Category: Advising Announcements

Advising updates for all ECE undergraduate students. The most recent posting shows up on the advising homepage site.

France in Junior Year Spring – Ensea FAME

CpE and EE majors can study in Cergy, France, in Spring of junior year! Core 3rd-year courses are offered that can apply to your MTU degree. Apply for the France American Exchange Program (FAME) at the study abroad office/webpage.  Application deadline is October 15th.

Robotics Engineers can get these courses: EE3160, EE3131, Ma/Sci Elective, 3 cr. RE Technical Elective (EE4219,4220), and Lower level HASS which apply to the degree. RE’s would need to add one semester (maybe two) to the graduation date due to postponing spring-offered class(es) and prerequisite chains. See Kailee if you’d like to make a plan.

Plan ahead both Fall and Spring semester classes if you’d like the option to go to France next Spring. Are you ready to skip a Houghton Winter?

Sample flowcharts are available in the Advising Office, or email the academic advisor for a sample flowchart. Meet with your advisor to plan ahead both fall and spring of 3rd year, take EE3901 in fall before going to France. (may need a waiver since EE3901 requires EE3131 co or pre req- see advisor). If you’re on track with the 4 year plan, you can stay on track with careful planing.

Courses offered:

Electronic Circuits; Lab ———————— EE3131, 4 cr
Signals and Systems ————————— EE3160, 3 cr
Communications Systems ——————— EE4250, 3cr. As of 7/2019 and later.
Power Engineering—————— EE4219, 2 cr. and EE4220, 1cr.
(Spring 2020 and later)
Computer Arch. & Intro to Microprocessors
   EE3171, 3 cr,   EE’s, RE’s only. Make up 1 cr with EE elective.
Object Oriented Programming in java through video games— CS 1XXE.  5/3/2023. (per Leo)
Operating Systems ———-  CS 3411 4/25/23 per Jean.  (previously CS3xxE, 3 cr. CpE tech elective.)
Probability and Statistics ———————–MA4760, 3  May not substitute for EE3180. EE’s = Approved Elective (not SELECT); CpEs may use for MA3710. Pre-requisite waivers will need to be requested for follow-on courses at MTU.
Internet of Things —————EEnXXE, 3 cr.; EE Elective or CpE Technical Elective
Image and Virtual Reality————-EE3XXE, 3 Cr.; EE Elective or CpE Technical Elective or Photonics Elective
Big Data and AI —————-CS4XXE, 3 cr., CPE Technical Elective (Laura, 4/27/23)

French language and Culture (beg,int,adv) —- HUnXXX, 3 cr HASS-HU/FA; n=1 or 2 or 3


  •  Save 3 credits of HASS-HU/FA (or your HASS any) for France; lower level
  •  Take EE3901 in Fall prior to France semester. Or take a substitution for EE3901 prior to 4th year or EE4901/ENT4950.
  •  Re-plan your junior year considering the courses you’d like to take in France.

FAME program website

Cergy, France

For details on application, airfare, cost, etc…see the Study Abroad & Away Coordinator in the Study Abroad Office , email

Outdated course evaluations:
Communications Systems ———– (EE3250, 3 cr effective Spring 2019 and earlier).
Fundamentals of Power Engineering ——— EE4219, 2 cr   (2 credit EE elective or CpE tech elective) Spring 2019 and earlier.

Excused Absence notice Spring 2022

From: Dean of Students Office Jan. 7, 2022

It is quite possible that some of us will have our lives disrupted by omicron during spring semester. As a result, we recommend that everyone plan in advance how to address disruptions.

Students should plan for potential disruption in advance. Students who must be absent from class must contact their instructors as soon as possible. It is each student’s responsibility to contact their instructors and determine how to best obtain the information presented in class and complete missed assignments.

If a student needs to be away from class for more than three consecutive days, they must contact the Dean of Students Office (DOS) immediately to request an excused absence. If an excused absence is granted, the DOS will provide official notification to instructors.  In accordance with the University’s attendance policy, making arrangements to make up missed work is the student’s responsibility, even for excused absences.

Please reach out to the Dean of Students Office if you have questions or need assistance with an excused absence.

The Dean of Students Office

Taking summer prerequisite course elsewhere

If you are taking a summer course elsewhere, that is a prerequisite to a course you need to register in fall:

1. Send an email notice to (Transfer Services Office) and let them know your name, M#, the course and the college. Include a screen-shot of your registration page showing the College Name, and that you’re registered in that course.
2. After that, a temporary  “IN SESSION (IS)” record will be added so that you can then register in the fall class(es).
3. Be sure to have your other college send an official copy of your transcript as soon as the class has ended. (otherwise the fall classes will be dropped)

A grade of “C” or higher is required to transfer a course to Michigan Tech.

