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The National Science Foundation (NSF) East Asia and Pacific Summer
Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI) is a flagship
international fellowship program for developing the next generation of
globally  engaged U.S. scientists and engineers knowledgeable about the
Asian and Pacific regions. The Summer Institutes are hosted by foreign
counterparts committed to increasing opportunities for young U.S.
researchers to work in research facilities and with host mentors abroad.
Fellows are supported to participate in eight-week research experiences
at host laboratories in Australia, China, Japan (10 weeks), Korea, New
Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan from June to August. The program provides
a $5,000 summer stipend, round-trip airfare to the host location, living
expenses abroad, and an introduction to the society, culture, language,
and research environment of the host location.

The 2011 application is now open and will close at 5:00 pm local time on
November 10, 2010.  Application instructions are available online at For further information concerning benefits, eligibility,
and tips on applying, applicants are encouraged to visit or

NSF recognizes the importance of enabling U.S. researchers and educators
to advance their work through international collaborations and the value
of ensuring that future generations of U.S. scientists and engineers
gain professional experience beyond this nation’s borders early in their
careers. The program is intended for U.S. graduate students pursuing
studies in fields supported by the National Science Foundation. Women,
minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to
apply for the EAPSI. Applicants must be enrolled in a research-oriented
master’s or PhD program and be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents
by the application deadline date. Students in combined bachelor/master
degree programs must have matriculated from the undergraduate degree
program by the application deadline date.

The first Summer Institutes began in Japan in 1990, and to date over
2,000 U.S. graduate students have participated in the program.

Should you have any questions, please contact the EAPSI Help Desk by
email at or by phone at 1-866-501-2922.

If you are interested in applying please contact Jodi Lehman (

Houghton Held Chemistry for Thai Undergraduate Interns

Nattasak Sukkasam and Tapee Saowalakkul left hot, humid Bangkok, Thailand, in March for a two-month internship at Michigan Tech. They landed in Houghton in a snowstorm.

But their mentor, Parinya “Prince” Chakartnarodom, had prepared them, with snow survival tips—and coats and boots. Prince is a Michigan Tech alumnus and the Thai undergraduates’ materials engineering professor at Kasetsart University in Bangkok.

The interns were invited to Tech by Komar Kawatra, chair of chemical engineering. The idea for the exchange program arose when Jennifer Donovan, director of news and media relations at Michigan Tech, spent a month at Kasetsart University on a Fulbright specialist grant last November. She returned to Michigan Tech determined to help develop some exchanges between the Michigan and Thai universities. This was the first of what she hopes will be ongoing student and faculty exchanges.

Read the full news story.

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Workshop Series

Debra Charlesworth, assistant to the dean of the Graduate School for professional development and previous NSF GRFP panelist and fellow, will present “An Insider’s Perspective on the Review Process” from noon to 12:50 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 3, in the Pat Nelson Graduate Conference Center on the fourth floor of the Administration Building.

Topics will include:

  • Understand the review process
  • High impact tips to make your reviewer happy

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Application Support

The Graduate School is offering support services to assist graduate students in applying for the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program, including workshops and one-on-one writing support.  Fellowship recipients earn an annual stipend of $34,000.  To be eligible, applicants must be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident, have never previously applied to GRFP while enrolled in a graduate degree program, have never earned a master’s or professional degree in any field, or completed more than one academic year in a graduate degree-granting program.  Applications are due October 18th – 22nd.  See for full benefits and eligibility details.

Workshop 1: Overview and tips from a former NSF program manager and reviewer
Date and Time: Friday, September 3rd, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Presenter: Dr. Pushpalatha Murthy, former NSF program manager
Co-hosts: Dr. Debra Charlesworth, former NSF GRFP reviewer, and Sarah Isaacson, NSF GRFP Support Coordinator
Zoom meeting link: Please make sure to sign in with your MTU account before joining the meeting to be admitted.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Workshop 2: Crafting your statements: Content and organization
Date and Time: Friday, September 10th, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Presenter: Sarah Isaacson, NSF GRFP Support Coordinator
Zoom meeting link: Please make sure to sign in with your MTU account before joining the meeting to be admitted.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Personalized writing support:
Applicants will receive support via an NSF GRFP Canvas course as well as individualized writing support on application drafts from qualified staff members.

See for more details. Questions? Contact Sarah Isaacson, NSF GRFP Support Coordinator:

Michigan Space Grant Consortium graduate fellowship application support

The Graduate School is offering support services to assist graduate students in applying for the Michigan Space Grant Consortium’s Graduate Fellowship, including a workshop and one-on-one writing support.

MSGC’s Graduate Fellowship opportunity supports graduate students from affiliate
institutions who are conducting research and public service projects relevant to NASA’s strategic interests as expressed in NASA’s 2014 & 2018 Strategic Plans, specifically, research focused on aerospace, space science, and earth system science. Graduate students working in other, related science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields are also eligible to apply. Starting this year, MSGC is piloting an expanded definition of STEM to include support for interdisciplinary projects that include art, so graduate students conducting research and projects relevant to NASA’s strategic interests in disciplines not traditionally considered STEM, such as the humanities or social sciences, are likewise encouraged to apply.

Fellowship recipients are awarded $5,000. To be eligible, applicants must be U.S. nationals, have a good academic record, and be in good academic standing. Women, under-represented minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Students currently receiving MSGC Fellowships are eligible to reapply.

Workshop information: Overview and tips from an MSGC Fellowship reviewer
Date and Time: Friday, September 17th, from 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Location: Admin 404
Presenter: Will Cantrell, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
Host: Sarah Isaacson, GLAS Program Director,
Register here:
A recording of the workshop will be available beginning September 21st.

