Tag: Seminar

Seminar: Submitting your Dissertation, Thesis, or Report

Students planning on finishing a dissertation, thesis, or report in fall 2013 or spring 2014 are invited a seminar designed to help students understand the submission process and answer questions about it. Faculty and staff who assist students with submissions are also welcome to attend.

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the location and a reminder of the date and time.

If you are unable to join us, this seminar will be taped and available online after the event.

Significant changes were introduced in fall 2013 based on revisions approved by the University Senate.  Join us to learn about the changes and have your questions answered.

Summer Seminar Series Announced

The Graduate School is pleased to announce its Summer 2013 Professional Development Seminar Series.  Both seminars will be available on campus and online – streaming live and taped for viewing later.  Join us for one or both seminars, designed to help writers of dissertations, theses, and reports and the staff who assist them.

  • June 18 | An Office Full of Tips | 11am -noon
    Learn how to use Microsoft Office to automate many of the common tasks a writer must do, such as caption figures and tables, format text consistently and place page numbers correctly. Debra Charlesworth, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School will show you tips and tricks that will help you focus on your writing instead of your formatting.
  • July 24 | Copyright for Your Thesis or Dissertation | 11am -noon
    Who holds the copyright on your thesis?  Can you put part of journal article in your dissertation?  What if you wrote the article?  Nora Allred, Copyright Librarian from the J.R. Van Pelt and Opie Library will present the basics of U.S. Copyright and discuss the role it plays in writing and publishing a thesis or dissertation.

Please register online to attend either or both seminars on campus or online.  Once you register, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with the location or technical information needed to view the streaming video.

Past seminars offered by the Graduate School, as well as a calendar of our coming events can be found in our Seminar Archive.

Spring 2013 Professional Development Series

The Graduate School is pleased to announce it’s spring seminar series.  Designed to help students prepare for careers as researchers in an academic community, attendees will learn about publishing, proposals, and project management.

Please join us on one or all of the following dates for a brown-bag lunch and learn (noon – 1pm).  Light snacks and beverages will be provided.  Seating is limited; please register to reserve a seat and receive the room location.  Students may also choose to view the seminar online (live streaming or recorded).

  • March 20 | Publishing, Presenting, and Building your Reputation
    • Learn strategies to build your professional reputation through writing and presenting your research
  • April 3 | The Art of Proposal Development
    • Learn from a panel of experienced proposal writers how to craft successful and compelling proposals to meet the requirements of specific funding opportunities.
    • Take-away tips will be applicable for a variety of proposals, including graduate fellowships, research proposals, outreach events, and related proposal opportunities.
    • Co-sponsored with the Sponsored Programs Office.
  • April 24 | Project Management
    • Learn time-tested strategies for steering research projects to successful completion within the context of a complex and demanding graduate student experience

Seminar: Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation to the Graduate School

Students planning on finishing a thesis or dissertation spring or summer 2013 are invited a seminar designed to help students understand the submission process and answer questions about it.

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the location and a reminder of the date and time.

If you are unable to join us, this seminar will be taped and available online.

Significant changes were introduced in the fall based on revisions approved by the University Senate.  Join us to learn about the changes and have your questions answered.

Fall Professional Development Series

Poster for fall seminar series.
The Graduate School is pleased to announce its fall professional development series.  For our PhD students considering a career in academia, we are offering two seminars that will help them prepare to be competitive applicants for faculty positions:

  • November 7 | Introduction to Sponsored Programs
    • Learn how a university’s sponsored programs office can help you conduct sponsored research.
  • December 10 | Teaching Portfolios: Building Today for Your Career Tomorrow
    • Learn what needs to be in your portfolio, which technologies work best, and how to start building
      this important asset now.

Students who are looking for ways to balance their work with healthy activities for them and their families, or for guidance on the thesis and dissertation submission process will find the other seminars in our series helpful:

  • October 3 | Submitting your Thesis or Dissertation
    • Learn current procedures for formatting and submission.
  • October 24 | CANCELLED | Michigan Tech Community Programs
    • Discover new low-impact activities or high-impact recreational opportunities for you or your family.
    • Take advantage of great facilities—pool, fitness center, ice arena, and dance room.

Seating is limited.  Register online to reserve your seat and receive an e-mail confirmation of the location.

Please contact Dr. Debra Charlesworth with any questions about the seminar series.

