Mark Rowe to represent Michigan Tech for the 2010 Distinguished Dissertation Competition

Mark Rowe will represent Michigan Tech in the 2010 CGS/University Microfilms International Distinguished Dissertation competition.
Mark Rowe will represent Michigan Tech in the 2010 CGS/University Microfilms International Distinguished Dissertation competition.
The Graduate School is pleased to announce that Mark Rowe is Michigan Tech’s nominee for the 2010 CGS/University Microfilms International Distinguished Dissertation Award in the Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering division. Dr. Rowe was advised by Dr. Judith Perlinger, and was awarded a PhD in Environmental Engineering in 2009.

His dissertation, “Development of Measurement and Modeling Techniques to Quantify Atmospheric Deposition of Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic Chemicals in the Great Lakes” developed an improved method, analysis technique, and model, for measuring the concentrations of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic compounds in the atmosphere.  These compounds impact the health of our ecosystem, and the safety of our food supply. Accurate measurements of these compounds in the atmosphere could yield better solutions to improve the environment.  The measurement technology developed by Rowe and Perlinger is currently under consideration for patenting, with the potential for commercialization.  Dr. Rowe is currently employed as a post-doctoral fellow for the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and is based in lower Michigan.

Mark Griep was selected as a finalist in the competition.  Dr. Griep was advised by Dr. Craig Friedrich and was awarded a PhD in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics in 2009.  His interdisciplinary research examined the properties of quantam dots coupled with an optical protein with potential uses as a biosensor in medical applications.  Dr. Griep is currently continuing his research as an Associate Fellow at the US Army Research Laboratory.

The committee to evaluate the nominees consisted of graduate faculty representing a broad range of graduate programs:  M. Neuman (Biomedical Engineering), S. Martin (Social Sciences), R. Froese (School of Forestry Resources & Environmental Science), X. Wang (School of Technology) and G. Campbell (School of Business and Economics).  The next competition for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering or Social Sciences will occur in 2012 and will consider applicants who have completed their degrees between July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012.  In 2011, the competition will accept nominations from candidates who completed their dissertations between July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011 in the fields of biological sciences or humanities and fine arts.  Please consider nominating your PhD graduates next year.

NASA Accepting Applications For Aeronautics Scholarships

NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program

NASA expects to award 20 undergraduate and five graduate scholarships to students in aeronautics or related fields. Undergraduate students entering their second year of study will receive up to $15,000 per year for two years and the opportunity to receive a $10,000 stipend by interning at a NASA research center during the summer.

Graduate students will receive up to $35,000 per year for up to three years, with an opportunity to receive a $10,000 stipend interning at a NASA research center for up to two consecutive summers.

Application deadline January 17, 2011

National Science Foundation: East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes

The East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) goals are to introduce U.S. graduate students to East Asia and Pacific science and engineering in the context of a research setting, and to help students initiate scientific relationships that will better enable future collaboration with foreign counterparts. Selected students participate in research experiences at host laboratories in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, or Taiwan. All institutes, except Japan, last approximately 8 weeks from June to August. Japan lasts approximately 10 weeks from June to August.

The application is now available.

If interested in applying, please contact Jodi Lehman (

Thesis and Dissertation Submission Seminar

Students planning on finishing a thesis or dissertation this semester or next semester are invited a seminar designed to help students understand current procedures, the new procedures, and answer student questions.

Join Debra Charlesworth on September 9th at 4:05pm to learn about the submission process from start to finish.

Faculty and staff who work with students completing a thesis or dissertation are also invited to attend.

Please register online for the event.

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the location and a reminder of the date and time. Space is limited, so register early!

If you are unable to join us, a taped version of this seminar is available online from our May 18th presentation.

Ford Foundation Fellowship

Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Eligibility requirements include:

  • All citizens or nationals of the United States regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation,
  • Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement (such as grade point average, class rank, honors or other designations),
  • Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level.

For information regarding level-specific eligibility requirements, stipends, and other program information for each of the three levels of the Fellowship program, please access the fact sheet for the program level of your interest, predoctoral, dissertation or postdoctoral.

Contact Jodi Lehman ( if you are interested in applying for a Ford Foundation Fellowship.

AAUW 2011-2012 International Fellowships

2011-2012 Academic Year
Master’s/Professional Fellowship: $18,000
Doctorate Fellowship: $20,000
Postdoctoral Fellowship: $30,000
Applications available: Aug. 1–Dec. 1, 2010
Application deadline*: Dec. 1, 2010
Fellowship year: July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012

* All supporting documents must also be received by this date. If an application deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, supporting documents must be received the next business day.

International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not United States citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported. Several fellowships are available for study outside of the U.S.
Apply Now »

Please contact Jodi Lehman ( if you are interested in applying.

AAUW 2011-2012 Community Action Grants

2011-2012 Grant Year
Award: $2,000-$10,000
Applications available: Aug. 1, 2010 – Jan. 15, 2011
Application deadline: Jan. 15, 2011

Community Action grants provide funds to individuals, AAUW branches and AAUW state organizations as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education and equity for women and girls.

  • One-year grants ($2,000-$7,000 over one year)
    One-year grants provide seed money for new projects. Topic areas are unrestricted, but should include a clearly defined activity that promotes education and equity for women and girls.
  • Two-year grants ($5,000-$10,000 over two years)
    Two-year grants provide start-up funds for longer-term programs that address the particular needs of the community and develop girls’ sense of efficacy through leadership or advocacy opportunities. Topic areas are unrestricted, but should include a clearly defined activity that promotes education and equity for women and girls

Applicants must be women who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Nonprofit organizations must be based in the United States. Grant projects must have direct public impact, be nonpartisan, and take place within the United States or its territories.

