Which ENT course number do I register for?

Which ENT project course number should you register in?

This is based on the number of semesters you have remaining on campus:
# of semesters left — Take:
           1                  ENT 4960 (must have completed ENT 4950, Project Approval required)
           2                  ENT 4950 (must have completed at least one of the below, above ENT1960, & be Senior Design Ready – on track with core course prereqs for CM 4861)
           3                  ENT 3960
           4                  ENT 3950
           5                  ENT 2960
           6                  ENT 2950
           7                  ENT 1960 (free electives only)

Most students who choose enterprise, begin in the 2nd or 3rd year. ENT 3980 may be taken before ENT4950 if you’re not yet “Senior Design Ready”.

Which Enterprise should you join? Read here to start. Here is a list of all Enterprise groups at Tech.

The Form to use to request registration in ENT 4950 is found here (Part A). Under Forms, Select “ENT4950 Registration Form (ALL Majors)”. The Emails you receive from enterprisereg@mtu.edu must be kept! One will contain instructions and a very important (unique to you) LINK to submit your Project Summary Form. (Part B)

If you have questions or would like help planning enterprise project work into your semesters, meet with your academic advisor.

Many enterprises require Instructor Permission (=Special Approval) using the common Approval/Waiver Form to register every semester.

Most ENT Course numbers are restricted by Class Standing, depending on the level 1000-4999. If you are ahead/behind on credits and get a Class Restriction Error for the correct ENT# based on semesters left, use the Approval/Waiver Form (or email) to seek a Class Restriction waiver. (ENT instructor)

If you are unsure which ENT project work course number you need, check with your academic advisor.

How do I run my Degree Audit Report? (u.Achieve)

Track your degree progress using your Degree Audit report. Run and review your report before and after scheduling classes. The undergraduate Degree Audit Report is used by the university to verify that you’ve met the requirements for graduation. Email or meet with your academic advisor if you have questions or don’t understand something on your audit report. Become familiar with the report layout as early as your first semester.

Verify that your completed and registered courses are counting towards your degree. View what requirements you have remaining until graduation.

Access your report in MyMichiganTech – Current Students tab – in the Academic Information area. (refer to image below)

  1. Click “undergraduate Degree Audit” to run your audit report and view it. ( Here is the tutorial by the Degree Services Office. Less than 5 minutes. ) Refer to the image below for example.
  2. Click the “Run Audit” button. Do not use the drop down list to select your major (use that to see a different major using the newest requirements).
  3. Wait a bit, and when you see the link with the name of your major, Click that link.
    Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
  4. Click “Open All Sections” or click the grey triangle symbol at individual sections to expand a requirement area.
  5. Review each area to see where courses are counting and what courses you yet need in each area.

What are Brooke’s office hours?

Office/Advising Hours

Current office hours:

Monday and Tuesday: 9:30am-11:30am and 1:30pm-3:30pm

Wednesday and Thursday: 9:30am-11:30am and 1:30pm-4pm

Friday: 9:30am-noon

The Advising Office is located within the CMLC Learning Commons, 310 Chem-Sci building, in 310A. Students can schedule a time to meet with me, or email me at cmadvise@mtu.edu. Let me know ahead of time if you would like a Zoom meeting instead of an in-person meeting.

If you do not have an appointment, feel free to stop by during my office hours; however, appointments take precedence.

Email me if you’d like to meet at a time that does not display on my appointment page.

Helpful Advising Links

If you are looking for the flowchart or elective lists, these are available on the Degree Requirements page.

Check out our FAQ’s for answers to many common questions. Also, feel free to contact one of our amazing Peer Mentors with questions.

I’ve been placed into organic chemistry (CH 2410). Should I stay in it or move back to university chemistry?

It’s up to you. If you are receiving AP/CLEP/IB or dual enrollment credit for university chemistry I and II then you will be placed into organic chemistry.

It may be worth your time to review U chem topics, even if it’s been awhile since you’ve had chemistry because it will pay off in the future. The advantage of staying in organic chemistry is that you can have a lighter credit load in future semesters or use the space to complete a minor or do a co-op.

