Get help with your income tax return – – For Free!

Accounting and Finance students are trained to help you with your taxes!

Accounting and Finance students are trained to help you with your taxes!

Tax crunch time is upon us and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is here to help! This program provides FREE income tax preparation assistance at no cost for US students and members of the community who could not otherwise afford the services of a CPA tax professional.

The Volunteer Income Tax Program has been offered on the Michigan Tech’s campus for over 20 years. Tax forms are prepared by accounting and finance students who have complete a semester tax course and a special training seminar. Students volunteer their time and talent for this community service program. Last year over 50 students and community members benefited from this service.

Attend a Session

No appointment is necessary to receive assistance just go to the Academic Office Building, room G010-D the Tidwell Center Conference Room, during one of the session times listed below.

Wednesday: 12 – 4 pm

Tuesday and Thursday: 10 – 2 pm

Bring your W-2′s, form 1099’s, 1098T’s, etc., to one of our sessions. Also bring a copy of last year’s tax return, if possible.

Volunteer sessions will be offered each week from now until, Thursday April 11, 2013.

For more information contact:

Joel Tuoriniemi,, 487-1877 or

Anne Warrington,, 487-1733

International Business Ventures Continues Success!

UP Health Care Network helps mobile wellness systems with International Business Ventures Enterprise.

The Upper Peninsula Health Care Network (UPHCN) agreed to match donations received for the student-run Mobile Wellness Systems project, which is converting a 15-passenger van into a mobile health clinic for Ghana. The UPHCN gave their matching donation to the team on Wednesday at an event held in the Rozsa Lobby. Administrators from UPHCN, Aspirus Keweenaw, Baraga County Memorial and Portage Health Systems were in attendance.

Students from Michigan Tech’s Pavlis Institute for Global Technological Leadership, in collaboration with the International Business Ventures (IBV) Enterprise and a School of Technology Senior Design team, have joined forces on the project. In addition to van reconfiguration, students are coordinating with area hospitals to secure donations of working, quality, used medical equipment for incorporation into the van.

The team also accepts monetary donations to purchase other supplies for the project and cover shipping costs associated with transporting the van to Ghana later this spring. Michigan Tech’s Superior Ideas crowd-sourcing website was contacted and helped solicit project funds.

Mobile Wellness Systems seeks to provide diagnostic, preventative and treatment services to Ghanaians who live in villages without easy access to larger medical facilities due to their remote location and who are not serviced by international aid organizations such as Doctors Without Borders. The team’s mission is to equip doctors from larger city hospitals with the tools needed to provide healthcare to these disadvantaged populations living in villages located outside of city centers.

The prototype this year’s students are developing will be used for testing in Ghana this summer by local doctors who will be treating and caring for many people who previously had limited access to adequate healthcare. These doctors will provide invaluable feedback concerning the mobile clinic allowing this sustainable project to expand to more villages in the future.

This story was originally published by Paige Hackney in Tech Today.

Common Sense Investing Event Benefits Business Students

Last Thursday evening, Vice President of Trust Investments at Superior National Bank, Chris Gariepy, spoke to a full room of Michigan Tech students as he shared his knowledge on common sense investing.  Chris discussed highlights from his career on investing and money management.  This event was supported by the Finance Club which promotes interest and knowledge in the field of Finance. The objectives of the Club are to increase interest in finance among Michigan Tech business students by relating the experiences of students, professors and alumni and to provide business students a comprehensive understanding of the finance industry.

Superior National Bank Vice President of Trust Investments addresses students at Finance Club event.

Chris also provided valuable insight into what it takes as a new college graduate to start investing.  Senior, finance major Walker Derby, said “I really enjoyed hearing from someone local who had pertinent advice for people going into the field as well as for individuals who are looking for a greater grasp on financial knowledge.”  Derby also noted that having someone with extensive experience in the financial industry address questions was enlightening, especially for students who are new to the field.

Students in attendance from all School of Business and Economics majors benefited from the event.  The information that Chris brought was insightful on real world applications and interactions of finance, management, economics, and accounting concepts.

Research Presentation: Junhong Min

Assistant Professor of Marketing Junhong Min will present on March 6th at 1pm in AOB 101.

Please join the School of Business and Economics and Assistant Professor of Marketing Junhong Min for a brown bag lunch presentation on March 6th at 1pm in Academic Office Building 101. His presentation is titled: “The new product development using the decomposition analysis: stimulus presentation mode bias.”

Upcoming Presentations

  • Andre Laplume – March 20, 12 – 1 pm, Outstreaming for ambidexterity: How serving internal and external customers can facilitate exploration