Tag: Kappa Sigma Iota Accounting Club

Accounting Club Helps Houghton Elementary School

This is the second year Kappa Sigma Iota (SBE’s accounting club) has been helping with the Houghton Elementary School Econo Receipts program.  Twice a year, students compile receipts from Econo Foods. The receipts are collected through the thoughtful families and friends of the school district, and the receipts are submitted back to Econo in exchange for a donation to the elementary school. Econo Foods generously donates 1% of all the submitted receipts back to the school.

Amanda Massaway from the Board of Education in Houghton says, “It’s been extremely helpful to have the KSI students assistance, they have totaled over $200,000 of receipts over the last year which returned $2,000 to the school.”

Pictured below are two students from the accounting club – Tres Green and Anna Kubek who helped add up receipts this winter.


Accounting Club Visits Appleton

On October 26 and 27, Kappa Sigma Iota (SKI accounting club) visited Appleton, Wisconsin to experience some diverse businesses in actions.

Their visits began in Iron Mountain at CCI Systems with a plant tour and a meeting with their Shared Service team (accounting, AR, AP, Payroll, Business Analysts, Technical Communication, Compliance, and Risk Management).


Next, they set off Schenck CPA Firm where they met with staff from Tax, Audit, and Advisory services.  Here students were able to talk with the individual staff from each department.


On Friday, students got a plant tour at Kohler and had the opportunity to meet with accounting staff before having lunch in the Kohler village. Last but certainly not least, KSI toured Lambeau Field where they took a tour of the Green Bay Packers’ stadium and business operations.

Before heading home, the club went to The Escape Room for a team building activity.


KSI is already beginning to prepare for their Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) which will take place in February.  Through this initiative students in the accounting club assist community members and area students with completing tax returns.

Meet Erin Lipp…


Erin is a second-year accounting student from Traverse City, Michigan. During her search for the perfect university, she recalls looking for school with a prestigious academic atmosphere in a location that would allow her to continue to enjoy the outdoors. In the fall of her senior year, Erin was invited to participate in the School of Business and Economics’ Impact Scholarship Competition. At the competition, Erin and her family had the opportunity to meet several faculty members.

This fall, two years after participating in the scholarship competition, the same professors that Erin met during Impact, she now had as instructors in class. They remembered having met Erin and her parents at the competition and were excited to have her in class. Erin says this is just one example of our faculty truly caring about their students.

Erin Lipp II

All through high school Erin was an avid runner and skier, but was not sure if she would continue to compete at the collegiate level. During her first year at Tech, she was a walk on for both the Nordic and running teams. Needless to say, she never looked back. Erin has continued as a three season athlete. That means she runs on the cross country team in the fall, skis on the Nordic team in the winter, and runs track in the spring. “Being an athlete really has taught me time management. I need to go to sleep early so I can wake up and be productive in classes and at practice.” Traveling many of the weekends throughout the year requires her to stick to a strict study schedule so she is able to make the most out of every day. One of her favorite parts about competing on the home trails is seeing her professors in the crowd. “It is much different for someone to show up to a ski race and stand around in the snow than it is to come to an indoor sporting event and sit comfortably in the stands.” Erin says she can’t imagine what she would do with all her time if she wasn’t involved in athletics.

Erin Lipp III

While being a student athlete does take up on average 15 hour a week (plus travel), Erin has also made time to get involved in an academic organization, Kappa Sigma Iota (KSI). KSI is a student organization dedicated to helping students gain an understanding of the business world through networking, guest speakers, and CPA/industry tours.  In her first year at Michigan Tech, Erin went on a trip to Minneapolis with KSI. They visited a few companies and firms including Caterpillar, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Grant Thornton. After their tours, she sent a follow up Email to Grant Thornton thanking them for the experience, and mentioned she was interested in exploring a career with a CPA firm.  The representative from Grant Thornton got back in touch with Erin and invited her to participate in a four day recruiting conference known as Grow with Grant Thornton. In July, she headed to Chicago with other college students where they were exposed to Grant Thornton’s services lines such as audit, tax and advisory. Shortly after the program ended, Erin was offered an internship for the following summer. Erin is excited to spend this summer in Minneapolis where she will work as a tax intern.

While Erin is only half way through her second year, she knows she will pursue the Accelerated Accounting (MS) Michigan Tech and take the CPA exam. We are excited to see what the coming years have in store for her!

If you’d like to learn more about Erin, or get in touch with her check her out on ZeeMee!

Accounting Club Visits Milwaukee

On October 13 and 14, Kappa Sigma Iota (KSI accounting club) visited Milwaukee to experience some business in action. The students were hosted by Becker Professional Education.  Their first stop was Schenck CPA firm, then they visited with PwC Advisory (the second largest CPA firm in the world) with a final stop at Bemis Manufacturing.  Students on this trip were able to meet with everyone from managing partners to newly hired accountants.  Some student comments on their experience:

“Accountants sure do love their jobs!”

“Excel is the tool of business, and I need to learn to use it better.’

“I got a better understanding of what they are looking for when they ask situational questions during an interview.”

KSI is already beginning to prepare for their Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) which will take place in February.  Through this initiative students in the accounting club assist community members and area students with completing tax returns.


