Should I take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam?

Yes, you should take the FE exam because working towards getting your professional engineering license is a multi-year process and the best time to start it is when you are finishing your bachelors degree. 

The licensure requirements vary from state to state, but they usually involve the following steps:
1.  Earn an engineering degree from an accredited program.  Our program is ABET accredited. 
2.  Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam
3.  Obtain professional work experience
4.  Pass the Professional Engineering (PE) exam

You are already working on step one.  The next step is to pass the FE exam.  You may take the FE exam when you are close to finishing your degree.  The department will also help pay for a portion of the exam if you choose to schedule it during your last year at Michigan Tech.  

Not everyone will end up getting or needing a professional engineering license but whether you will need or want it is difficult to know early in your career.  Taking the FE exam now requires less preparation because the information covered on the test is fresh in your mind.  Your FE exam results do not expire.

See also: How do I sign up to take the FE exam? and What should I do to prepare for the FE exam?