Associate Professor Charles Wallace receives NSF funding for a 5-year project partnering with Arizona State, Penn State, and Rutgers

Associate Professor Charles Wallace received NSF funding through a 5-year project that has a total budget of $2,983,358 and involves researchers from Michigan Tech, Arizona State, Penn State, and Rutgers. The project is titled “Climate Change Mitigation via Reducing Household Food, Energy and Water Consumption: A Quantitative Analysis of Interventions and Impacts of Conservation.” The . . .

Three Faculty Receive External Funding

Dear All, Please join me in congratulating Zhenlin, Tim, and Philart on receiving external research funding during the summer! Zhenlin received an NSF research award with a total budget of $375,000. This is a 3-year project with a title of “CSR:Small: Effective Sampling-Based Miss Ratio Curves: Theory and Practice”. In this project, Zhenlin and his . . .

Teachers plan to educate computer sciences to all ages

HOUGHTON – Teachers are spreading knowledge of computer science into their classrooms. More than 30 teachers are on Michigan Tech’s campus to learn how. A three day workshop is taking place for teachers from all grade levels across the state and surrounding areas. They’re learning the basic understanding of computer science. Including programming and coding. . . .