Category: Funding Opportunities

Opportunities for funding graduate education.

Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Humanities

Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships provide support for emerging scholars to complete work on projects related to the Getty Research Institute’s annual theme. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute, where they pursue research to complete their dissertations or to expand them for publication. Fellows make use of the Getty collections, join in a weekly meeting devoted to the annual theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty.
Applications are welcome from scholars of all nationalities. Predoctoral fellowship applicants must have advanced to candidacy by the time of the fellowship start date and should expect to complete their dissertations during the fellowship period. Predoctoral fellows who receive their doctorate while in residence automatically become postdoctoral fellows. Postdoctoral fellowship applicants must not have received their degree earlier than 2005.
Predoctoral Fellows are in residence from September to June and receive a stipend of $25,000. Postdoctoral Fellows are in residence from September to June and receive a stipend of $30,000. Both fellowships also provide a workspace at the Getty Research Institute or the Getty Villa, an apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, and airfare to and from Los Angeles. These terms apply as of November 2010 and are subject to future changes.
Application Availability and Deadline
Complete application materials are now accepted through an online application process. The next deadline for these fellowships will be November 1, 2010.
Applicants are notified of the Getty Research Institute’s decision approximately six months following the deadline.
Review Process
Getty Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis. Applications will be evaluated by the Getty Research Institute based on: (1) the overall quality of the application; (2) how the proposed project bears upon the 2011-2012 annual research theme, Artistic Practice; (3) the applicant’s past achievements; and (4) how the project would benefit from the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.

Part 1:
Applicants are required to complete and submit the online Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowship application form, which includes completing an online information form and uploading a Project Proposal, Doctoral Dissertation Plan or Abstract, Curriculum Vitae, Writing Sample, Selected Bibliography, and Confirmation Letter of Academic Status (candidacy or degree conferred) by 5:00 p.m. PST, November 1, 2010.

The School for Advanced Research Fellowships

The School for Advanced Research (SAR) awards approximately six Resident Scholar Fellowships each year to scholars who have completed their research and analysis and who need time to think and write about topics important to the understanding of humankind. Resident scholars may approach their research from anthropology or from related fields such as history, sociology, art, and philosophy. Both humanistically and scientifically oriented scholars are encouraged to apply.

SAR provides Resident Scholars with low-cost housing and office space on campus, a stipend up to $40,000, library assistance, and other benefits during a nine-month tenure, from September 1 through May 31. A six-month fellowship is also available for a female scholar from a developing nation, whose research promotes women’s empowerment. SAR Press may consider books written by resident scholars for publication in its Resident Scholar Series.

Applications to the Resident Scholar Program are due on November 1st of each year. The program is supported by the Weatherhead Foundation, the Katrin H. Lamon Endowment for Native American Art and Education, the Anne Ray Charitable Trust, the Henry Luce Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Six types of fellowships are available:

Weatherhead Fellowships

Up to two nine-month fellowships are available for either Ph.D. candidates or scholars with doctorates whose work is either humanistic or social scientific in nature.

Katrin H. Lamon Fellowship

One nine-month fellowship is available for a Native American PhD candidate or post-doctoral scholar working in either the humanities or the social sciences.

Henry Luce Fellowship

One nine-month fellowship is available for a postdoctoral Asian or American scholar whose research focuses on East Asia or Southeast Asia.

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship

One nine-month fellowship is available for a postdoctoral scholar whose project relates to the humanities.

Anne Ray Fellowship

One nine-month fellowship is available for an established Native American scholar, working in the humanities, arts, or social sciences, who has a commitment to providing mentorship to recent Native graduates or graduate students. In addition to working on their own research, the Anne Ray Resident Scholar serves as a mentor to two Native interns working at the Indian Arts Research Center.

Campbell Fellowship

One six-month fellowship is available for a female social scientist from a developing nation, either a PhD candidate or post-doctoral scholar, whose work addresses women’s economic and social empowerment in that nation.

In addition, SAR is interested in hosting exceptional scholars who have received funding through the following programs: Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships, Mellon/ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients Fellowships, and Visiting Fulbright Scholar fellowships. Applicants to these non-SAR fellowship programs whose research is consistent with SAR’s mission may be able to join the School’s dynamic intellectual community for the duration of their fellowship. Interested scholars can contact SAR’s Resident Scholar Program for more information.

Motorola/IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society Graduate Fellowship for Research on Electronic Packaging

The IEE fellowship promotes graduate-level study and research on electronic packaging.

$21,100 per year. Of this sum $9,100 is intended to assist the student with tuition, fees, and books; US$12,000 is to be paid in periodic installments to match the school enrollment terms (usually nine months); complimentary membership in IEEE and CPMT for term of Fellowship.

Must have completed a minimum of four years of college plus one year of graduate study in a recognized scientific or engineering curriculum; must be enrolled full-time in a graduate curriculum leading to a Ph.D., with electronic packaging as a major field of interest.

Student Paper competition conducted during Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) in May or June. Abstracts must be submitted to ECTC Program committee with request to be considered for Fellowship competition.

DAC Graduate Fellowship Program in Analytical Chemistry and Chemistry Science

DAC Graduate Fellowship Program in Analytical Chemistry

Fellowships for graduate students in analytical chemistry are sponsored by various companies and organizations and are awarded through the DAC. The purposes of these fellowships are to encourage basic lected”>research in the field of analytical chemistry, to promote the growth of analytical chemistry in academic institutions and industry, and to provide recognition of future leaders in the field of analytical chemistry.

Both nine-month and summer fellowships are available. Most applicants apply for both awards unless mitigating circumstances (previous summer commitments, impending completion of degree requirements, etc.) exist.

