Category: Announcements

Items that are time sensitive and require action

Be the Difference, Take a Stand

An evening with Standathon will help Bay Cliff Health Camp. The fifth annual event will be from 7 p.m., Friday, April 1, to 7 a.m., Saturday, April 2, in the SDC Gym.

Standathon has activities for everyone to enjoy, including black light mini golf, laser tag, sumo wrestling, inflatables, water polo, fencing lessons, live bands, food eating contests, kayaking and more. Food will be served all night, including breakfast at 6 a.m. Prizes will be raffled off every hour. The grand prize this year is an Xbox Kinect.

The money raised at Standathon will be donated to Bay Cliff Health Camp, a therapy camp for children and adults with disabilities located in Big Bay. The Standathon 2011 goal is to raise $7,000. The entrance fee is $10; entrance fee and T-shirt are $15; and entrance fee, T-shirt and drawing for Xbox Kinect are $20.

For more information, contact Hilary Cadeau, president, at 201-2707 or at , or visit the Standathon website.

Published in Tech Today.

MISNER Program Internship Opportunity

The Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) announces the Michigan Initiative on Student NASA Exploration Research (MISNER) program. The MISNER program will give undergraduate and/or graduate students the opportunity to work in Exploration Systems Mission Directorate-related industries within the state of Michigan over the summer of 2011.

  • 10-week internship program (within the May – August 2011 timeframe)
  • $4,250 stipend with travel (up to $500) and housing (up to $1,250 total) = $6,000 Award Total

Applications are due no later than Wednesday, April 6, 2011. Applicants must be US citizens. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for this internship opportunity.

Questions regarding the MISNER Internship Program can be directed to Bonnie Bryant (MSGC) at

BRC Travel Grants for Spring Semester

The Biotech Research Center is accepting applications for travel grants, which provide financial assistance to graduate students, undergraduate students and postdoctoral scientists who present their research at scientific meetings.

To apply:

  • Complete the application form available at
  • Provide all the necessary information as specified in the application instructions.
  • Send application materials by Friday, April 15, to Mary Tassava, at

The awards, which promote biotechnological research and achievement, are merit-based and are offered twice per year. The Fall 2011 deadline is Oct. 14.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Awards will be announced near the end of the award month.

For questions, contact Tassava at 487-2959 or

Published in Tech Today.

Library Offers Workshop: Delve into Research

The Library will sponsor a literature review workshop, “Delve into Research,” at 1 p.m., Tuesday, March 15; and again 1 p.m., Wednesday, March 23, in Library 244.

Are you preparing for your thesis? Establish your research on solid ground by conducting a literature review. Bring to light your research project and understand current events in your field. Government Document Librarian Rhianna Williams will discuss six steps to conducting a literature review.

The library offers weekly workshops all semester on resources that provide an academic edge and save time. Workshops take place at 1 p.m. on alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Library 244. Each workshop is offered twice to accommodate class schedules.

This spring’s workshops will focus on resume building, material science resources, managing citations and many more. The library welcomes feedback and ideas for future workshops. Email them at .

Published in Tech Today

Lunch and Learn: “Graduate Fellowship Opportunities at the National Institutes of Health”

In collaboration with Associate Professor Tammy Donahue (ME-EM) and Chair Jason Carter (Exercise Science), Sponsored Programs will host a Lunch and Learn on the NIH Individual Graduate Fellowship Opportunity–Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award NRSA.

The session is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday, March 15, in Memorial Union Ballroom A-1.

Graduate students and faculty will learn who should apply, what is involved in preparing an application, specific tips for writing a successful NRSA and an inside perspective on the criteria which reviewers use to evaluate applications.

This session will focus on an explanation of the different NRSA funding mechanisms, an understanding of the role of institutes in funding decisions, and how to determine if NIH is a good fit for interested applicants, or if NSF or others are better

Specific proposal development tips will be given on the four main proposal components: candidate qualifications, training plan, mentor statement and research plan.

