2025 Los Alamos Dynamics Summer School

Next summer, Los Alamos National Laboratory will be hosting the twenty-sixth edition of the Los Alamos Dynamics Summer School (LADSS) – a 10-week research and education program held in Los Alamos, NM.  Links to information is available at https://ladss.lanl.gov, including payment information for the fellowship appointment and instructions on how to apply. 

We are seeking students with academic focuses in engineering (including mechanical, aerospace, structural, civil, electrical, and nuclear), as well as those in computer science, physics, and applied math. Please pass this solicitation on to prospective students and directly encourage those which you feel are well suited for the program to apply. Offer letters will be given to accepted applicants on a rolling basis throughout the early application period, so we encourage students to apply early to have the greatest chance of securing a position in the program. All applications submitted November 1, 2024 – January 6, 2025 will be reviewed after the application cycle closes.

The primary goal of LADSS is to motivate U.S. citizens to attend graduate school. Therefore, the students you solicit need to be U.S. citizens, and they should be of sufficient academic standing to be credible candidates for graduate school. As a reference point, the 400+ students that have taken part in the first twenty-four schools had undergraduate GPA’s ranging from 3.0 – 4.0, with a mean undergraduate GPA of approximately 3.8.

2024-2025 ACEC/Michigan scholarship

The 2024-2025 ACEC/Michigan scholarship application is now available. We are pleased to provide students with an all-digital scholarship application process again this year, which allows students to save and work on the application over time as well as apply for multiple scholarships they may be eligible for with one application. 

The ACEC/Michigan scholarship is open to students who have lived, worked, or gone to school in Michigan. The student must have worked for a consulting engineering, surveying, or architectural/engineering firm within the past 24 months. The criteria is based on GPA, work experience, school or work references, and community activities. Applicants must also write an essay answering the question provided.

Last year, we awarded $20,000 in scholarship money divided between 6 students. Due to the generous contribution of Professional Concepts Insurance Agency (PCIA), an additional $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a deserving engineering student who demonstrates exemplary community service. All applications submitted for the ACEC/Michigan scholarship are evaluated for this additional award.  

We would appreciate the distribution of the scholarship application to any students you know of who may be eligible, including your firm’s summer interns.

The application portal link is: https://acecinstitute.awardspring.com/. The deadline to apply is Friday, January 3, 2025. Scholarship awards will be presented at the 60th Annual Engineering & Surveying Awards Gala on March 8. 

Thank you,

Kathy VanZee
Member Services Coordinator

Study Abroad: Sustainability in Sweden (Info Session)

Embark on a journey that will enhance your academic credentials and empower you to make a meaningful impact on the world.

A collaboration between the Department of Visual and Performing Arts and the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences,Sustainability in Sweden is an immersive, interdisciplinary program connecting forest health, art, climate change, and community engagement. Environmental stewardship and interdisciplinary field experience are the core of this program.

Sustainability in Sweden is part of Sister Forests—an ongoing environmental arts project that links the forests of Björkö-Arholma, Sweden with those of the Keweenaw, fostering a deep sense of community and global responsibility.

This program begins in summer 2025 and takes place every two years. 


Info Sessions:

Monday, October 7 @ 5:45 pm CFRES Noblet Building

Thursday, November 7 @ 6 pm Campus Library

MTU Joins National Student Exchange Consortium


International Programs and Services (IPS) at Michigan Tech is excited to announce MTU’s admission into the National Student Exchange (NSE) consortium.

NSE is a not-for-profit membership consortium of regionally accredited four-year colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Membership provides affordable and accessible collegiate study away opportunities by allowing MTU students to attend any other participating NSE university for a semester or academic year while still enrolled at Michigan Tech.

Participating colleges and universities include top research universities, NCAA Division I sports schools and campuses of all sizes and locations. These include small Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLACs) and private colleges; campuses located in big cities, mountain ranges and on beaches/islands; language immersion campuses in Puerto Rico and Quebec; and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), Hispanic serving institutions (HSIs) and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander serving institutions (AANAPISIs).

