Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity

Husky statue head and spiderweb

by Rob Bishop, Office of Academic and Community Conduct

“Academic integrity is the moral code and ethical policy of scholarly work. It requires the adoption of educational values and the maintenance of academic standards. Academic integrity and honesty are central components of a student’s education, and the ethical conduct maintained in an academic context will be taken eventually into a student’s professional career. Academic integrity is essential in a community of scholars searching and learning to search for truth. Anything less than total commitment to integrity undermines the efforts of the entire academic community. Both students and faculty are responsible for ensuring the academic integrity of the university.”
— Michigan Tech Academic Integrity Policy (University Senate Policy 109.1)

While artificial intelligence (AI) can be a valuable resource for students, it also poses a significant challenge to academic integrity. The use of AI tools in academic settings raises questions about cheating, plagiarism and fabrication. Students must ensure that they are using AI ethically and in accordance with academic integrity policies. Here are some tips for maintaining academic integrity while using AI:

  1. Understand the limitations of AI tools.
    AI tools can be incredibly powerful, but they also have their limitations. Students should understand the capabilities of the AI tools they are using and be aware of the potential biases or errors that may arise. They should also double-check the output of AI tools and verify their accuracy before using them in their work.
  2. Use AI tools as a supplement, not a replacement.
    While AI tools can be useful, they should not be used as a replacement for critical thinking and analysis. Students should use AI tools as a supplement to their own research and writing, rather than relying on them entirely.
  3. Cite sources properly.
    When using AI tools to generate ideas or write portions of their papers, students must ensure that they cite their sources properly. If the AI tool has been trained on a particular source, it is essential to credit that source in the paper. Failure to do so could lead to accusations of plagiarism.
  4. Be transparent about the use of AI tools.
    Students should be transparent about their use of AI tools in their work. If an AI tool has been used to generate ideas or write portions of the paper, this should be disclosed in the paper. Being transparent about the use of AI tools can help to avoid accusations of academic misconduct.
  5. Seek guidance from instructors.
    Finally, students should seek guidance from their instructors if they are unsure about how to use AI tools ethically. Instructors can provide valuable guidance and resources to help students maintain academic integrity while using AI tools.

In conclusion, academic integrity is a crucial principle that all students must uphold throughout their academic careers. While AI can be a valuable resource for students, it also poses significant challenges to academic integrity. Students must ensure that they use AI tools ethically and in accordance with academic integrity principles.

Article from Tech Today, April 3, 2023
Open AI’s Chat GPT 3.5 was utilized to assist in the creation of this article.