To register for the event, see lunch and learn.

For more information, contact Jodi Lehman at 487-2875 or

Published in Tech Today.

Nominations Open for Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities

Nominations for the Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities are due by March 15th to Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School.  The award recognizes young scholars who have published an outstanding book in their field.  Fields eligible for nomination this year are English and North American Language and Literature.

Eligible candidates can be alumni from Michigan Tech, or current faculty.  Michigan Tech may nominate one candidate.

See the CGS website for complete details on eligibility and the nomination process.

Nominations for Dean’s Fellowships Open

Nominations for the Dean’s Fellowship are now open. Nominations are due no later than March 1st by 4pm.

These fellowships are available to assist with the recruitment of highly talented applicants to Michigan Tech’s PhD programs. The Dean’s Fellowship is intended to contribute to the development of a diverse academic community, which includes future faculty and others who will be leaders throughout their professional careers.

Dean’s Fellowships provide partial support for the recipient’s first year in a PhD program. The support includes a stipend of $2,000 per academic-year semester (fall and spring) as well as full summer support (stipend plus minimum full-time tuition and fees).

Please see our web page for complete details on eligibility and the nomination procedure.  Direct any questions about the program to Debra Charlesworth.

Summer 2011 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Nominations for summer Finishing Fellowships are now open. Applications must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than 4pm on February 24th.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish in summer.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous request for funding.
  4. Must be eligible for Research Only Mode in the summer session.

Previous recipients of a Finishing Fellowship are not eligible.

Please see our application page for details on the application procedure. Please direct any questions you have about the application or review process to Debra Charlesworth.

Seventh Annual Student Research Forum Seeks Applicants

The Ecosystem Science Center, Biotechnology Research Center and School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science invites graduate students conducting research related to ecology, the environment or biotechnology to submit titles and abstracts for poster presentation at the seventh annual ESC/BRC Student Research Forum.

New this year, undergraduate researchers who are advised by BRC or ESC members are also welcome to participate in a separate division.

The forum will be held on the afternoon of Friday, March 25, in the atrium of the Noblet. Abstracts are due electronically by noon, Friday, Feb. 25, to

The forum allows graduate and undergraduate students an opportunity to present their research to peers and faculty. This will provide a valuable experience for students preparing for poster sessions at regional or national meetings, give students well-deserved recognition for their work and serve as an excellent setting for students to showcase new results and see what others are doing.

We invite student participants to present their research findings as a research poster. Students are welcome to present advanced or preliminary research (proposals or preliminary data). Prizes will include one grand prize and up to four merit awards for each center. Each student may present only one paper but may be included as a coauthor on others. For details, see

For questions, contact Jill Fisher (SFRES) at 487-3564 or

Published in Tech Today.

GSG – Abstract submission and award nominations open

Graduate Research Colloquium

Graduate Student Government is pleased to announce that abstract submission for the annual Graduate Research Colloquium Poster and Presentation Competition is now open.

This years colloquium will be held on March 3rd and 4th in the Memorial Union Building. The closing date for abstract submission will be February 25th at 5 PM. Submit abstracts to Abdul A. Koroma via email at Please specify if your abstract is for the presentation session, poster session or both. Cash prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place in both categories.

Outstanding Merit Awards

Nominations for Graduate Student Recognition Awards and Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award are due Friday, February 18th by 5pm.  Nominations are open for the following awards:

  • Exceptional Graduate Student Scholar
  • Exceptional Graduate Student Leader
  • Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award

The nomination materials should be sent to GSG representative Ali Mirchi at or by campus mail to Graduate Student Government, (405 Admin) by February 18th at 5pm.  See the GSG web page for more details on materials needed in a nomination packet.

The winners will receive recognition and the student winners will be awarded a cash prize presented at the annual GSG Research Colloquium Banquet on March 4th, 2011 in the MUB Ballroom.