Tag: Physics

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Award – Spring 2018 Recipients

Congratulations! Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award Spring 2018 Recipients

Rasmi Adhikari (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology PhD)
Mohammad Alizadeh Fard (Environmental Engineering PhD)
Apurva Baruah (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Timothy Butler (Biological Sciences MS)
Chethan Ramakrishna Reddy (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Daniel Crane (Mathematical Sciences PhD)
James Davis (Electrical Engineering MS)
Jennifer Dunn (Environmental and Energy Policy PhD)
Silke Feltz (Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture PhD)
Sanaz Habibi (Chemical Engineering PhD)
Arash Jamali (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Matthew Kilgas (Integrative Physiology PhD)
Anindya Majumdar (Biomedical Engineering PhD)
Aeshah Khudaysh M Muqri (Physics PhD)
Rohit Sunil Pandhare (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Sagar Umesh Patil (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Nishchal Sharma (Electrical Engineering MS)

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship – Spring 2018 Recipients

Congratulations! Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship Award Spring 2018 Recipients

Shadi Ahmadi Darani (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Ting Bao (Civil Engineering PhD)
Kishan Bellur (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
El Hachemi Bouali (Geology PhD)
Liang Chang (Materials Science and Engineering PhD)
Joshua Davis (Accounting MS)
Wenping Deng (Forest Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology PhD)
Jennifer Dunn (Environmental  and Energy Policy PhD)
Brandon Jackson (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Meghnath Jaishi (Physics PhD)
Zhaoxiang Jin (Computer Science PhD)
Steven Landry (Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors PhD)
Xiaoyu Liang (Mathematical Sciences PhD)
Ameya Narkar (Biomedical Engineering PhD)
Kimberly Tweedale (Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture PhD)
Le Zhao (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Saeedeh Ziaeefard (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship – Fall 2017 Recipients

Congratulations! Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship Award Fall 2017 Recipients

Ala Mahmood Nahar Al Zaalig (Mathematical Sciences PhD)
John Arnold (Industrial Heritage & Archaeology PhD)
Andrew Chapp (Biological Sciences PhD)
Sorayot Chinkanjanarot (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Shuaicheng Guo (Civil Engineering PhD)
Ashok Khanal (Chemistry PhD)
Vinaykumar Konduru (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics PhD)
Vincent Manzie (Rhetoric, Theory & Culture PHD)
Sathya Prasad Potham (Mechanical Engineering MS)
Sandesh Subhaschandra Rao (Mechanical Engineering MS)
Nicholas Steffey (Business Administration MS)
Mohammad Hosain Teimourpour (Physics PhD)
Brenna Thompson (Accounting MS)


Spring 2018 Finishing Fellowship Recipients

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the awarding of Finishing Fellowships for doctoral candidates. Fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees.

(listed by nominating department)

Spring 2018 Recipients

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jeffrey Kiiskila

Biological Sciences
Andrew Chapp

Gemechis Dereje Degaga
Ashok Khanal
Shanshan Hou

Computer Science
Gorkem Asilioglu
Zhaoxiang Jin

Electrical Engineering
Aref Majdara
Husam Sweidan
Chaofeng Wang

Forest Science
John Henderson

Marine Foucher

Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Kishan Bellur
Meng Tang
Le Zhao
Xiucheng Zhu
Saeedeh Ziaeefard


Meghnath Jaishi
Dolendra Karki
Mingxiao Ye

Fall 2017 Finishing Fellowship Recipients

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the awarding of Finishing Fellowships for doctoral candidates. Fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees.

(listed by nominating department)

Fall 2017 Recipients

Atmospheric Sciences
Pei Hou

Biological Sciences
Kavitha Satish Kumar

Chemical Engineering
Rui Shi

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ting Bao
Amaneh Eslami Kenarsari
Shuaicheng Guo

Electrical Engineering
Navid Pourramzan Gandji
Xu Zhang

Materials Science and Engineering
Liang Chang

Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Brandon Jackson

Shiva Bhandari
Teresa Wilson

Doctoral Finishing Fellowships Fall 2017 Teresa Wilson

Teresa Wilson

Teresa WilsonBefore entering graduate school, I earned my BA in Mathematics at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA and taught middle and high school STEM classes at an all-girls school in Post Falls, ID. I began my graduate studies here at Michigan Tech in Fall 2012. I am currently a PhD Candidate in Physics working with Dr. Robert Nemiroff. I research and develop new methods to predict sunrise and sunset times, specifically looking at how to better implement atmospheric refraction into the currently used sunrise/set algorithms. During my studies at Michigan Tech, I have been able to create a collaboration with the Astronomical Applications Department at the US Naval Observatory with the help of Dr. Jennifer Bartlett, their Software Division Chief. This collaboration has led to three successful summers of research on the development of a new sunrise/set algorithm at their facilities in Washington, DC as part of the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program.