Nine-month fellowships provide for nine months of graduate study and research in analytical chemistry at any ACS accredited institution of the appointee’s choice. The fellowship may not be accepted concurrently with any other external fellowship. Because the purpose of the fellowship is to provide opportunity for research, the holder will not engage in outside work for added compensation during the period of the fellowship. It is expected that the fellow will be engaged in full-time research for the duration of the fellowship and be in residence at the home institution (except when performing collaborative experiments which are part of the funded project).

Postdoctoral Girton College Research Fellowship

Postdoctoral Girton College Research Fellowship

Girton’s Research Fellows are at the post-doctoral stage in their careers. The fellowship gives them funding for three years to pursue their interests in depth. They work on their own without supervision and are therefore expected to be highly motivated and self-directing. They may take on a certain amount of teaching but are not required to do so. These favourable conditions for pure research normally result in publications that are highly innovative and thorough, and usually lead on to rewarding academic posts in higher education.

As well as a salary and expenses, the Research Fellows have dining rights and the option of living in college accommodation. They have many further opportunities to participate in the life of the college. They mix regularly at social occasions with teaching fellows and graduate students. They sit by right on the Governing Body and may be invited to serve on a variety of committees dealing with college business.In addition they organise informal evening meetings for the discussion of current research work with the rest of the fellowship.

Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study

Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study

The Smithsonian Institution offers a variety of Fellowship programs, contingent on available funds.

The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program

At present, the fields fellowship are available for:

  • Animal behavior, ecology, and environmental
    science, including an emphasis on the tropics
  • Anthropology, including archaeology,
  • Astrophysics and astronomy
  • Earth sciences and paleobiology
  • Evolutionary and systematic biology
  • History of science and technology
  • History of art, especially American, contemporary,
    African, and Asian art, twentieth-century
    American crafts, and decorative arts
  • Social and cultural history of the United States
  • Folklife
  • Materials Research

Deadline: January 15 annually (applications are available in September)

Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for less than seven years. Senior Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held the degree or equivalent for seven years or more. The term is 3 to 12 months**. Both fellowships offer a stipend of $42,000* per year plus allowances.
* Earth and Planetary Sciences Senior and Postdoctoral stipends are $47,000 per year.
** Postdoctoral fellowship applicants in science may apply for up to 24 months.

Predoctoral Fellowships are offered to doctoral candidates who have completed preliminary course work and examinations. Candidates must have the approval of their universities to conduct doctoral research at the Smithsonian Institution. The term is 3 to 12 months. The stipend is $27,000 per year plus allowances.

Graduate Student Fellowships are offered to stu-dents formally enrolled in a graduate program of study, who have completed at least one semester, and not yet been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. Program. Applicants must submit a proposal for research in a discipline, which is pursued at the Smithsonian. The term is 10 weeks; the stipend is $6,000.

Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship in Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry

The Office of the Undersecretary of Science at the Smithsonian Institution is offering an Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowship in the area of stable isotope biogeochemistry. Research proposals must integrate the use of stable isotopes (2H/1H, 13C/12C, 15N/14N, and 18O/16O) into their specific research questions. Isotope analyses will be conducted at one of the two Pan-Institutional isotope facilities (OUSS/MCI Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Facility in Suitland, MD or at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Panama). Applicants interested in this fellowship are strongly encouraged to contact potential advisors/hosts at any of the Smithsonian’s various Museums and Research Units prior to proposal preparation and submission. Please consult the research staff listed for the Museum, Research Units, and Offices at the links to Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study’ see below.

Michael J. Hogan Foreign Lanugage Fellowship

The Hogan Fellowship of up to $4,000 is intended to promote research in foreign language sources by graduate students. The fellowship is intended to defray the costs of studying foreign languages needed for research.   The award is announced formally at the SHAFR luncheon held during the annual meeting of the American Historical Association.

Applicants must be graduate students researching some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history. Membership in SHAFR is required.

Deadline October 1, 2010

Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (CCKF) American Region

The Foundation’s research grants provide support for research on Chinese Studies in the humanities and social sciences.  Scholars focusing on the social, cultural, economic or political development of Taiwan over the past few decades are strongly encourage to apply for this research grant.

Please see the solicitation for additional information.

NSF Developmental and Learning Sciences

DLS supports fundamental research that increases our understanding of cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, and biological processes related to children’s and adolescents’ development and learning.  Research supported by this program will add to our basic knowledge of how people learn and the underlying developmental processes that support learning, with the objective of leading to better educated children and adolescents who grow up to take productive roles as workers and as citizens.

Among the many research topics supported by DLS are: developmental cognitive neuroscience; development of higher-order cognitive processes; transfer of knowledge from one domain or situation to another; use of molecular genetics to study continuities and discontinuities in development; development of peer relations and family interactions; multiple influences on development, including the impact of family, school, community, social institutions, and the media; adolescents’ preparation for entry into the workforce; cross-cultural research on development and learning; and the role of cultural influences and demographic characteristics on development. Additional priorities include research that: incorporates multidisciplinary, multi-method, microgenetic, and longitudinal approaches; develops new methods, models, and theories for studying learning and development; and integrates different processes (e.g., learning, memory, emotion), levels of analysis (e.g., behavioral, social, neural), and time scales (e.g. infancy, middle childhood, adolescence).

This program supports Integrative Research Activities for Developmental Science (IRADS).  The program currently is at its capacity for supporting such large-scale awards, and is therefore not considering new IRADS proposals at this point in time.  The program is accepting proposals for individual investigator projects (average total budget of approximately $100,000 per year) and workshops/ small conferences (average total one-time budget of approximately $15,000).

Full proposal Due January 15, 2011 and July 15, 2011
