ENT4950 registration instructions

Students who need to register in ENT4950 for next semester: (If you did Part A, jump to “What Happens Next” below)

Complete Part A: Go to :  Enterprise Student Resources (click forms). The ENT4950 Registration Form (ALL MAJORS) is a google form submission.

What Happens Next: After your Part A form has been submitted:
1. Your academic Advisor will receive a notice and verify that you are Senior Design Ready (met the prerequisites)
2. You will receive an email from enterprisereg@mtu.edu with instructions to upload your Project Summary document. (Meet with your team and enterprise advisor if you need project details)  3. Your enterprise advisor will review your Project Summary, and if approved, the ECE Department and/or academic advisor will receive the notice.(If your project summary needs improvement, or if your project is not approved, you’ll be notified.)
4. After the approvals, your academic advisor will receive a notice from the enterprisereg system that you are approved to register in ENT4950. The advisor will enter the approval waiver. Registration is then up to you, but may be done by you or your academic advisor.
All other enterprise course numbers (not ENT4950), use the common Approval / Waiver form to obtain permission from the enterprise advisor to register.