Leaders in Continuous Improvement (LCI) https://www.involvement.mtu.edu/organization/lci is looking for new e-board members for the student organization.
Leaders in Continuous Improvement is a student organization that helps build Lean skills through a variety of methods including hands on activities coupled with Lean training, industry tours and presentations, on-campus improvement opportunities such as 5S and other kaizens, and networking opportunities. I’m the advisor for LCI; if you would like to be a co-advisor, let me know!
This year the entire e-board has chosen not to continue for next year, though they would be willing to consult with new board members. It’s been an exhausting year for all, and the current eboard has run out of energy. A budget has been submitted for next year, so everything is ready to go. We just need a new leadership team!
I appreciate your help with keeping this student organization active.
Sincerely, Ruth Archer ( raarcher@mtu.edu )