Category: Students of Kinesiology

Gervais Receives McFarland Award


Add The McFarland Award to the list of  awards and honors Brett Gervais has received throughout his time at Michigan Tech. The McFarland Award is given for excellence in athletics, academics and civic leadership. Brett will graduate this semester with a bachelor’s degree in exercise science.  Brett has been accepted into CMU’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program on Michigan Tech’s campus.  Congrats Brett and best of luck to you in PT school.





Brett with Michigan Tech, Defensive Backs Coach, Josh Wood at the awards banquet.


Read the full story.

Students of Kinesiology, Kurt Kitti


Meet current Sports and Fitness Management (SSFM) student, Kurt Kitti. Kurt is a non-traditional student coming back to school after living a life full of adventure. He is married with six children and has held many different positions in both private and government sectors, including 21 years as an officer in the U.S. Air Force and nine years as an Army Civilian and private consultant. Kurt holds multiple degrees, including two MS degrees.

Why come back to school? Why SSFM? Kurt responded, “I’ve always loved sports and exercise.” Since it has been awhile, he had some initial reservations about coming back and his ability to remember lots of technical material and details required to be a successful student. What he is finding is that the life experiences and skills developed over the years have prepared him well for this new challenge. He also commented that the program course progression quickly ties together what you are learning in the different classes. He is still exploring options for after graduation but would like to help people learn ways to develop and maintain their personal health and wellness throughout their lifetime.

Like Kurt, many people might have reservations about coming back to school as an adult. He’s proving that no matter your age or circumstance it is possible. He offered this suggestion, “Don’t set self-imposed limits.”

As a veteran, we salute you this Veteran’s Day, Kurt! Thank you for your service to this country and your determination to never say never to learning. We wish you continued success on your life’s journey and your time with us at Michigan Tech.

Graduate Student Government Research Colloquium

Outstanding Scholarship Award recipient Huan Yang (4th from left)
Robert A. Larson, Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
Huan Yang, Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology

The main events of this symposium were a Poster Presentation Session and a Research Colloquium sponsored by the Graduate Student Government
Event photos and videos provided by Michigan Tech College of Engineering: Promoting interdisciplinary research

Outstanding Scholarship Award goes to Huan Yang

Congratulations Huan Yang for receiving one of the Outstanding Scholarship Awards from the Graduate School.  Huan is a Biological Sciences PhD student who has been working in Dr. Jason Carter’s integrative physiology lab the last 4.5 years. She is expected to graduate this summer and has a post-doctoral fellowship offer from a productive group of sleep physiologists at Harvard.

Huan was recently first author on some research from our laboratory, and that work was selected by the Editor-In-Chief of the American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology for their popular podcast series.  Briefly, the journal editor and editorial board select 2-3 articles per month to highlight with a 10 minute podcast with the senior author, associate editor, and another expert in the field.  This podcast was posted here yesterday.