The MTU RedTeam competed in the 2023 CyberSEED Capture the Flag (CTF) competition, held virtually on March 4, 2023.
The annual CyberSEED CTF event is hosted by the University of Connecticut. In the highly competitive seven-hour collegiate CTF, teams of two to four students competed from universities across the country. The CTF event engaged 333 students on 118 teams.
Three groups from the MTU RedTeam competed in CyberSEED 2023.
Placing 3rd among hundreds of competitors, RedTeam Team 1 earned 2390 points with 93.41% accuracy. Team members were Ryan Klemm (Computer Science BS), Audrey LaCost (Chem Informatics BS), Joshua Stiebel (Computer Engineering BS), and Noah Holland (Cybersecurity BS). The team was awarded a $2,000 prize.
ReadTeam Team 2 placed 73rd in the contest. Team members were Noah Hansen (Cybersecurity BS), Gary Tropp (Cybersecurity MS), Riley Meeves (Cybersecurity BS), and Mason Staedt (Cybersecurity BS).
RedTeam Team 3 finished 99th in the event. Team members were Dev Sanghani (Cybersecurity MS), Ava Gullitti (Electrical Engineering BS), and Joshua Stevens (Cybersecurity BS).
The 2023 CyberSEED CTF included a variety of cybersecurity challenges, including a set of flags focusing on reverse engineering, web application security, network traffic analysis, cryptography, and other challenges. The competition required a breadth of skills, including basic scripted programming capabilities and a facility with network monitoring and forensics tools. The competition platform was provided by Cyber Skyline.
In the 2022 CyberSEED CTF event, held in March 2022, a team of three MTU RedTeam members (Trevor Hornsby, Josh Stiebel, Ryan Klemm, Shane Hoppe) placed 5th of 119 teams finishing the event with 840 points, 94.6% completion, and 96.7% accuracy, which was the highest accuracy percentage in the top 83 teams.
The MTU RedTeam promotes a security-driven mindset among the student population and provides a community and resource for those wishing to learn more about information security. Find the group’s Discord page here.
The RedTeam is advised by MTU faculty members Yu Cai (AC/ICC-CyberS) and Bo Chen (CS/ICC-BDH, CyberS, CompEd).