Attention Huskies:
Due to wet and windy weather conditions tomorrow (Sept 21), Grand Traverse Region Day will be moved from the CareerFEST Tent to the Rozsa Center Lobby.
Twenty-three companies from downstate Michigan have made the trip to meet you. Please make the trek to meet them in the Rozsa!
Also, come meet former NASA Astronaut, Greg Johnson at the event!!! Greg will be doing a Q&A session while promoting aerospace opportunities in Traverse City.
Stop by between 11am and 2pm to connect with employers, grab a bite to eat, and meet a REAL ASTRONAUT, y’all! It’s going to be a great day.
Five incredible Michigan Tech alumni, under the age of 35, who are following their dreams will visit campus to inspire and energize the student body. We invite deans, chairs, faculty, students and the community to join us at the Rozsa Center at 3 p.m. Wednesday, November 14 for a facilitated panel discussion.
Below are brief bios about our outstanding alumni speakers:
Amy Storer (’10 Social Science) is an Intelligence Analyst for Homeland Security Investigations in Savannah, Georgia and is a professor of American Government at Savannah State University and the College of Coastal Georgia. She earned two master’s degrees from Harvard University (’17) and Johns Hopkins (’12).
Ben Almquist (’04 Materials Science & Engineering) is an assistant professor in Bioengineering at Imperial College London. Ben leads a research group that straddles the interface between nanotechnology and biology. His research has led to recognition as a 2017 Emerging Investigator by the journal Biomaterials Science, along with invited talks around the world at conferences such as the World Economic Forum.
Kevin Moran (‘10 Mechanical Engineering) manages manufacturing operations and is the lead mechanical designer at H3D gamma, a new company working to revolutionize the way we identify and localize gamma-ray sources. Prior to his current position, he worked for Manoj Bhargava, the founder of 5 hour energy, and scaled Mt. Denali during its worst summit in 30 years.
Sarah Carlson (‘03 Chemistry) is an assistant professor of surgery at Boston University and a vascular surgeon at the Boston VA Medical Center. She has a passion for complex aortic aneurysm repair and mentoring young surgeons in training.
David Vennie (‘05 Electrical Engineering) is a partner in Worldwide Power Products (WPP) in Houston, Texas, a top provider of power-generation solutions to clients around the world. He has worked at WPP for eight years and is the Vice President of Sales and Engineering.
The Society of Women Engineers will be hosting their annual Evening with Industry the evening before career fair.
When: October 2nd, 2018 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm (6:30 pm dinner starts)
Where: MUB Ballroom
Evening with Industry is a yearly corporate – student networking event hosted by our Michigan Tech SWE Section. There will be about 100 company representatives attending. Students will be able to network with all companies during a social hour and sit with their target companies at dinner.
Once you register, a week before the event, an email will be sent to you with a list of companies to choose from. We will apply your preferences based on the time you registered for the event.
Registration for Evening with Industry will be opening Monday, 9/10. Registration is available at: , So head over and sign up!
Questions? Contact
Michigan Tech Students interested in or curious about the railroad industry and the opportunities it offers should plan to attend the annual Michigan Tech Railroad Night (September 13th)! The event starts with a Meet the Industry session at 5:30 PM in the North Mezzainine of the Rosza. A social period follows from 6:30 to 7:30 in the Rosza North Lobby, and Railroad Night itself follows at 7:30 PM. This is an opportunity to sit down, eat dinner, and talk with rail industry representatives. Attendance is free, but I need to get a feel for how much food to order! Please Click HERE and fill in the registration form if you plan to attend the dinner portion of the event. If you want to eat with a particular industry representative see them on the Campus Mall during Transportation and Logistics Day earlier in the day to get an invite to their table! Feel free to come and go as needed during the Meet the Industry and Social Hour, no registration required. Our industry representatives are recruiting for full time jobs and internships in all disciplines! More information can be found here, but let me know at or by phone at 487-1734 if you have any questions!
Civil and Environmental Engineering Senior Design Colloquium
May 4, 2018
The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department is pleased to invite the University community to attend the spring 2018 senior design team presentations. This semester students have undertaken a wide range of interesting projects to fulfill the Department’s design project requirement. Refreshments will be served. (Senior Design Colloquium Poster)
Dow 641
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Proposed Utility Tunnel Beneath the Straits of Mackinac, MI
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Lake State Railroad Gaylord Development Plan
Dow 642
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Challenge Manufacturing Environmental Audit, Walker, MI
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Design of the Copperwood Mine Surface Processing Facilities
Join Green Campus Enterprise for our end of the semester final presentations to see what we’ve all been working on! This is a great opportunity to learn more about Enterprise!
THURSDAY APRIL 12th, DOW 875, 5-6pm
GLRC Retrofit– exploring the feasibility of using the water of Portage Lake as a heat sink for the GLRC year round with the greatest application in the warmer months
Solar Thermal– evaluating the feasibility of installing a solar thermal collector at Michigan Tech. The solar collector would be used to preheat water for hot water usage on campus.
Building Efficiency– investigating how energy is used throughout the DOW and M & M buildings
THURSDAY APRIL 19th, DOW 875, 5-6pm
Tiny House Community– assessing the feasibility of a tiny house community on Michigan Tech property
Campus Culture-overall goal of the Campus Culture Team is to move the culture of Michigan Tech’s campus in the direction of increased sustainability
Wind Power– research the feasibility of wind power at Michigan Tech. The current proposal is to install a wind turbine on top of Mont Ripley to reduce or eliminate electricity costs of the ski hill
Clean Air-Cool Planet- gathers and analyzes data in order to calculate the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory of Michigan Technological University
Green Campus Enterprise is an organization of students working to make the Michigan Tech campus more sustainable through both low and high profile projects. We are collaborating with University personnel on many of our projects and gaining professional experience and leadership skills.
Are you looking for a research opportunity? Are you interested in expanding your skill set and becoming competitive in your field?
Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education are recruiting students in STEM! ORNL is the U.S. Department of Energy’s largest science and energy lab, dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of solutions in clean energy and global security.
ORNL and ORISE are co-hosting a virtual career fair February 22nd from noon to 3 p.m. EST at a computer or mobile device near you!
Pre-register for the Laboratory Internship Virtual Event today!
This virtual career fair will feature various internship opportunities and research participation programs at ORNL.
Chat with ORNL scientists and ORISE recruiters and get tips on applying! (Check out the attached agenda to learn more about the researchers scheduled to chat.)
This is an excellent opportunity to network and see what a unique internship experience at a national lab would be like! Follow us to stay posted for future opportunities exploring even more programs available at locations around the United States through DOE and ORISE!