Sidike Paheding Wins MDPI Electronics Best Paper Award

A scholarly paper co-authored by Assistant Professor Sidike Paheding, Applied Computing, is one of two papers to receive the 2020 Best Paper Award from the open-access journal Electronics, published by MDPI. The paper presents a brief survey on the advances that have occurred in the area of Deep Learning. Paheding is a member of the . . .

CsE PhD Candidate Karen Colbert Named 2021 Diversity Scholar

Ms. Karen Colbert , a PhD student in Computational Sciences and Engineering and a graduate research assistant for ADVANCE at Michigan Tech, has been selected as a Diversity Scholar for the 2021 RStudio Virtual Conference. Ms. Colbert is one of 70 Diversity Scholars selected from around the globe, all of them focused on building skills . . .

ETS-IMPRESS Scholarship for Transfer Students in Technology Majors

Applying to MTU as a transfer student? Interested in engineering technology? Check out the ETS-IMPRESS scholarship program. Open to community college transfer students, applicants must select as their major the College of Computing undergraduate degree programs in Computer Network and System Administration (CNSA) and Electrical Engineering Technology (EET), or the Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) bachelor’s program. . . .

Havens Appointed First IEEE CIS Conference Publication Editor

Timothy C. Havens, College of Computing, has been appointed as the first Conference Publication Editor of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS). Havens is associate dean for research, College of Computing, the William and Gloria Jackson Associate Professor of Computer Systems, director of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC), and a member of . . .

New NSF Project to Improve Great Lakes Flood Hazard Modeling

Thomas Oommen, Timothy C. Havens, Guy Meadows (GLRC), and Himanshu Grover (U. Washington) have been awarded funding in the NSF Civic Innovation Challenge for their project, “Helping Rural Counties to Enhance Flooding and Coastal Disaster Resilience and Adaptation.” The six-month project award is $49,999. Vision. The vision of the new project is to develop methods . . .