Category: Funding Opportunities

Opportunities for funding graduate education.

National Water Research Institute Fellowships

Deadline: 4/01/2011

The National Water Research Institute (NWRI) is pleased to offer the following fellowships to graduate students (Masters and Ph.D.) at U.S. universities conducting research in the areas of water resources, treatment, and policy:

* NWRI Fellowships (up to $5,000 a year for 1-2 years). Research must pertain to NWRI’s mission, which is to create new sources of water through research and technology and to protect the freshwater and marine environments.

* Ronald B. Linsky Fellowship for Outstanding Water Research (one fellowship of $10,000 a year for 2 years). Applicants must write an additional 1-page essay detailing their technical capabilities, interest in other fields beside the one they are studying, career goals, and where they hope to take their technical expertise and vision in the future.

* NWRI-AMTA Fellowships for Membrane Technology (two fellowships of $10,000 a year for 2 years). Research must pertain to the advancement of membrane technologies in the water, wastewater, or water reuse industries. Funding is provided by the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA).


National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) F31 Predoctoral Fellowships

Deadline: 2011 deadlines: 4/8, 8/8, and 12/8

The objective of National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards programs is to help ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists are available in adequate numbers and in appropriate research areas to address the Nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs.

The purpose of the predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to provide support for promising doctoral candidates who will be performing dissertation research and training in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes during the tenure of the award. The Kirschstein-NRSA for Individual Predoctoral Fellows will provide up to five years of support for research training which leads to the PhD or equivalent research degree, the combined MD/PhD degree, or another formally combined professional degree and research doctoral degree in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences.

Applicants for the Kirschstein-NRSA F31 award must propose a dissertation research project and training program that fall in a research area within the scientific mission of the participating Institutes. The proposed predoctoral research training must offer an opportunity to enhance the fellow’s understanding of the health-related sciences and extend his/her potential for a productive, independent research career. The training should provide the applicant with the opportunity to interact with members of the scientific community at appropriate scientific meetings and workshops (including NIH-sponsored meetings, where available). The application should document the need for the proposed research training and the expected value of the proposed fellowship experience as it relates to the individual’s goals for a career as an independent researcher.

Each NIH Institute and Center (IC) has a unique scientific purview and different program goals and initiatives that evolve over time. Prospective Fellowship Applicants are encouraged to contact the relevant NIH staff for IC-specific programmatic information: Table of Institute and Center Contacts.

Citizenship: By the time of award, the individual applicant must be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence.

Degree Requirements: A Fellowship Applicant must have a baccalaureate degree and be currently enrolled in a PhD or equivalent research degree program (e.g., EngD, DNSc, Dr PH, DSW, PharmD, PsyD, ScD), a formally combined MD/PhD program, or other combined professional/clinical and research doctoral (e.g., DDS/PhD) in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences at an accredited domestic or foreign institution. With the exception of the combined degree programs described above, the Kirschstein-NRSA F31 may not be used to support studies leading to the MD, DDS, or other clinical, health-professional training (e.g., DC, DMD, DNP, DO, DPM, DVM, ND, OD, AuD). Neither may these awards be used to support the clinical years of residency training.

Students seeking support for pursuit of a combined degree program (e.g. MD/PhD, or DO/PhD, or DDS/PhD) may be eligible to apply for the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral MD/PhD Fellows (F30) (PA-09-207).

Duration of Support: Individuals may typically receive up to 5 years of aggregate Kirschstein-NRSA support at the predoctoral level.

Participating Institutes & Centers:

National Institute on Aging (NIA),
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA),
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD),
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA),
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH),
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS),
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM),
Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS),

Estimated Stipend: $21,180.  (Note: The sponsoring institution is allowed to provide funds to the fellow in addition to the stipends paid by the NIH in accordance with its own formally established policies governing stipend support.)

Application Procedure: To submit an application, applicants should access the FOA via and follow Steps 1-4.  Applications must be submitted electronically.

Application Guidelines: SF424 (R&R) Individual Fellowship Application Guide

Contact Information: Applicants should refer to the Table of Institute and Center Contacts to obtain participating NIH Institute scientific/research contact information.


Kettering Foundation Research ABD Fellowships in Democratic Theory & Practice

Deadline: 3/15/2011

The Kettering Foundation offers one-year fellowships to doctoral candidates with research interests in democratic theory and practice. Fellows participate in workshops and meetings. They also engage in research projects, writing reports and reviewing literature related to the foundation’s program areas.

The Kettering Foundation is an operating research foundation rooted in the American tradition of inventive research. The foundation studies practical strategies for strengthening democracy. The focus is on the ways that people go about solving their common problems, whether they act on them directly, through the cooperation of communities of citizens, or through governments and other institutions. Behind each program is the search for answers to a primary question: What does it take to make democracy work as it should?

