Day: March 19, 2018


Courses: UN3002, UN3003, UN3004, UN3005

A co-op or internship experience is highly recommended.  Students gain experience  they cannot get in the classroom or labs, not only with technical experience, but just as importantly – with professionalism.  Co-op can help you decide which focus area(s) in your field you’d like to pursue with your CpE or EE Electives, or not.  Students work side by side with engineers and are usually a part of a team. Co-op experience is great for your resume – it helps you get interviews, and can lead to a permanent job offer or another co-op offer.

When is the best time to go?   Work with your academic advisor to determine the best time for you to go.  As a general recommendation, after EE2112, and for CpE’s – after CS1141/42, 2321, and perhaps CS3421, is probably ideal.  If students co-op earlier in the program, they will become familiar with what certain jobs entail. By co-oping after taking a few junior level core classes, students may find more meaningful work. Start planning early and attend career fairs as early as your 1st year, but certainly in your 2nd year and beyond.

The best place to get details about finding and setting up a co-op is at the Co-op Office in the Career Center – Second Floor of the Admin Building.

Required forms are available in the Career Services Center or Co-op webpage.

  • Checklist
  • Student Information Form
  • Co-op Education Agreement Form
  • a copy of your offer letter from your company

Bring or submit above items to Career Services – 2nd Floor Admin bldg. You are considered a full-time MTU student while on co-op for credit.

Meet with your academic advisor to find out how your plans to complete your degree are affected by taking a semester off, and how co-op credits may apply to your degree requirements. If you are in Enterprise for completing engineering design requirements, do not co-op between ENT4950 and ENT4960. Co-op prior to taking ENT4950.

Credits Earned: (optional)
2 credits per semester of course UN3002,3,4 can be earned. Co-op office assignments are completed in Canvas. Follow instructions from the Co-op Office and assignment deadlines, diligently.
For EE majors, the up to 6 credits of UN3002-5 can be applied to the Approved Electives requirements (not SELECT) and/or Free electives.

CpE majors may use up to 2 credits UN3002-5 in CpE technical electives with limits. See degree audit report and/or your academic advisor.