If you decide to stay in organic chemistry then I recommend signing up for one-on-one or group tutoring time at the chemistry learning center.

Another option would be to simply wait until fall of your second year to take organic chemistry and not repeat university chemistry. This will give you a lighter credit load in your first year.

Contact me if you’d like to discuss these options.

I’ve been placed into University Chemistry II (CH 1160). Should I stay in it or move back to University Chemistry I?

It’s up to you. If you are receiving AP/CLEP/IB or dual enrollment credit for University Chemistry I then you will be placed into University Chemistry II.

It may be worth your time to review U Chem I topics, even if it’s been awhile since you’ve had chemistry because it will pay off in the future. The advantage of staying in University Chemistry II is that you can have a lighter credit load the next semester. Many students find spring semester harder than fall because the classes have less review of topics you saw in high school, and the winter is long. Unless you are a skier or snowboarder, in which case the winter is too short, and a lighter credit load can leave you more time to spend on the hill or trails.

If you decide to stay in U Chem II then I recommend adding the optional recitation class (CH 1163) to your schedule. In this class you are with a smaller group of students working on graded homework assignments. It can count towards your free electives.

If you’d like to make a change to your schedule, either to add CH 1163 or drop down to U Chem I then email your request to the Registrar’s Office at schedule@mtu.edu.

How much does it cost to go to grad school in chemical engineering?

That depends on what degree you’ll be pursuing.

PhD study in chemical engineering

A PhD is often paid for by research funds obtained by your grad-school faculty advisor. In addition to a tuition award, you will also typically receive a stipend for your living expenses. If you obtain this support then it won’t cost you anything. 

When you apply to graduate school, you will automatically be considered for support, either in the form of a research assistantship, a teaching assistantship, or a fellowship.  These assistantships usually include full tuition and fees.  It’s a great deal for which good students will often qualify, and it is usually based on merit, not need. 

There are also very prestigious graduate research fellowships offered by the National Science Foundation for the best students in the country.  If you are able to obtain an NSF graduate research fellowship, you will be highly courted by all the top graduate schools.  You must apply directly to NSF for these fellowships.

MS study in chemical engineering

A masters degree can be done either in coursework mode (never supported; you are charged tuition and fees) or thesis mode (may be supported; may include a living stipend).  The coursework masters has the advantage of being straightforward to complete. You take the necessary courses to get your degree.  There is no research project.  The thesis path requires a research project in place of some of the elective courses and this must be completed before the degree is awarded.  There are sometimes funded research projects for thesis Masters students.

You can reduce the cost of a Masters degree at Michigan Tech by taking advantage of two programs that allow you to start your graduate studies while completing your undergraduate degree.

  • Accelerated BS/MS degree. This program allows you to double count up to six credits towards both your BS and MS degree.
  • Senior Rule. This program allows you to take up to six credits towards your graduate degree in the last year of your BS degree.

If you have the space in your schedule to do both then you can earn up to 12 credits towards your graduate degree while still an undergraduate. Graduate tuition is charged on a per credit basis.

For more on graduate school, visit the Department’s website on graduate studies.

I’m interested in bioengineering. What technical electives do you recommend?

We recommend an intro to cell biology course as early as possible because this will allow you to take more advanced courses later. If you received AP biology credit then this is already done.

  • BL 1200 General Bio II: Intro to Cellular Biology AND BL 1210 General Bio II Lab: Into to Cellular Biology. (spring semesters, preferred course)
  • or BL 1400 Principles of Biology AND BL 1410 Principles of Biology Lab. (fall and summer semesters)

We also recommend our bioprocessing lab because it’s a good introduction to the entire manufacturing process for making products using microorganisms.

  • CM 3025 Bioprocessing Lab (spring semesters, can be taken anytime after University Chemistry I)

After that, you have lots of choices, depending on your interests. Dr. Ong has put together a list of possible courses. This information was accurate as of the 2023-24 academic year, so be sure to look in the current catalog of classes and schedule of classes for the most up-to-date information.