Michigan Tech has provided me an environment in which I was able to take the initiative to follow my research interests and create an outside network to achieve my goals. I am grateful to the Graduate School and the Dean’s Advisory Panel for providing me with the support of the Finishing Fellowship. This fellowship allows me the opportunity to focus on writing my dissertation and complete it in a timely manner.


Doctoral Finishing Fellowships Fall 2017 Shiva Bhandari

Shiva Bhandari

Shiva Bhandari

Before starting my PhD program at Michigan Tech in Fall 2012, I completed my Bachelors and Master’s degree in Physics from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. My research focuses on synthesis and functionalization of Boron Nitride based nanomaterials for their electronic applications. With miniaturization of electronic devices, the size of silicon-based transistors are getting smaller. Insulating boron nitride nanomaterials functionalized with metallic nanoparticles or carbon-based nanomaterials could be the new class of transistors for future electronics.

The last 5 years at Michigan Tech has been a wonderful learning experience. Michigan Tech has provided me great learning opportunity and helped me develop personally and professionally. Besides learning to troubleshoot complex research problems, it taught me how to be a strong and a confident individual, how to be a team player and work in a diverse environment. I hope my learning experience at Michigan Tech will help me pave the way to a successful career in materials research. I am grateful to the Graduate School and the Dean’s Advisory Panel for this fellowship support. This fellowship helps me spend my full time on dissertation writing without any distraction from other teaching duties.


Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship Spring 2017

Recipients—Spring 2017

  • Yunana Ahmed (Rhetoric, Theory and Culture PhD)
  • Samer A. Alokaily (Mathematical Sciences PhD)
  • Shiva S. Bhandari (Physics PhD)
  • Sachin M. Bhosle (Mechanical Engineering PhD)
  • Nicholas W. Bolton (Forest Science PhD)
  • Kyle A.  Brill (Geophysics PhD)
  • Natasha I. Chopp (Data Science MS)
  • Mustafa Gezek (Mathematical Sciences PhD)
  • Pei Hou (Atmospheric Sciences PhD)
  • Caoyang Jiang (Electrical Engineering PhD)
  • Yiping Mao (Biological Sciences PhD)
  • Chelsea J. Nikula (Chemistry PhD)
  • Zichen Qian (Biomedical Sciences PhD)
  • Amir Rezaei (Electrical Engineering PhD)
  • Abbey J. Senczyszyn (Master of Business Administration)
  • Ali Solouk (Mechanical Engineering PhD)
  • Shuo Wang (Mechanical Engineering PhD)
  • Dong Xia (Accounting MS)
  • Wentao Yao (Mechanical Engineering PhD)

Doctoral Finishing Fellowships Summer 2017 Recipient Mohammad Hosain Teimourpour

Mohammad Hosain Teimourpour
Mohammad Teimourpour

Mohammad Hosain Teimourpour was born in Kermanshah Iran. He received his BS degree in Solid State Physics from Razi University, Kermanshah, in 2004, and MSc in Photonics from ICST, in 2007, Kerman, Iran. In 2013, he joined the Optics and Photonics group of Prof. R. El-Ganainy at the Department of Physics at Michigan Tech. Mohammad has already published ten papers in reputable international journals such as Nature Scientific Reports (IF 5.2), Phys. Rev. A (IF 2.8), Optics Letters (IF 3.2), Journal of Optics (IF 2.1), Phys. Rev. Applied (IF 4.1), and Phys. Rev. B (IF 3.7). His research interests include: Semiconductor lasers, Linear and Nonlinear Integrated Photonics, Non-Hermitian Optics, Topological Photonics, Plasmonics and Quantum Optics. He is currently, writing a chapter of a book in collaboration with Prof. El-Gananiy, titled “Higher order exceptional points in PT symmetric systems”. He is a reviewer of several prestigious journals in Optics and Photonics such as Optics Express (Optical Society of America, OSA), JOSA B (OSA), New Journal of Physics (IOP) and Chinese Optics Letter (OSA). He is honored to receive a Finishing PhD Fellowship from Michigan Tech in Summer 2017.


Doctoral Finishing Fellowships Summer 2017 Recipients

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the awarding of Finishing Fellowships for doctoral candidates. Fellowships are available through the generosity of alumni and friends of the University. They are intended to recognize outstanding PhD candidates who are in need of financial support to finish their degrees.

(listed by nominating department)

Summer 2017 Recipients

Biological Sciences
Haiping Liu
Yiping Mao

Chemical Engineering
Rachel Martin

Computational Science and Engineering
Zilong Hu

Forest Science
Chathura Gunasekara
Colin Phifer

Mathematical Sciences
Bryan Freyberg

Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Mohammad Reza Amini
Shuo Wang
Wentao Yao
Le Zhao

Mohammad Hosain Teimourpour