Wednesday, Nov. 3 at noon — Internal deadline for undergraduate and graduate fellowship proposals
Wednesday, Nov. 10 at 5 p.m. — Final materials, after review and approval by SPO, must be uploaded to MSGC by the applicant

For more information and specific application instructions, visit the MSGC website and the MTU Graduate School’s MSGC web page.

Let’s Talk About it: Facilitating Difficult Conversations for Graduate Students

Are you a graduate student interested in developing skills that will assist you in facilitating difficult conversations? Please join us on March 5, 2024 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. for a Facilitating Difficult Conversations workshop.

This in-person workshop is open to all graduate students and includes instruction, practice, and discussion with your peers. If you’ve ever wondered how to approach a difficult conversation with your advisor, a peer, or roommate, we’ll discuss tips and strategies for getting started in a respectful and professional manner.

​The number of participants is limited to facilitate discussion, so please complete the registration form to save your spot. When you register, you’re expected to attend or let us know if your plans change. You will receive an email reminder before the event which will confirm the location. 

For more information, contact the Graduate School (

Opportunities for study around the world

IPS will host an information session, “Scholarships, Grants and Fellowships for Study Abroad and Other International Opportunities,” from 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 20, in ChemSci 101.

It’s never too early to begin thinking about money for international opportunities. US undergraduate or graduate students interested in fellowships, grants and scholarships, will want to attend this session.

Presenters will include Joe Kalliokoski, representative from the Rotary Club of Houghton; Associate Professor Mary Durfee (SS); and Greta Gustafson, study abroad coordinator.

Students will receive guidance on the many opportunities available, including eligibility requirements, application processes, service requirements and financial aid.

Students will also receive tips on how to construct a competitive application. A question-and-answer session will be held at the end.

Following are the session details:

  • 6 p.m.–Introductions
  • 6:15 p.m.–Joe Kalliokoski, Rotary Club
  • 6:30 p.m.–Mary Durfee, campus advisor for Boren and Fulbright programs
  • 7:15 p.m.–Greta Gustafson, class of ’74 Gilman Scholarship
  • 7:30 p.m.–Questions and Answers

For more information on funding, see Financial Aid .

For questions, contact Greta Gustafson, study abroad coordinator, at 487-1876 .

Winners of Rath Award for Research Announced

Chee Huei Lee

For groundbreaking work in nanotechnology, Yoke Khin Yap and Chee Huei Lee have received the University’s Bhakta Rath Research Award.

The award, endowed by 1958 alumnus Bhakta Rath and his wife, Shushama Rath, recognizes a Michigan Tech doctoral student and advisor for “exceptional research of particular value that anticipates the future needs of the nation while supporting advances in emerging technology.”

Yap, an associate professor of physics, and then-PhD student Lee (he graduated in 2010) invented a technique for synthesizing boron nitride nanotubes. Compared to their carbon-based cousins, boron nitride nanotubes have alluring qualities but, before Yap and Lee’s pioneering work, had been notoriously difficult to grow.

The researchers created veritable nano-carpets of boron nitride nanotubes and discovered they possessed a number of interesting properties: They are perfect insulators, which means they could be doped to form designer semiconductors for use in electronics that operate at high temperatures. They are among the strongest materials known and can be dispersed in organic solvents, properties that could be useful in making high-strength composites and ceramics. Plus, they shed water like a duck’s back. This quality, known as superhydrophobicity, holds at all pH levels, which means they could be used as protective coatings to shield against the strongest acids and bases.

Yap said Lee played an important role in their collaboration. “I enjoy working with Chee Huei, as he is willing to listen, think and work hard on an idea, and then he comes back to tell you much more than what you were expecting,” said Yap. “My initial ideas mature and flourish with his feedback.”

Lee has authored or coauthored 12 peer-reviewed journal papers on their nanotube research, as well as three chapters and review articles and three papers in peer-reviewed proceedings. As recipients of the Rath Award, Yap and Lee will share a $2,000 prize. Their research work is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences.

To find out more, visit the Michigan Tech News Site .

by Marcia Goodrich, senior writer
Published in Tech Today

Council on International Exchange (CIEE) – Ping Fellowships for Study Abroad Doctoral Research

Deadline: 4/30/2011

Departmental Nomination Required

The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) is the leading U.S. non-governmental international education organization. CIEE creates and administers programs that allow high school and university students and educators to study and teach abroad.

Ping Doctoral Research Fellowships provide support for doctoral research focused on U.S. undergraduate study abroad. Funded through a small endowment, the Doctoral Research Fellowships are named after Dr. Charles Ping, a gifted teacher and scholar, a tireless advocate for the internationalization of U.S. higher education, President Emeritus of Ohio University, and a long-time former Chairman of the Council on IEE Board of Directors.

CIEE invites Directors of Graduate Studies (DGS) – or if a Department has no DGS, a Chair – to nominate a qualified doctoral candidate for a Ping Doctoral Research Fellowship. CIEE intends that these awards will replace some or all of a Fellow’s eight- or nine-month remuneration as a Graduate or Teaching Assistant, thereby allowing the student to make more rapid progress toward successful completion of the doctoral degree.

Fellows are therefore expected to work full-time on their own dissertation research during their Fellowship year. They may not hold additional positions or employment. Other non-service financial support that is consistent with their institution’s Graduate School policies may be permitted.

Ping Doctoral Research Fellowships are awarded through a highly competitive process. Full-time graduate students who are interested in these awards should read all of the information related to eligibility and the nomination process before they ask their Director of Graduate Studies or Department Chair to nominate them.

Nomination Deadline
Nominations with all the documentation described (three complete sets) must reach the CIEE office no later than April 30, 2011.

Contact Jodi Lehman ( if interest in applying.  University nomination required.