Category: Events

CEE Senior Design Colloquium – May 3rd

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Senior Design Colloquium

May 3, 2019

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department is pleased to invite the University community to attend the spring 2019 senior design team presentations. This semester students have undertaken a wide range of interesting projects to fulfill the Department’s design project requirement. Refreshments will be served.

Senior Design Colloquium Poster

Dow 641

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM:  Application of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Fixed-Bed Adsorption Process for the Removal of PFAS from Drinking Water

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM:  Engineering Responses to the 2018 Father’s Day Flood


Dow 642

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM:  Project: I 69 Reconstruction East of Flint, MI

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM:  Father’s Day Flood Response: Redridge Dam & Houghton County Hazard Mitigation Plan Development


2019 Transportation Careers Night (2/20)

You are hereby invited to our 2019 Transportation Careers Night, taking place from 6-8pm in the Library, after Career Fair! Want to spend more quality time with company representatives? Want to get beyond elevator pitches? This is the place for you!
Our business-casual, no-tie event will include refreshments and transportation industry representatives looking to fill positions, both full-time and internships. Companies including Canadian National, Remprex, Quandel Consultants, Pettibone Traverse-Lift and probably more!
What: Transportation Careers Night
Where: Library Reading Room, 1st Floor
When: Wed Feb 20 at 6pm

Family Science & Engineering Nights – Need Presenters

Greetings Students:

I am looking for students interested in presenting for family science & engineering nights at area schools.  The spring semester schedule can be found here.

Please let me know if you are available to present and which nights. I need two presenters on these dates: Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, March 6 (all Wednesdays).

We usually depart the MTU-GLRC at 4:45 pm, except for Feb. 13 & 20 where we have to drive to Ewen (60 miles) and Wakefield (100 min.).

All of the Family nights are 6 -7:30 pm. From 5-6 pm, we eat dinner & set up in the classroom.  (Usually instructors will let you go early if needed. Many profs are familiar with the Family Science Night program and have allowed students to leave lab a few minutes early in past years.)

I have 4 notebooks of prepared lesson plans that you can choose from.  Let me know your preferred grade: K-1, Gr. 2-3, and gr. 4-5 and if you have a topic you’re interested and I can email a lesson to you. Or you can stop by 115 GLRC and look through the lesson notebooks. Presenters organize your own materials. We have lots of supplies available.

Feel free to forward this email to other interested students. They should contact me if they are available and let me know which dates.

I will provide transportation to the school, dinner, and $25 stipend per night.


Joan Schumaker Chadde
Director, Center for Science & Environmental Outreach
115 Great Lakes Research Center
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI 49931
Office: 906-487-3341

CEE Senior Design Colloquium (Dec 11 & 13)

Civil and Environmental Engineering Senior Design Colloquium

December 11 and 13, 2018

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department is pleased to invite the University community to attend the fall 2018 senior design team presentations.  This semester students have undertaken a wide range of interesting projects to fulfill the Department’s design project requirement.  Refreshments will be served.  (Senior Design Colloquium Fall 2018)

December 11 (MUB A1 & A2)

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM (MUB A1):  Replacement of Sabin and Davis Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM (MUB A2):  Isle Royale Infrastructure Improvements at Rock Harbor 

December 13 (MUB B1 & B2)

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM (MUB B1):  Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) Sand Point Area Improvements

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM (MUB B2):  International Senior Design – Panama

Event: AGC – Student Contractor Awareness Night (Nov. 1st)

It is time to sign up for AGC SCAN!

SCAN stands for Student Contractor Awareness Night. This years event will be held in Marquette on November 1st. We will leave at noon and visit three job sites in the Marquette area and then have dinner with some contractors from around the region. We will leave at noon and return at 10:30 PM.

To sign up, go to the student organization page and sign up as a member of Husky Construction and Design and then contact me, Lynn Artman, to sign up for the event. If you do not sign up as a member of Husky Construction, the trip will cost $20. This is a great event and I would encourage everyone to attend if at all possible.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Lynn Artman (

Time Change: Five under Thirty-Five

Five incredible Michigan Tech alumni, under the age of 35, who are following their dreams will visit campus to inspire and energize the student body. We invite deans, chairs, faculty, students and the community to join us at the Rozsa Center at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 14 for a facilitated panel discussion.

Below are brief bios about our outstanding alumni speakers:

Amy Storer (’10 Social Science) is an Intelligence Analyst for Homeland Security Investigations in Savannah, Georgia and is a professor of American Government at Savannah State University and the College of Coastal Georgia. She earned two master’s degrees from Harvard University (’17) and Johns Hopkins (’12).

Ben Almquist (’04 Materials Science & Engineering) is an assistant professor in Bioengineering at Imperial College London. Ben leads a research group that straddles the interface between nanotechnology and biology. His research has led to recognition as a 2017 Emerging Investigator by the journal Biomaterials Science, along with invited talks around the world at conferences such as the World Economic Forum.

Kevin Moran (‘10 Mechanical Engineering) manages manufacturing operations and is the lead mechanical designer at H3D gamma, a new company working to revolutionize the way we identify and localize gamma-ray sources. Prior to his current position, he worked for Manoj Bhargava, the founder of 5 hour energy, and scaled Mt. Denali during its worst summit in 30 years.

Sarah Carlson (‘03 Chemistry) is an assistant professor of surgery at Boston University and a vascular surgeon at the Boston VA Medical Center. She has a passion for complex aortic aneurysm repair and mentoring young surgeons in training.  

David Vennie (‘05 Electrical Engineering) is a partner in Worldwide Power Products (WPP) in Houston, Texas,  a top provider of power-generation solutions to clients around the world. He has worked at WPP for eight years and is the Vice President of Sales and Engineering.

D80 Conference – October 13th

The D80 Conference is a dialog and celebration of our efforts to solve issues that confront the world’s poorest 80 percent. The Michigan Tech campus hosts this annual conference each fall to give a platform to the voices of university students serving communities in need, both domestically and abroad.

Our conferences highlight service and research work done by students from Michigan Tech and elsewhere, and are open to anybody interested in development, design and discovery for the poorest 80 percent of humanity. The public is always welcome, but registration is required, so register today and let us know you’re coming.

We are very excited to welcome Erna Grasz, co-founder of the Asante Africa Foundation, as our featured keynote speaker.

The 2018 conference will be held Saturday (Oct. 13) in the Memorial Union Ballroom. More information regarding the conference and registration can be found online.

This year’s conference is sponsored by Michigan Tech’s D80 Center, the Sustainable Futures Institute, Pavlis Honors College and the Visiting Women and Minority Lecturer/Scholar Series (VWMLSS) which is funded by a grant to the Office of Institutional Equity from the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative.

Event: Enterprise Day (Oct 5th)

Attached is a flyer for Enterprise Day, which is happening tomorrow (10/5) from 11am to 2pm in the Career Fest area between the EERC & Chem Sci. This is a great opportunity for any students interested in Enterprise to talk with the Enterprise teams and get more information prior to joining. If you could please distribute this within your department that would be much appreciated!
Thank you,

Zack Fredin, PE

Enterprise Program Coordinator
Phone: (906) 487-3473  Cell: (906) 458-7683

Job Posting/Event: Miron

DID YOU KNOW MIRON CONSTRUCTION: … is the largest general contractor in Wisconsin? … is celebrating 100 years in business? … employs approximately 1,500 people throughout the Midwest? … hires 36 interns every year? To learn more about Miron Construction and if you might be the right fit for our team, join us at the 2018 Fall Career Fair on Oct 3 from 12 pm – 5 pm at the Student Development Complex!