World Water Day Lecture, Poster Session Today

Can science save the Great lakes?

It’s an appropriate question to ask on World Water Day, which is Thursday, March 22, and even more appropriate considering the fact that Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center is nearing completion and scheduled to open this summer.

Lana Pollack, chair of the US Section of the International Joint Commission, will examine the threats to the health of the Great Lakes and discuss how research data-based policy-making can protect them.

The free public World Water Day Lecture is at 5:30 p.m. in EERC 103. The International Joint Commission is an independent, binational organization that works to prevent and resolve boundary waters disputes for the common good of the US and Canada.

The lecture is sponsored by Tech’s Center for Water and Society (CWS) and the Visiting Women and Minority Lecture Series. There will be a reception afterward.

Before the lecture, the CWS will sponsor a graduate poster session and competition to highlight the ongoing research on water at Tech. The poster session is scheduled for 3 to 5 p.m. in the DOW atrium.

In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of water research and CWS, students from six different departments have registered posters in two categories, research and classes. The posters will be judged and cash awards made in both categories.

“World Water Day is the signature event for CWS,” said Center Director Noel Urban (CEE). “The poster session, guest speaker and reception provide an opportunity for CWS members from all of 11 departments represented by the Center to socialize and sow seeds for future collaborations.”

Published in Tech Today

Seminar on “Conflict of Interest”

The Office of Compliance, Integrity and Safety will hold an educational session, “Conflict of Interest,” from noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday, March 27. Registration ends at 5 p.m., March 25.


An email confirming the reservation will include the location.

This session is designed to provide faculty, postdocs and research/program staff with an understanding of what conflict of interest means and how it relates to researchers and other employees of Michigan Tech.

Some of the topics covered will include:

  • Conflict of interest categories at Michigan Tech
  • Federal regulations
  • Situational understanding

Beverages and desserts will be available. Bring your lunch.

For more information, contact Carole Noonan at 487-1148 or at csnoonan@mtu.edu .

Financial Literacy – Seminar offered by Financial Aid

Financial literacy is more than

  • balancing your check book every month
  • keeping your credit at a manageable level
  • minimizing the amount of student loan debt that you incur while pursuing your college degree

According to universitybusiness.com’s Oct 2011 article titled “Dollars and Sense” financial literacy is a major part of a student’s overall well being. As with physical wellness, there are healthy steps that we can take to assure our financial wellness.

The Office of Financial Aid at Michigan Tech is offering informational sessions touching on four major areas of financial literacy: budgeting, credit, financial aid and long term saving.  Our goal is to improve students’ understanding of what it takes to enjoy a lifetime of financial wellness.

Attend a seminar on Tuesday, March 26th from 4-5-pm to learn more.  Please register online to reserve a seat and receive confirmation of the location.

Van Pelt and Opie Library to Offer EndNote Workshop for Graduate Students

Learn how Endnote can save you hours of time in the library research and document preparation process!

The Van Pelt and Opie Library is offering two, free EndNote Basics workshops for Michigan Tech graduate students on March 26 and March 28.  EndNote is citation management software which allows anyone to easily collect, organize and use their research references.

In this free library workshop participants will learn the basic skills for building a collection of citations, how to manage their collection and how to include the citations in their documents.  The workshop will also go over how to easily create bibliographies.

The sessions will be held:

  • Monday, March 26 @ 12:00 – 1:30 PM
  • Wednesday, March 28 @ 10:00 – 11:30 AM

Seating is limited. Please sign up today by sending and email to: libraryworkshop@mtu.edu

Spring 2012 Professional Development Seminars

The Graduate School is pleased to announce it’s spring series of Professional Development Seminars held during the noon hour.  These seminars are open to undergraduate and graduate students as indicated below.  Seating is limited.  Please register online to reserve your seat and confirmation of the location.

Spring 2012 Professional Development Seminar Series

February 24

Use a LaTeX Template

March 23

Graduate Degrees

  • Opportunities, expectations, advantages, and potential drawbacks
  • Learn more about graduate education
  • Open to undergraduate students
  • Register online to reserve a seat

April 18


  • Going to Graduate School as a DOD scholar, NSF fellow, or EPA STAR
  • Learn how to go to graduate school on a prestigious external fellowship/scholarship award
  • Open to undergraduate and graduate students
  • Register online to reserve a seat