The research is organized into six interrelated major programs: * Citizens and Public Choice * Community Politics and Leadership * The Public and Public Schools * Institutions, Professionals, and the Public * The Public-Government Relationship * International and Civil Society


The foundation seeks diversity in academic, cultural, and geographic backgrounds. Previous associates have come from departments of history, education, philosophy, the social sciences, and journalism.

Compensation and Provisions

Research Associates receive excellent fulltime compensation and benefits including medical insurance. The foundation also provides office space, use of a computer, access to the Internet and the foundation’s network, and other research resources. Associates are also reimbursed for ordinary costs associated with a temporary relocation to Dayton.

Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship

Deadline: 3/31/2011

The Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship is available to qualified graduate students. It is created in honor of Gloria Barron, dedicated educator and tireless advocate for wilderness protection, and administered by The Wilderness Society, a leading conservation organization based in Washington, D.C.  We award a $10,000 scholarship to a graduate student for the coming academic year to support research and preparation of a paper on an aspect of wilderness. We strongly encourage proposals relating to climate change, as well as other topics regarding wilderness conservation. Additional funding will be provided to pay travel expenses for the recipient to work with staff members of The Wilderness Society on this project. The Society wishes to encourage the publication of this work in an academic journal or other appropriate medium and has additional funds to help cover expenses of publishing and publicizing the final paper.

The scholarship seeks to encourage individuals who have the potential to make a significant positive difference in the long term protection of wilderness in North America. In the past, individuals like Aldo Leopold and Rachel Carson have made that kind of lasting difference. They possessed all the skills needed to excel in their respective professions, but they also possessed something more: the courage and the vision to think afresh about how and why to protect our wild lands and the ability to communicate those ideas effectively to others.


Applicants for the Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship must:

  • be enrolled in an accredited graduate institution in North America;
  • have strong academic qualifications;
  • have academic and/or career goals focused on making a significant positive difference in the long-term protection of wilderness in North America. Graduate students in natural resources management, law or policy programs are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information visit:

Council on International Exchange (CIEE) – Ping Fellowships for Study Abroad Doctoral Research

Deadline: 4/30/2011

Departmental Nomination Required

The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) is the leading U.S. non-governmental international education organization. CIEE creates and administers programs that allow high school and university students and educators to study and teach abroad.

Ping Doctoral Research Fellowships provide support for doctoral research focused on U.S. undergraduate study abroad. Funded through a small endowment, the Doctoral Research Fellowships are named after Dr. Charles Ping, a gifted teacher and scholar, a tireless advocate for the internationalization of U.S. higher education, President Emeritus of Ohio University, and a long-time former Chairman of the Council on IEE Board of Directors.

CIEE invites Directors of Graduate Studies (DGS) – or if a Department has no DGS, a Chair – to nominate a qualified doctoral candidate for a Ping Doctoral Research Fellowship. CIEE intends that these awards will replace some or all of a Fellow’s eight- or nine-month remuneration as a Graduate or Teaching Assistant, thereby allowing the student to make more rapid progress toward successful completion of the doctoral degree.

Fellows are therefore expected to work full-time on their own dissertation research during their Fellowship year. They may not hold additional positions or employment. Other non-service financial support that is consistent with their institution’s Graduate School policies may be permitted.

Ping Doctoral Research Fellowships are awarded through a highly competitive process. Full-time graduate students who are interested in these awards should read all of the information related to eligibility and the nomination process before they ask their Director of Graduate Studies or Department Chair to nominate them.

Nomination Deadline
Nominations with all the documentation described (three complete sets) must reach the CIEE office no later than April 30, 2011.

Contact Jodi Lehman ( if interest in applying.  University nomination required.

American Philosophical Society – Phillips Fund for Research in Native American Studies

Deadline: 3/01/2011

The Phillips Fund of the American Philosophical Society provides grants for research in Native American linguistics, ethnohistory, and the history of studies of Native Americans, in the continental United States and Canada. Grants are not made for projects in archaeology, ethnography, psycholinguistics, or for the preparation of pedagogical materials. The committee distinguishes ethnohistory from contemporary ethnography as the study of cultures and culture change through time. The grants are intended for such costs as travel, tapes, films, and consultants’ fees but not for the purchase of books or permanent equipment.

The committee prefers to support the work of younger scholars who have received the doctorate. Applications are also accepted from graduate students for research on masters theses or doctoral dissertations.

The committee sometimes approves two awards to the same person within a five-year period.

Award and Duration
The average award is about $2,500; grants do not exceed $3,500. Grants are given for one year following the date of the award.

