Category: Students

Paper by CS Grad Student Pawel Pratyush Published in Bioinformatics Journal

A paper by graduate student Pawel Pratyush, PhD in Computer Science, has been published in Bioinformatics, a publication of Oxford University Press and a top journal in the bioinformatics field. The title of the paper is, “LMCrot: An enhanced protein crotonylation site predictor by leveraging an interpretable window-level embedding from a transformer-based protein language model.” . . .

Sam Russ ’24, BS in Computer Science, Receives ROTC Distinguished Graduate Award

Sam Russ ’24 BS in Computer Science, has received the Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) Distinguished Graduate Award, which is awarded to the top 10% of Air Force ROTC graduates from all universities nationwide. A second AFROTC graduate, Nicholas Drechsler BS in Mechanical Engineering, also received the Distinguished Graduate Award this spring. The Distinguished Graduate (DG) . . .

PhD Candidate Daniel Byrne to Present Defense May 14

Graduate student Daniel Byrne, PhD in Computer Science, will present his final oral examination (defense) on May 14, 2024, a 9 am in Rekhi 214 and via Zoom online meeting. The title of Byrne’s defense is, “Model Guided Optimization for Key-Value Caches.” Byrne is advised by Department of Computer Science faculty members Zhenlin Wang and . . .

2024 Gateway Magazine is Online!

The College of Computing is pleased to announce that the 2024 Gateway magazine is now available online. From data science, health informatics, and mechatronics to cybersecurity, alumni entrepreneurs, and esports, the new Gateway magazine introduces the students, alumni, and faculty that make it all happen in the College of Computing and beyond.

CyberHuskies Achieve Stellar Results in Spring National Cyber League Competitions

CyberHusky, a group of Houghton High School and Houghton Middle School students excited about cybersecurity and computer topics, has achieved stellar results in spring 2024  National Cyber League (NCL) individual and team competitions. In team competition, April 19-21, the CyberHusky1 team ranked #7 nationally in the high school bracket. The CyberHusky2 team ranked #39 nationally, and . . .

Congratulations, Class of 2024!

The College of Computing is pleased to congratulate our Class of 2024 graduates! This spring’s candidates are below. The Graduate Student ceremony will be held Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. The Undergraduate Student ceremony will be held Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. Both ceremonies take place in the MacInnes Student Ice . . .