The 26th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Banquet was held at Michigan Technological University sponsored by the Center for Diversity and Inclusion.
A banquet program with presentations and music and a guest keynote speaker was held Monday, January 19, from 6:00–8:00 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom. The keynote speaker was Dr. Daymond Glenn, vice president for community life, chief diversity officer and assistant professor of urban studies at Warner Pacific College. Kelli Raffaelli, director of CDI welcomed the attendees and Terrianna Bradley read a poem that she had composed. The musical group Momentum ft., a student jazz group, with Nathan Shaiyen, sang and performed during the banquet. Sara Shellbach introduced the keynote speaker and the closing was by Tayloria Adams of CDI.
After the banquet a Martin Luther King Memorial Interfaith Prayer Service was held by the Cooperative Campus Ministry. The introduction was by Reverend Gabriele Parks from the Universalist Unitarian Fellowship. Reflections were offered by Julia Weiss, for Baha’i Faith, Yudan Lurong for Tibet Buddhism, Robin Memeguzzo for Buddhism, Martin Hobbmeier for Christian, Ahmed Abdul Moiz for Muslim, Nupur Bihari for Hindu and Josh Manela for Judaism. Reverend Bucky Beach and Ruth Moody lead the audience in singing “One Voice” in a candlelight ceremony.

Center for Diversity & Inclusion