Deadline and Notification
Applications and letters of support are due by March 1. It is the applicant’s responsibility to verify that all materials, including the two required letters, reached the Society on time.  Send an email inquiry to Linda Musumeci, Director of Grants and Fellowships, at or call 215-440-3429. Notification is sent in May.


American Geological Institute – Minority Geoscience Scholarships

Deadline: 3/15/2011

The goal of the American Geological Institute’s Minority Participation Geoscience Scholarships is to develop the professional corps of underrepresented ethnic-minority students in the geosciences. Recipients of AGI Geoscience Student Scholarships are provided with small financial awards and matched with a mentor from the geoscience community to foster whole professional development of the awardee. Each award will consist of both scholarship support as well as support for professional development experiences for successful candidates. Professional development experiences that qualify include field camp, professional society memberships, and/or travel and registration to a professional meeting of one of AGI’s member societies.


A. United States citizens only. Permanent residents (green card) or applicants for U.S citizenship are not eligible.

B. Verifiable ethnic-minority status as Black, Hispanic, or Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Hawaiian, or Samoan).

C. Financial support is for full time students only, who are currently enrolled in an accredited institution as a graduate student majoring (i.e., degree candidate) in geoscience, including the geoscience subdisciplines of geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, physical oceanography, planetary geology, or earth-science education. This program does not support students in any other area of study.


American Geological Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302-1502
(703) 379-2480 (Voice)
(703) 379-7563 (Fax)



American Educational Research Association (AERA) Dissertation Grants

Deadline: 3/09/2011

With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the AERA Grants Program announces its Dissertation Grants competition. The program seeks to stimulate research on U.S. education issues using data from the large-scale, national and international data sets supported by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), NSF, and other federal agencies, and to increase the number of education researchers using these data sets. The program supports research projects that are quantitative in nature, include the analysis of existing data from NCES, NSF or other federal agencies, and have U.S. education policy relevance.


AERA invites education-related dissertation proposals using NCES, NSF, and other federal data bases. Dissertation Grants are available for advanced doctoral students and are intended to support the student while writing the doctoral dissertation. Applications are encouraged from a variety of disciplines, such as but not limited to, education, sociology, economics, psychology, demography, statistics, and psychometrics.

The Governing Board for the AERA Grants Program has established the following four strands of emphasis for proposals. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals that:

  • develop or benefit from new quantitative measures or methodological approaches for addressing education issues
  • incorporate subject matter expertise, especially when studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning
  • analyze TIMSS, PISA, or other international data resources
  • include the integration and analysis of more than one data set

Research projects related to at least one of the strands above and to science and/or mathematics education are especially encouraged. Other topics of interest include policies and practices related to student achievement in STEM, contextual factors in education, educational participation and persistence (kindergarten through graduate school), early childhood education, and postsecondary education. The research project must include the analysis of data from at least one of the large-scale, nationally or internationally representative data sets such as those supported by NCES, NSF, and the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the National Institutes of Health. Additional data sets may be used in conjunction with the obligatory federal data set. If international data sets are used, the study must include U.S. education.


Applicants for Dissertation Grants may be U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, or non-U.S. citizens and must be working at a U.S. institution. Applicants should be advanced doctoral students at the dissertation writing stage. Underrepresented minority researchers are strongly encouraged to apply.


Awards for Dissertation Grants are up to $20,000 for 1-year projects. Grants are not renewable. In accordance with AERA’s agreement with the funding agency, institutions may not charge indirect costs on these awards. Approximately 15 Dissertation Grants will be awarded per year.


Mr. Ming Lowe * AERA Grants Program Manager * 1430 K Street NW, Suite 1200 * Washington, DC 20005 * Phone: 202-238-3200 ext. 227 * Fax: 202-238-3250 * Email:




Only two weeks remain to submit graduate student applications for NASA’s new Space Technology Research Fellowships. Applications are due by February 23 for the new NASA grants.

Applications are being accepted from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of graduate students interested in performing space technology research beginning this fall.

The fellowships will sponsor U.S. graduate student researchers who show significant potential to contribute to NASA’s strategic space technology objectives through their studies. Sponsored by NASA’s Office of the Chief Technologist, the fellowships’ goal is to provide the nation with a pipeline of highly skilled engineers and technologists to improve America’s technological competitiveness.

NASA Space Technology Fellows will perform innovative space technology research while building the skills necessary to become future technological leaders. Information about the fellowships, including how to submit applications, is available at:

To learn more about NASA’s Office of the Chief Technologist and the crosscutting space technology areas of interest to NASA, visit:

If you plan to submit an application please contact Jodi Lehman ( in the Sponsored Programs Enhancement Office.