Course Title Credits Type of Course Prerequisites Semester
CM 4710 Biochemical Processes 3 lecture CH 2410 fall of odd years
CM 4780 Biomanufacturing and Biosafety 3 lecture CH 4710 or CM 4710 or (CM 3110 (C) and Intro to Bio) or undergrad research in bio or bioengineering fall of even years
BE 4200 Cellular & Molecular Bio II 3 lecture BE 2400 spring and summer
BE 2200 Genetics 3 lecture Intro to Bio spring
BL 2210 Genetics Lab 1 lab BL 2200 (C) concurrently spring
BL 2700 Principles of Computational Biology 3 lecture Intro to Bio fall
BL 3020 Biochemistry I 3 lecture Intro to Bio and CH 2410 fall and summer
BL 3210 General Microbiology 4 lecture and lab Intro to Bio fall and summer
BL 3300 Intro to Genomics 3 lecture BL 2200 or FW3320 fall
BL 3310 Environmental Microbiology 3 lecture and lab Intro to Bio spring
BL 3820 Biochemical Lab Techniques I 2 lab BL 3020 (C) or CH 4710 (C) or BL 3025 (C) concurrently spring
BL 4020 Biochemistry II 3 lecture BL 3020 spring and summer
BL 4030 Molecular Biology 3 lecture BL 3020 or CH 4710 or BL 3025 fall and summer
BL 4153 Applied Genome Editing 3 lecture and lab BL 2200 or FW 3230 fall of odd years
BL 4200 Microbial Physiology 3 lecture BL 3210 or BL 3310 fall of even years
BL 4300 Applied Bacterial Genomics 3 lecture BL 2200 fall of odd years
BL 4310 Applied Eukaryotic Genomics 3 lecture BL 2200 and BL 2210 fall of even years
BL 4805 Molecular Diagnostics 5 lecture and lab BL 2200 and BL 3025 spring
BL 4840 Molecular Biology Techniques 3 lecture and lab BL 2200 and BL 4030 (C) concurrently fall
CH 3200 Chemistry and Biology of Brewing 2 lecture and lab CH 1150 and CH 1151 spring
CH 3540 Biophysical Chemistry 3 lecture Intro to bio and CH 1160 and CH 1161 and MA 2160 spring
CH 3541 Biophysical Chemistry Lab 2 lab CH 3540 (C) concurrently spring
CH 4110 Medicinal Chemistry: Mechanism of Drug Action 3 lecture CH 2410 spring
CH 4120 Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Design 3 lecture CH 2420 fall
CH 4140 Intro to Pharmaceutical Analysis 3 lecture and lab CH 2410 spring
CH 4710 Biomolecular Chemistry I 3 lecture CH 2420 fall
CH 4720 Biomolecular Chemistry II 3 lecture BL 3020 or CH 4710 spring

What opportunities are there to do undergrad research off campus?

There are two large programs that sponsor undergraduate research:

  • Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program, sponsored by the National Institutes of Science and Technology (NIST)

NSF through the REU program sponsors summer research programs at many universities.  These are competitive programs and an excellent way to check out if you are interested in graduate school.  You may obtain more information about the REU program from the NSF website.  Undergraduate students sponsored with NSF funds must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or its possessions.

NIST sponsors an undergraduate research program (SURF) that brings students to their Gaithersburg, MD location (near Washington D.C.) or Boulder, Colorado location to do research with government scientists.  For more information see the NIST SURF website.

How do I sign up to take the FE exam?

The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is maintained by the NCEES, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. Go to the NCEES webpage to register for the exam. Once you have paid the fee you will be able to choose your testing site. The Michigan Tech testing center will be one option. If none of the Michigan Tech testing center dates work for you then contact the testing center directly and ask if other dates can be made available.

The Chemical Engineering department will help you pay for a portion of the test if you request the reimbursement prior to graduating. Drop off or email your receipt to the department office to request reimbursement.