Professional development often means enduring challenges. For GMES students, not even the hardships of staying at campgrounds or incredibly long drives can deter them!
Sixteen GMES students recently marked their presence at the 60th Anniversary National Conference of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) held in Covington, Kentucky, from September 16-19. Throughout the conference, the students gained insights into the organization and functions of AIPG, engaged in a Student Career Workshop, and networked with seasoned AIPG professionals.

The students attended presentations by a mining geologist, a National Park geoscientist, and a geotechnical contractor, and asked questions regarding their respective fields. One of those students was Anton Smirnov (Geology ‘24). “It was a great way to learn about the wide range of fields available to graduates in geological sciences,” he said.
Students were treated to a technical seminar by Brunton, Wyoming-based maker of precision equipment for field-based professionals. Students also received some hands-on time with the company’s products. Samuel Johnson shared: “The demonstration of how the different models of compasses worked was a great educational experience, especially for students who haven’t used these compasses before.”

Finally, the chapter took part in a meet-and-greet event. The students rotated between tables of professionals and scientists specializing in various fields in geology and geological engineering. They also met with Kalan Briggs, the AIPG Michigan Section President; Adam Heft, the AIPG Michigan Section Newsletter editor; and Michigan Tech alumnas Sienna Meekhof (BS Geology ‘21) and Elana Barth (MS Geology ’23).
Barth is former president of Michigan Tech’s AIPG Student Chapter. She is now a geologist at AECOM, and generously assisted with accommodations for several students. However, embodying the true spirit of geoscientists, the majority of the students opted to stay at a campground near Covington.
All in all it was a rewarding time for the students. “Attending the 60th AIPG National Conference in Covington was a fantastic experience,” said applied geophysics major Brendan Harville. “I was able to speak with numerous professionals from a variety of geology industry disciplines, who not only provided insight into their own non-linear career paths, but also a great deal of excellent advice.”
The trip was organized and funded by the Michigan Tech AIPG Student Chapter: President Anton Smirnov, Vice President Clarissa Gordon, Treasurer Conor Large, and Secretary Brendan Harville.
This year the Michigan Tech GMES chapter was selected as the Second Place 2023 AIPG Student Chapter of the Year. The MTU chapter sponsor is David Adler, CPG-11377, a Mannik Smith Group Certified Professional Geologist (BS Geology ‘82).