Day: March 22, 2018

CpE Technical Electives – Selecting

Although there aren’t “official” concentrations in Computer Engineering the same way there are in Electrical Engineering, you can still develop your own specialty or focus area(s) in within the degree. Choose classes you are most interested in, will help you get a CpE job you enjoy, or prepare you for a graduate degree down the road.  You can choose more classes in one area for a stronger focus, or choose a variety to have a broader knowledge base.

You may take more CpE technical elective credits than the minimum that is required.

Plan ahead to get the electives you’d like.  Most Technical Elective courses are offered in Fall or Spring (not both) so plan ahead and know what the pre-requisites are for the elective courses you want AND which semester they are offered in.  When you are in your junior-level required courses (if not before), start familiarizing yourself with the list of valid electives and identify the classes you are interested in.  Look up and know the pre-reqs.  If you’d like to know more about specific CpE skills/knowledge, ask the CpE faculty.  They are happy to talk about their areas of specialty and recommend classes!

Here you will find a list of faculty recommended courses listed by area or industry (click “Technical Electives” to open).

When selecting courses, be sure to use the list that applies to your degree requirements. Your online degree audit lists which courses fit in which categories, so review it after registering to see if things are counting where you’d like. If you have questions, contact your advisor!