IPS is excited to offer the various benefits of participating in NSE to Michigan Tech students, including broadening their educational perspectives, gaining intercultural perspective and understanding, and making connections in new job markets.

We kindly ask that you share the news of this membership with any students you feel may be interested in participating in a semester away with NSE. Students are welcome to submit any inquiries to studyabroad@mtu.edu or visit our Study Away and Abroad Experiences page to schedule a study away advising appointment.

Likewise, we look forward to welcoming students from other participating universities and introducing them to all of the wonderful opportunities that Michigan Tech and the Houghton area have to provide.

SWE Evening with Industry

The Society of Women Engineers cordially invites you to attend the 37th Annual Evening with Industry on Monday, September 23rd 2024 from 4-7pm in the MUB Ballroom. This is an opportunity for all students regardless of gender, major, or affiliation.

The evening will begin with a Keynote presentation from Britta Jost of CAT. Then, a plated dinner will be served over a social hour for students & company representatives to network.

Please register here by Saturday, September 14th to secure your spot. 

Questions? Visit www.mtuswe.com/ewifor-students or email us at sweewi@mtu.edu.

Best, Maci Dostaler, Mahana Gallmeyer, and Andrea Hoglund
Michigan Tech Society of Women EngineersEvening with Industry Co-Chairs





Evening With Industry Monday, Sept 23 4-7 pm

CEGE Department Career Fair Reception – Monday, Sept 23

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the department sponsored Career Fair reception on Monday, September 23 from 6-7:30 PM in the Rozsa Lobby.  There will be ~30 companies that are seeking to hire civil, environmental, geospatial, and construction management students.  This is only open to our department students.

This event is very popular with visiting companies and students alike.  It will give you an opportunity to network and talk with the company representatives in a less formal environment.

Please attend!  

What to wear?  Please think ‘business casual’ for this event. 

Career Fair Networking Reception – Monday, September 23 6-7:30 pm

LEED Training Special – Fall Webinars

LEED Green Associate Certification: Fall Enrollment

Start this year right with new credentials in the field of sustainability: the LEED Green Associate! Spearheaded by the US Green Building Council, LEED accreditation tells employers about your knowledge and commitment in the field. While LEED itself is a scorecard for Green Buildings, people can also become LEED accredited highlighting their expertise about what it takes to work and build sustainably.

Our workshops have assisted over 12,000 students and professionals, resulting in an impressive passing rate. Given the exam’s difficulty, enrolling in our course is the most effective path to securing your designation. Seize the opportunity to make the most of this year by investing in your success!

LEED Green Associate (GA) Training – Webinar and Online self-paced options:

I will be offering live webinars that can be streamed on any of the following dates:

1. September 14 2024 – 1:00PM – 5:30PM EDT
2. October 19 2024 – 1:00PM – 5:30PM EDT
3. November 16 2024 – 1:00PM – 5:30PM EST
4. December 14 2024 – 1:00PM – 5:30PM EST – OR –

5. On-demand recordings completed at your own pace

The above options (1-5) are all identical.

Register for a live online seminar or start today with our on-demand recorded workshop completed anytime at your own pace here – https://leadinggreen.com/online

Both options offer comprehensive training, practice exams, valuable tips, and required textbooks – all led by a USGBC Faculty member. It’s the most efficient and affordable way to master the material without breaking the bank!

Cost: $200 with the coupon code ‘green’ for $100 off! (Non-students $300)

Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at info@leadinggreen.comHave a great rest of your semester,

Lorne Mlotek BASc., LEED AP BD+C, O+M
Head LEED Trainer at LeadingGreen
USGBC Faculty

Alley Makerspace – Looking for Volunteer Coaches!

The Alley Makerspace (located in the MUB Basement) is looking for new and experienced makers to act as volunteer coaches this semester! Our veteran coaches will work with you to get training on necessary tools & software – all we really need from you is a willingness to learn and to help others!

Minimum Expectations are:

One 2-hour shift as coach

Attendance of Occasional Coordination Meeting


24 Hour access to Alley Makerspace

Grow your Maker Skills

Build new Resume Lines

If you are interested – please fill out the form below!


Any questions can be directed towards 


Thank you!!