Department Professional Development Support for Students

There are many opportunities for professional growth and development along the way to your degree. Whether it’s through a student organization with a national presence, an affinity group by major or identity group, or presenting on research done with a faculty member, students often find themselves with a chance to be part of major conferences and workshops. These experiences with public speaking, networking, development, and professionalism are so important to growing as an engineer!

Any ECE student (grad or undergrad) looking for support to attend a conference, workshop, presentation, or other professional development opportunity, may request funding assistance. This may relate to hotel costs, travel, or – especially amid the ongoing pandemic – registration fees for virtual events.

The ECE Department strives to help students grow through these experiences, and will provide partial support for these endeavors on a selection basis. Be aware that submitting an application is not a guarantee of award. Requests will be reviewed by members of the faculty and staff, and you will be notified in a timely fashion.

 Funding Request Form 

Co-curricular Repeatability

New beginning Fall 2020: 0.5-credit co-curricular courses may be repeated one time for up to 1.0 unit to count toward the General Education Co-Curricular requirement. 

This means that any 0.5-unit co-curricular course on the General Education list may be used twice for General Education effective fall 2020 for all undergraduate students. 

Co-curricular courses that are 1.0 unit may still be used only once for the General Education Co-Curricular requirement; that has not changed.

We hope you continue enjoy some of those courses that get you out, moving, and trying something new!


How hard is it to add a minor?

It depends, but some of the minors fit fairly neatly into the Electrical Engineering and/or Computer Engineering programs. Minors require completion of at least 18 credits, 9 of which need to be upper level and completed here at Michigan Tech.

Check out the list of minors offered in the undergraduate catalog. The page includes links to the minor program audits. It is important to look carefully at the number of credits required, and at what level.

Remember: just like your major, it is your responsibility to make sure you meet all the requirements!

How do I declare a minor?

If you have specific questions about a minor, talk to the minor’s advisor. Sometimes it is the same person as the major’s primary academic advisor, but not always! To formally declare a minor, submit a Curriculum Add/Drop request within MyMichiganTech.

Can I do any minor?

Not quite. Computer Engineering majors (as well as EE/CpE double majors) may not pursue a minor in EE nor CS. The purpose of Computer Engineering is to be a convergence of those two programs, so your coursework has that amount of skill (and more!) built in.

Some minors will fit more neatly into your degree program. For instance, some credits might double-count as electives or fit into your HASS selections. Others will require more work above-and-beyond your degree requirements – but can certainly be worthwhile.

About Common Minors (coming soon!)

CS (EE only)

Math Minor

The math minor fits well with both Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. Depending on how early you make the choice to add a math minor, you can double-count most of the credits with other requirements that you would need to fulfill anyway.

Below are some guides to show you where courses will double-count and what amount of extra work you may need to do. In summary:

Electrical Engineers: With careful planning ahead, you can fit the entire minor into your program. This does not apply to everyone, though – check your personal situation carefully! You may need to take up to two additional courses (6 credits) beyond your degree requirements.

Computer Engineers: With careful planning ahead, you can fit almost the entire minor into your program. If you plan well, you can use one of the two extra courses as your Math/Science elective, leaving just one course above-and-beyond your requirements. This does not apply to everyone, though – check your personal situation carefully!

More details:

Math Minor Requirements (EE)

Edited version of the math minor audit as it related to EE. Click to enlarge.

Math Minor Requirements (CpE)

Edited version of the math minor audit as it related to CpE. Click to enlarge.

ECE Course Instruction / COVID-19 / FAQs

This post contains updates and FAQs specific to the ECE Department while face-to-face instruction is temporarily suspended through the end of the spring 2020 semester. Please follow the University’s official COVID-19 updates page for the most up-to-date information.

Last update of this blog post: April 6, 1 pm.

For general student FAQs, please visit the official COVID-19 page: they are addressing a wide range of questions such as, “What if I don’t have adequate technology to work remotely?” “What should I do about my student org meeting?” or “What if all of my things are in my residence hall room?”

ECE FAQS – to be updated as details become known.

1. Grades – What is the Pass/Fail option and should I use it?
Here are details and FAQS about the Pass/Fail course grading option for Spring 2020, which includes a low-pass option for CD and D grades.

When can I change my grade to the pass/fail option?
May 6
th 8am – May 12th 11:59 pm, after your letter grades have been recorded for the Spring 2020 semester.
How do I change my grade to pass/fail option? This procedure has not yet been determined – Stay tuned!

