Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition Is January 28

The virtual Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition takes place Thursday, January 28, 2021, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Graduate and undergraduate students from across campus disciplines are invited to compete. When registering, contestants can choose the competition category, as this year two pitch competition categories are available. A tribute to the late Professor of . . .

Health Research Institute Panel Is January 25, 12 pm

Michigan Tech’s Health Research Institute (HRI) will host a panel discussion on Monday, January 25, 2021,, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Health research at Michigan Tech has been steadily growing for over 10 years. This growth has led to many practical uses for the technology developed.  Three researchers, Dr. Megan Frost (Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology), . . .

Registration Open for Graduate Research Colloquium 2021

by Graduate Student Government The Graduate Student Government announces that registration for this year’s virtual Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) is now open. Due to the continuation of the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic, the event will be held virtually to avoid any community spread from taking place. It is gearing up to be an exciting event, and we . . .

Innovation Week is January 25-29

by Pavlis Honors College Innovation Week is a celebration of innovation both on and off campus. We will host talks with alumni entrepreneurs, showcase campus innovation and interactive events. Learn about innovative research, new ventures, solutions to Covid-19 and education prototypes. Connect with alums, students and faculty. Drop in for one event or several! Register . . .

Nathir Rawashdeh Presents, Publishes Research at Mechatronics Conference

A conference paper published in IEEE Xplore entitled, “Interfacing Computing Platforms for Dynamic Control and Identification of an Industrial KUKA Robot Arm” has been published by Assistant Professor Nathir Rawashdeh, Applied Computing. In this work, a KUKA robotic arm controller was interfaced with a PC using open source Java tools to record the robot axis . . .

Husky Innovate Business Model Boot Camp is Today, Weds, Jan. 20

Do you plan to pitch at the Bob Mark Business Model Competition?   Do you have an innovative idea that you want to develop further?    Are you interested in starting your own business or leading an innovative improvement project?    If yes, consider attending the Business Model Boot Camp – a virtual workshop, free to Michigan Tech . . .