 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (poster)
  • Xiaochu Ding (SCH); POLY-ACS 9th Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium (poster)
  • Stephanie Hamilton (EBE); American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting (poster)
  • Sean Hopkins (EBE); BMES 2012 Annual Conference (poster)
  • Robert Larson (SBL); SLEEP 2012 26th Annual Meeting (poster)
  • Venkata Ramana R. Pidatala (SBL); ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings (poster)
  • Aparupa Sengupta (SBL); Society for Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (poster)
  • Maria Tafur Agudelo (ECM); 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (podium)
  • Khrupa S. Vijayaragavan (ECM); 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (podium)
  • Shuaicheng Wang (SMAG); The Genetic Analysis Workshops (podium and poster)
  • Xu Xiang (SCH); 245th ACS National Meeting (poster)
  • Chungja Yang (ECM); 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting (poster)
  • Huan Yang (SBL); SLEEP 2012 26th Annual Meeting (poster)
  • Jingtuo Zhang (SCH); 244th ACS National Meeting (poster)

Published in TechToday

Call for GRC Abstract Submissions and Nominations for GSG Merit Awards

On Thursday and Friday, Feb. 21 and 22, the Graduate Student Government (GSG) will sponsor the Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) which will feature sessions that include both oral and poster presentations by grad students from departments across the University in an environment that simulates a professional conference.

There are prizes for first-, second- and third-place winners from each session (oral and poster) and all participants will be given certificates of appreciation. In addition to these prizes, merit awards will also be presented to one outstanding student scholar, an exceptional graduate student leader, and a faculty mentor at an awards banquet at 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb 22. Certificates of recognition will be presented to graduate students nominated by their departments for teaching excellence and distinguished scholarship.

The GSG would like to invite all graduate students, faculty and staff to attend the GRC and talk with presenters about their work. Students who would like to present their work can submit an abstract between now and Dec. 20 at the GSG website.

In addition, grad students should know that they may nominate a faculty member for the Outstanding Graduate Mentor award as well as fellow grad students for the Outstanding Student Leader award and Outstanding Student Scholar award. Graduate faculty may also nominate a student of theirs for the student awards. The nomination deadline for merit awards is Jan. 18, 2013. For abstract submission and nomination guidelines, please visit the Graduate Student Government website.

Printed in TechToday

Graduate Student awarded Predoctoral Fellowship

Patrick Bowen, a doctoral student in materials science and engineering, has been awarded a Predoctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association.

Bowen will receive $52,000 over two years to support his research on the development of bioabsorbable, zinc-based stents. Stents are typically made of magnesium and are inserted in blood vessels that are blocked or nearly blocked to restore blood flow.

Professor Jarek Drelich (MSE) is Bowen’s advisor, with Associate Professor Jeremy Goldman (Biomedical Engineering) proving additional direction to his research.

Published in TechToday

Simons Award for Graduate Students in Theoretical Computer Science

The Simons Foundation Division for Mathematics and the Physical Sciences invites applications for the Simons Award for Graduate Students in Theoretical Computer Science program. These awards will be made to graduate students with an outstanding track record of research accomplishments.

To be eligible the applicant must be a graduate student who has completed two, three or four years at a U.S. or Canadian institution of higher education. A track record of outstanding results in theoretical computer science is the key criterion.

There is a limit of two applications per university. Please coordinate with the department chair. There are no citizenship requirements.

A Simons Award for Graduate Students is awarded for a period of two years for up to $24,000 per year. An awardee must be a graduate student for the duration of the award. Each award will provide support for the following:

  • Student Discretionary Funds: up to $8,500 per year for the awardee to use at his/her discretion (e.g., travel to summer research locations or to conferences, equipment, books, personal computer).
  • Summer Support: up to $9,000 per year for up to three months of summer salary support for awardee.
  • Department Funds: $2,500 per year to the awardee’s department to enhance the research atmosphere of the department; these funds should be expended at the discretion of the student’s advisor.
  • Overhead: $4,000 to the institution for administrative expenses.

Click here to apply.   The deadline to apply is February 7, 2013. Please coordinate submission of the proposal with the appropriate officials in accordance with institution/university policies. Please see the Application Instructions for further information.

ASA 2013 Graduate Student Research Award

Are you working on remarkable research on issues pertaining to aging? If so, submit your research paper to the American Society on Aging to be considered for the graduate student research award!  The winner will gain the recognition of peers and thousands of professionals in the field.

The graduate student research award is given to spur academic and clinical interest in the field of aging, and rewards the best unpublished graduate research paper on a completed project relevant to aging and applicable to practice. Membership in ASA is not a requirement, but is a consideration.

Applicants must be enrolled in a graduate-degree program or have completed their studies less than one year before submission, and be sponsored by a faculty member. The winner will receive a $500 honorarium, an opportunity to present their paper at the 2013 Aging in America conference (March 12-16 in Chicago), complimentary one-year student ASA membership and registration for the Aging in America conference.

The deadline to submit research papers has been extended to November 30. Call 415-974-9600 if you have any questions, or click here for more information.