Geophysics in Action: Katie Bristol’s Alumni Journey

Meet Katie Bristol, an innovative mind in geophysics who began her journey at Michigan Tech, earning a BS and MS before pursuing a PhD and conducting fieldwork in India and Montana. Now a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue, Katie reflects on her time as a Husky, shares career insights, and offers advice for the next generation of MTU students. Read on to explore the Q&A session with Katie.

Katie observed the active Whakaari / White Island volcano crater in New Zealand.

Katie Bristol, BS Applied Geophysics ‘18, MS Geophysics ’20, Michigan Tech University
Advised by: Aleksey Smirnov

Ph.D. Geophysics, University of Florida, 2024

Katie’s publications.

Q: Why did you choose MTU?
A: I came to MTU as a high school student attending Summer Youth Programs and absolutely fell in love with the area. I felt like I had left a piece of my heart in the Keweenaw and knew I had to go back! 

Q: What has your career path been like since you graduated?
A: After getting my BS and MS at MTU, I received my PhD from the University of Florida. During my PhD, I got to do fieldwork in India, and I even got to help excavate dinosaur bones in Montana! Because my Summer Youth Programs (SYP) experience impacted me both as an attendee and an instructor, I have continued to work in outreach in Florida. I help run outreach events at the Florida Museum of Natural History and am a Visiting Scientist for Scientists in Every Florida School. After PhD, I received a job offer at Purdue University, where I will be working as a postdoctoral researcher starting in January 2025.

Q: How did your time at MTU prepare you for your career?
A: My coursework and research experience at MTU gave me the skills to be a critical thinker and a problem solver, which employers highly value.

Excavation of a Triceratops in Montana, USA.

Q: What’s it like to return to the campus now? Have you noticed any changes?
A: While the campus has changed slightly with the new Health STEM building, it still feels like a home away from home. I love to stop in, say hi to Brittany, and chat with professors – sometimes, we even catch up at the KBC!

Drilling paleomagnetic cores in the Deccan Traps of Maharashtra, India.

Q: What is the most impactful memory of your time here?
A: Getting to do fieldwork in areas ranging from the Precambrian midcontinent rift (in MTU’s backyard) to active volcanoes and glaciers (field camp through Frontiers Abroad).

Q: What is your favorite activity when you return to campus?
A: I love getting coffee from KCW, hiking waterfalls, and searching for beach agates!

Q: What advice would you give someone starting at Tech as a Husky?
A: Get involved with undergraduate research, explore the Keweenaw, and attend office hours!

Mapping geomorphologic features in Castle Hill, New Zealand (where Narnia was filmed!).

Q: What role did the community or extracurricular activities play in your overall experience?
A: The close-knit MTU community and surrounding area are truly unmatched. At MTU, you’re not just a number – everyone knows each other and looks out for one another.

Q: Did you have on-campus employment while a student? If yes, what did you do?
A: I worked as a research assistant in the MTU Paleomagnetism Laboratory with Dr. Aleksey Smirnov. During this time, I did fieldwork, sample preparation, and measurements in the lab, which prepared me for graduate school and my career in research.

Kayaking to islands in Lake Superior to search for Precambrian dikes to sample for paleointensity study.