Category: News

NUCOR Plant Opportunities

NUCOR has a number of plant opportunities available for young technical graduates as well as for qualified experience candidates for which Z-Careers does all of their searches. As we discussed, anyone who you may know may have an interest can e-mail me with their resume along with their desired career/job goal(s), I can examine the openings available and then call them to review possibilities to determine if they have any interest. New openings become available weekly as NUCOR has over 11,000 employees- and since in business over 40 years, a number of personnel are now reaching retirement. In addition to what is described below, NUCOR also has a number of opportunities associated with their Metal Building division. Positions include district sales managers, design engineers, estimators, customer service supervisors and civil engineers.

Z-Careers represents NUCOR STEEL as their recruiters. We have a number of great job opportunities relative to steel mill operations. These areas include engineering, sales, power distribution, electrical project engineer, environmental, finance, safety, maintenance, metallurgical, and design. Locations are through-out the U.S.A., wherever NUCOR plants or sales districts are located.

If you , or if you know of someone who may be interested in learning more about these opportunities, please have them contact me at 614 859 1343 or e-mail me at .

If you know of anyone who may have an interest tell them to e-mail me their resume. I will then will check the “job-board” and if there is a “match” I would call the individual and determine if they had any interest to pursue. .

As you are aware NUCOR has over 40 locations and is now the largest steel plant operation in the United States. Compensation is very good with as a result of production bonus and profit sharing plans.

If more information is desired take a look at the excellent NUCOR STEEL WEBSITE or the Z-Careers website .

All job positions for which we are currently searching are posted on the Z-careers website. By going to the search selector and selecting the type of position it will provide the job description as well as the associated salary range (min.-max) for each position. Anyone who may be interested in a job change due to desired family re-location, better opportunity, or change of position, can contact me and I will be happy to assist them in the analysis of what is available for them at that time.

We have several excellent positions available for metallurgical engineers. Locations for the process and product metallurgical positions range from the east coast to Texas to the mid-west.

In the area of Environment and Safety we have a number of positions available in Connecticut, Mississippi, Nebraska, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Catalyst Design Strategies for Chemicals and Fuels

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Room 610, M&M Building

Catalyst Design Strategies for Chemicals and Fuels

John & Virginia Towers Distinguished Lecture Series

Mark A. Barteau
Director, University of Michigan Energy Institute
DTE Energy Professor of Advanced Energy Research
Department of Chemical Engineering

Mark Barteau Abstract March 19, 2013

3-D Open Source in the News

Joshua PearceJoshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) and his group’s work with open-source 3-D
printing were quoted or featured in:

*Chemical and Engineering News: 3-D Printers Move Into Research Labs.

*The cover story of Science News: The 3-D Printing Revolution Dreams made real, one layer at a time.

*The Analytical Scientist:Share, and We All Grow Richer.

From Tech Today.

Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) and his group’s work with recycling waste into
3-D printing filament were quoted or featured in:
Tech4Trade’s 3D4D challenge, a charity with a mission to alleviate poverty by acting as a catalyst for the development of new technology-based solutions that address many of the barriers to trade for poor rural communities.

3Ders, a 3-D printing news site.

Personalize, the hub for the personal manufacturing community.

From Tech Today.

Haselhuhn Participates in Graduate Education Week

Amberlee Haselhuhn
Amberlee Haselhuhn

Four graduate students are going to Lansing for Graduate Education Day, Tuesday, Feb. 19. Governor Rick Snyder has declared the week of Feb. 18 as Graduate Education Week, and more than 50 students from universities and colleges across the state will meet with legislators at the Capitol Building in Lansing.

Among them is Amberlee Haselhuhn, a PhD candidate in materials science and engineering from East Jordan. Her research focuses on metallic foams that could be used for bioactive bone implants.

Read more at Tech Today.

Haselhuhn Going to Lansing for Graduate Education Day
East Jordan Native is a PhD Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering

Read more at ReadMedia.

Wang, Bowen, Baker, Ma, Zhou, Deane, Kerkove and Ranck at GRC 2013

Graduate students in Materials Science and Engineering will be giving poster and oral presentations at the Graduate Research Colloquium 2013. Their presentations will take place on the second day of the colloquium, February 22, 2013, in the MUB Ballrooms A & B. Presenters, abstracts, and schedules are posted on the Graduate Student Government website.

Day 2 Feb 22 Poster Presentations 10am-12pm
Hui Wang

Day 2 Feb 22 Oral Presentations 1:00pm to 4:20 pm
Patrick Bowen
Hui Wang
Andrew Baker
Fengde Ma
Jie Zhou
Kyle Deane
Marcel Kerkove
Helen Ranck