What are pass/fail grades?
SCV = A, AB, B, BC and C (satisfactory pass / covid-19 spring 2020 semester)
LCV = CD and D (low pass / covid-19 spring 2020 semester)
ECV = F (this is a failed course, does not affect the GPA)

SCV and LCV are passing grades and satisfy prerequisites.
Courses taken Spring 2020, with a grade of SCV or LCV can be applied to the degree.
Grades of SCV, LCV, and ECV are not included in the GPA calculation.

Course repeat rule addition: Students may repeat a course taken during Spring 2020, regardless of the grade earned or the number of times the course was taken.

2. Labs
The faculty and lab TAs are equally motivated to solve this! They’re actively working on solutions, which might include sending you data sets for simulations, live-streams of tests, or digital interactive tools–more info coming soon.

3. I’m in Senior Design or Enterprise–how will I do my capstone work?
The ECE Senior Design Lab is now closed. Projects are continuing, however, teams should be working with their advisors and sponsors to revise project scope such that the projects can be successfully completed with working remotely. When using the lab (if that’s an option), please observe social distancing procedures and disinfect the workspace when you’re done using the wipes located on the large blue toolbox. Other virus-related safety protocols are summarized at

Some Useful Contact Info:
If any teams need help from the ECE Machine Shop please schedule an appointment with Mike Goldworthy (

If any teams need to purchase equipment they must email a purchase requisition to Chuck Sannes (

Any questions regarding senior design can be directed to Tony Pinar (ajpinar@mtu.e).

4. Are my faculty or advisors still available?
Yes! Although campus is closed (with very few exceptions), the advisors and faculty are working remotely. If you’re unsure about where someone is, check their Canvas course page, any group emails for the course, or message them directly to find out.

5. What is happening with my courses between now and May 1?
You should have heard from your instructors by this time. Faculty are actively working to adapt homework, lectures, assignments, quizzes, exams, etc. in a variety of ways and you will hear from each instructor directly regarding the specific setup of their course(s).

Some courses may be recorded for viewing at an alternate time. Instructors will let you know how and when their course will be delivered. You are still responsible for completing your coursework. Deadlines and due dates: adhere to any plans, expectations, homework, and exams as you would on campus. Most importantly, stay alert to your Canvas alerts and emails, as you will be receiving updates from both the University and your instructors.

6. Learning Centers – ECE’s ITC Learning Center coaching hours will be held online. The ITC Learning Center will now be housed virtually via Zoom. Coaches will log in when they are on duty, both for quick “in and out” questions and  longer answers. You can chat via audio, video, or instant message.

To meet with a coach, please join this Zoom link during these posted hours. Coaches will create a Breakout Room for you if you have a longer longer questions. The usual hours are:
Monday—Thursday, Noon – 3 pm, 6 pm – 8 pm

More info about other learning center operations can be found here.

7. Can I return to campus?
As of March 11, 2020 (1:30 PM), the University urges all students to make the choice that is best for their own personal situation. However, high-risk populations are encouraged not to return to campus.

8. I need to drop a course, but I am not on campus. What should I do?
First year students: you must email your advisor to discuss the ramifications of dropping a course. We still want to make sure that you know how it might impact your schedule and future academic plans. From there, we will work with you and the Registrar’s office to get the course dropped.

All others: you are still encouraged, but not required, to email your instructor to discuss. To drop, Email to drop a course; include your M-number and the course name/crns you wish to drop.

Course Drop Deadlines have been extended. The Drop Deadline with a “W” grade is extended through Friday, April 24th, for full-semester courses. The Track B drop deadlines are: Friday, March 27th without a grade, and Friday April 24th with a “W” grade.

9. I still have questions about Fall 2020 registration. What do I do?
The new Registration Priority Schedule is found here. The Approval / Waiver fill-able form is now available, so you can communicate electronically with anyone that you may need to. Check out the e-meetings recorded for the spring advising series in our blog here! There are many answers, links, and tips in those presentations and slides. If you have more questions, contact Liz or Judy–we plan to remain active on email, phone, or other telecommute options for anyone who would like to reach us that way.

10. What about Commencement (May 2)?
A new plan is being created. The latest status of Commencement is listed in the Campus Events and Services Status Updates page.

11. I’m worried about my co-op, internship, or job prospects.
Check out the great work that Career Services is doing! In particular, you might be interested in these sessions:

How COVID-19 is affecting internships and employment this summer. 

2020 Spring Advising Series

Spring Advising Meeting Videos are ready!

Have your flowchart handy and go to appropriate link. Prepare for registration of next set of classes and plan for next two+ semesters.

First-year and new transfer students who began Fall 2019 or Spring 2020:

Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors not yet graduating: Prepare for 3rd/4th/5th years:

How to transfer credits from elsewhere one-page instructions pdf.

How to read your Degree Audit Report

Co-op: how to take a co-op semester.