New Theses and Dissertations Available

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Applied Ecology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
  • Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
  • Geophysics
  • Industrial Archaeology
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

Richard Basary
Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
Advisor: Stephen L Kampe
Thesis title: Metal Matrix Composites Using Coconut-Derived Carbon Reinforcement

Joshua Carlson
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Surendra K Kawatra
Dissertation title: Surface Chemistry of Hematite Slurries

Shreehari Elangovan
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Advisor: Gregory M Odegard
Dissertation title: Advanced Mechanics of Materials with Microstructure

Jemile Erdem
Master of Science in Geophysics
Advisor: Gregory Phillip Waite
Thesis title: Modeling Temporal Changes in Eruptive Behavior Using Coda Wave Interferometry and Seismo-Acoustic Observations at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala

Geomy George
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Jeffrey Donald Naber
Thesis title: A Study of the Ion Signal and Applications in Evaluating In-Cylinder Engine Parameters

Sean Gohman
Master of Science in Industrial Archaeology
Advisor: Patrick E Martin
Thesis title: A More Favorable Combination of Circumstances Could Hardly Have Been Desired: A Bottom to Top Examination of the Pittsburgh and Boston Mining Company’s Cliff Mine

Daniel Heidfeld
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Wayne W Weaver
Thesis title: Component-Level Dynamic Electrothermal Modeling of Power Electronics

Max Henschell
Master of Science in Applied Ecology
Co-Advisors: David James Flaspohler and Christopher Raymond Webster
Thesis title: Biomass and Birds: Effects of Potential Planted Grassland Biofuel Crops on Plant Productivity and the Grassland Avian Community in the Upper Midwest

Vinaykumar Konduru
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Jeffrey Allen
Thesis title: Static and Dynamic Contact Angle Measurement on Rough Surfaces Using Sessile Drop Profile Analysis with Application to Water Management in Low Temperature Fuel Cells

Ezequiel Medici
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Advisor: Jeffrey Allen
Dissertation title: Water Transport in Complex, Non-Wetting Porous Layers with Applications to Water Management in Low Temperature Fuel Cells

Jason Moscatello
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Physics
Advisor: Yoke Khin Yap
Dissertation title: Growth, Modification and Integration of Carbon Nanotubes into Molecular Electronics

Siladitya Pal
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Advisor: Spandan Maiti
Dissertation title: Modeling Mechanical Response of Heterogeneous Materials

Pragneshkumar Patel
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Desheng Meng
Thesis title: Superhydrophilic Surfaces as Antifouling Biomaterials for Microfluidic Applications

Anna Pereira
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Michele H Miller
Thesis title: Hands-On Ability: Why it Matters and How to Improve It

Christopher Polonowski
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Advisor: Jeffrey Donald Naber
Dissertation title: Accelerometer Based Measurements of Combustion in an Automotive Turbocharged Diesel Engine

Joshua Richardson
Master of Science in Geophysics
Advisor: Gregory Phillip Waite
Thesis title: Characteristics of Seismic and Acoustic Signals Produced by Calving, Bering Glacier, Alaska

Edwar Romero Ramirez
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
Co-Advisors: Robert O Warrington and Michael Robert Neuman
Dissertation title: Energy Harvesting from Body Motion Using Rotational Micro-Generation

Andrew Schafer
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Jeffrey Allen
Thesis title: A Technique for Improved Water Removal from PEM Fuel Cells via Natural Frequency Excitation of Free Surfaces

Tyler Schoenherr
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Gordon G Parker
Thesis title: Modeling, Simulation, and Experimental Studies of Asymmetric Beam Vibration Using the Method of Quadratic Modes

Michael Starrett
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Co-Advisors: Megan C Frost and Michael Robert Neuman
Thesis title: Development of a Wireless Platform to Generate Nitric Oxide for Implanted Biomedical Devices

Alexandra Wrobel
Master of Science in Applied Ecology
Advisor: David James Flaspohler
Thesis title: Golden-Winged Warbler Habitat Model Validation for Northern Wisconsin and Central Minnesota

Ming Xie
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Physics
Co-Advisors: Yoke Khin Yap and Dieter M Gruen
Dissertation title: Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Nanomaterials for Energy Applications

Yuejun Yin
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
Advisor: Yue Li
Dissertation title: Risk Analysis of Light-Frame Wood Construction Due to Multiple Hazards

Christine Zawaski
Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
Advisor: Victor B Busov
Dissertation title: Regulation of Woody Plant Development by Gibberellin Catabolic and Signaling Genes
