Day: November 30, 2011

Other Lean Universities

Hello out there!  Is there anyone else in higher education administration practicing Lean principles?  Why yes, yes there is!   Below are some links to other Universities who practice Lean.  It is great to see what’s out there and get ideas for our Lean journey.

University of St. Andrews appears well established on their journey.  Check out the pocket guide on their main page, it is full of great information.  I really like their “Ideas” page too.

University of Washington Tacoma‘s Organizational Effectiveness Program uses Lean to support it’s services (see right hand navigation bar).  They provide coaching and facilitation and have packaged training programs that departments can request for their staff. 

University of Iowa’s Workplace Consultation group has a University of Iowa Lean program that started in 2006.  They are also using kaizen events to make improvements.