Michigan History Day Judges Sought for March 1

NHDThe Department of Social Sciences is pleased to be hosting the Michigan History Day District 1 competition on March 1 at the MUB. This year’s topic for National History Day is “Rights and Responsibilities” and the students’ projects will address this theme in some manner. Up to 200 primary and secondary students from schools in the western half of the UP will be visiting to showcase their papers, exhibits, performances, websites and video documentaries.

Because of the expected high turnout this year, we are looking for additional judges to help review the students’ contributions and provide constructive feedback on their projects. The competition takes place Saturday, March 1, from 9 to 1 p.m. (judges will be finished by noon), those judging paper submissions will have up to ten days beforehand to read and score them on provided rubric sheets, even if they are not able to be there that day. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Steve Walton in Social Sciences at or 978-3272.

From Tech Today.