With near record-breaking enrollment of first-year engineering students in Fall 2021, and with research accomplishments approaching an all-time high, the College of Engineering is actively seeking leaders, tenure-track faculty, and instructional faculty across many different fields of engineering.
“In terms of leaders—we seek the next Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and also the next Chair of Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics,” states Dean Janet Callahan. “In addition, with this year’s enrollment growth, and to prepare for future growth in graduate enrollment at Michigan Tech, we are substantially adding to our future research portfolio by adding faculty across five departments.”
Faculty openings include positions in Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Environmental and Geospatial Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics. In addition, there are openings across the rest of the University, including Computer Science.
“We are building a culturally-diverse faculty committed to teaching and scholarship in a multicultural and inclusive environment, and we seek faculty members and academic leadership who share these values,” adds Callahan.