Category: Research

MSGC Awardees in MSE for 2013


Michigan Tech faculty, staff members, and students received awards tallying $ 96,635 in funding through the Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC), sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Undergraduates in MSE receiving $2,500 research fellowships include:

Jacob Braykovich (MSE): “Optimizing processing techniques for high ductility magnesium alloys”

Zachary Morgan (MSE): “Computational Study of Improved Damping Capabilities in Metal Matrix Composites with Functionally Active Ferroelectric Reinforcement”

Evan Schaefer (MSE): “Antimicrobial polymeric composites with clay-copper hybrid filler”

Matthew Tianen (MSE): “Corrosion of bioabsorbable materials”

Bradley Villeneuve (MSE): “Antimicrobial copper-vermiculite filler”

Michael Warhus (MSE): “A predictive study of magnesium alloy bioabsorbable stents by computer modeling”

Read more at Tech Today.

Drelich Invited to Serve on Surface Forces Conference

Surface Forces 2014
Surface Forces 2014

Prof. Jaroslaw Drelich has been invited to serve on the International Scientific Committee of the XVth International Conference on Surface Forces that will take place in Verbilki, Russia on May 12-17, 2014. The meeting will cover a broad range of colloid and surface science with emphasis on the fundamentals of surface forces, and is recognized as the most important meeting for scientists who study colloidal forces. This series of meetings was initiated in 1960 by famous Russian scientist academician Prof. B.V. Derjaguin.

Pearce Named Scientist of the Week for 3D Printing Methods

Joshua PearceJoshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) was named scientist of the week by Laboratory Equipment Magazine, and his group’s work in open-source 3-D printable optics was covered by Engineering & Technology Magazine, Photonics and the Chronicle of Higher Education among others.

From Tech Today.

Students Chenlong Zhang (MSE) and Rodrigo Faria (ECE) coauthored an article with Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) titled “Open-Source 3D-Printable Optics Equipment” in PLoS ONE.

From Tech Today.

Michigan Radio, a National Public Radio affiliate, aired a story about the 3-D printer research being done by Associate Professor Joshua Pearce (ECE). See Michigan Radio for the full article.

From Tech Today. published an article about Associate Professor Joshua Pearce’s (ECE) research on 3-D printing. See

From Tech Today.

Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) and his group’s work in open hardware was covered in Materials Today and Laser Focus World. Visit for the articles.

From Tech Today.

Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) was interviewed about 3-D printing on Health, Wealth & Wisdom 1470AM WMGG. .

From Tech Today.

SURF Awards 2013

SURF will Fund 26 Students

This summer, the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) will fund 26 students from across the University with funds from the Vice President for Research, the Honors Institute, the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, the Earth Planetary and Space Sciences Institute, and the Department of Physics. The total funding for the program this year is $85,800.

From Tech Today.

SURF award recipient in MSE includes:

Matthew Tianen
Advisor: Jaroslaw Drelich
Development of Zn-based Alloys for Bioabsorbable Stents

Pearce Publishes in Arctic


Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) co-authored an article “Community Voices: Perspectives on Renewable Energy in Nunavut” in Arctic 66(1), pp.94-104 (2013). Renewable.

From Tech Today.


Nunavut communities currently depend on imported diesel fuel for virtually all of their energy needs. This dependency not only hinders the ability of communities to be self-sufficient, but also has negative impacts on their environment, health, and social well-being.

Read more in Arctic.

Kreiger and Pearce in MRS Online Proceedings

Megan Kreiger (graduate student MSE) and Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) co-authored and article “Environmental Impacts of Distributed Manufacturing from 3-D Printing of Polymer Components and Products” in the MRS Online Proceedings Library, 1492, mrsf12-1492-g01-02 Proceedings.

From Tech Today.

Megan Kreiger and Joshua M. Pearce (2013). Environmental Impacts of Distributed Manufacturing from 3-D Printing of Polymer Components and Products. MRS Online Proceedings Library, 1492, mrsf12-1492-g01-02 doi:10.1557/opl.2013.319.