Special consideration is given to projects focused on K-12 and community college girls’ and women’s achievements in science, technology, engineering or math.

Apply Now »

AAUW 2011-2012 American Fellowship and Grant Applications

2011-2012 Academic Year
Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship: $30,000
Dissertation Fellowship: $20,000
Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grant: $6,000
Applications available: Aug. 1–Nov. 15, 2010
Application deadline*: Nov. 15, 2010
Fellowship year: July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012

* All supporting documents must also be received by this date. If an application deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, supporting documents must be received the next business day.

American Fellowships support women doctoral candidates completing dissertations or scholars seeking funds for postdoctoral research leave from accredited institutions. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of scholarly excellence, the quality and originality of project design, and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research.

Candidates may apply for only one of the awards described below. Former recipients of these awards are not eligible to apply for additional American Fellowships or publication grants.

Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowships offer one-year of support for women in tenure-track faculty positions in support of their earning tenure and further promotions. Candidates must have earned a doctoral degree by Nov. 15, 2010. Postdoctoral fellowships are available in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Limited additional funds may be available when matched by the fellow’s institution.
Apply now for a Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship »

Dissertation Fellowships are available to women who will complete their dissertation writing between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Degree conferral must be between April 1 and September 15, 2012. To qualify, applicants must have completed all course work, passed all required preliminary examinations, and received approval for their research proposal or plan by Nov. 15,2010. Students holding any fellowship for writing a dissertation in the year prior to the AAUW fellowship year are not eligible. Open to applicants in all fields of study. Scholars engaged in science, technology, engineering and math and also researching gender issues are especially encouraged to apply.
Apply now for a Dissertation Fellowship »

Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grants fund women college and university faculty and independent researchers to prepare research for publication. The grants are intended for tenure-track, part-time, or temporary faculty or new or established scholars and researchers at universities. Time must be available for eight consecutive weeks of final writing, editing, and responding to issues raised in critical reviews. Funds cannot be used for undertaking research. Applicants must have received their doctorates by the application deadline. Scholars with strong publishing records should seek other funding.
Apply now for a Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grant »

Questions about applications must be directed to the Iowa City office. Please do not contact the AAUW office in Washington, D.C., or local branches for application information. Please call 319/337-1716 ext. 60, e-mail, or write to the customer service center at

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship and Women’s Scholarship Program

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship

* *Posted: August 24, 2010*
* *Internal deadline: September 9, 2010*
* Limit on number of proposals preliminary announcement
* *PI limit:* Students must be starting their second or third year
in an eligible PhD program in the fall (August/September) semester
or quarter of 2010.
* *Number per organization:* Computer Science, Electrical
Engineering, or Mathematics departments at eligible universities
may each nominate up to three (3) students.
* *Full proposal deadline: October 8, 2010*

Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarship Program

* *Posted: August 24, 2010*
* *Internal deadline: September 9, 2010*
* Limit on number of proposals preliminary announcement
* *PI limit:* Student must attend a U.S. or Canadian university and
be enrolled as a full-time graduate student in the Computer
Science, Electrical Engineering, or Mathematics departments
* *Number per organization:* A maximum of three (3) applicants per
department, per university will be accepted.
* *Full proposal deadline: October 8, 2010*


Please keep in mind that your limited submission proposal must adhere to
the Sponsored Programs Office proposal submission policy which specifies
that all proposals must be submitted to the Sponsored Programs Office in
accordance with their internal deadlines chart

You can view the current information about Limited Submission
Opportunities here

If interested in applying contact Jodi Lehman (



(Link: )

The National Science Foundation (NSF) East Asia and Pacific Summer
Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI) is a flagship
international fellowship program for developing the next generation of
globally  engaged U.S. scientists and engineers knowledgeable about the
Asian and Pacific regions. The Summer Institutes are hosted by foreign
counterparts committed to increasing opportunities for young U.S.
researchers to work in research facilities and with host mentors abroad.
Fellows are supported to participate in eight-week research experiences
at host laboratories in Australia, China, Japan (10 weeks), Korea, New
Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan from June to August. The program provides
a $5,000 summer stipend, round-trip airfare to the host location, living
expenses abroad, and an introduction to the society, culture, language,
and research environment of the host location.

The 2011 application is now open and will close at 5:00 pm local time on
November 10, 2010.  Application instructions are available online at For further information concerning benefits, eligibility,
and tips on applying, applicants are encouraged to visit or

NSF recognizes the importance of enabling U.S. researchers and educators
to advance their work through international collaborations and the value
of ensuring that future generations of U.S. scientists and engineers
gain professional experience beyond this nation’s borders early in their
careers. The program is intended for U.S. graduate students pursuing
studies in fields supported by the National Science Foundation. Women,
minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to
apply for the EAPSI. Applicants must be enrolled in a research-oriented
master’s or PhD program and be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents
by the application deadline date. Students in combined bachelor/master
degree programs must have matriculated from the undergraduate degree
program by the application deadline date.

The first Summer Institutes began in Japan in 1990, and to date over
2,000 U.S. graduate students have participated in the program.

Should you have any questions, please contact the EAPSI Help Desk by
email at or by phone at 1-866-501-2922.

If you are interested in applying please contact Jodi Lehman (