Assistant Professor Sidike Paheding, Applied Computing, has been awarded a one-year MSGC Research Seed Grant for his project, “Monitoring Martian landslides using deep learning and data fusion.” Professor Thomas Oommen, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, is Co-PI on the project. The grant will support part-time employment of two students during the award period. This . . .
The 2020-2021 CTL Instructional Award for Innovative or Out of Class Teaching is being presented to two instructors, and Assistant Professor Leo Ureel, Computer Science, and Libby Meyer, senior lecturer, Visual and Performing Arts. Ureel was nominated in recognition of his “student-centric efforts which have increased retention and diversified the cohort of first-year computing students.” . . .
Assistant Professor Weihua Zhou, Applied Computing, will present a Chemistry department seminar on Friday, February 12, 2021, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. He will present ” Artificial intelligence for medical image analysis: our approaches.”
By Karen S. Johnson, Communications Director, College of Computing Read Part II of this article, “EET Motorized Swing Senior Project: The Students.” Professor Alex Sergeyev, Applied Computing, was reading an American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Engineering Technology Division magazine last summer when he saw an article that prompted an idea for an Electrical Engineering . . .
A publication by Associate Professor Yakov Nekrich, Computer Science, has been accepted to the 53rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC). The paper, “Optimal-Time Dynamic Planar Point Location in Connected Subdivisions,” describes an optimal-time solution for the dynamic point location problem and answers an open problem in computational geometry. The data structure described in the . . .