KIP Students in the News

Faculty work closely with students in their labs to educate and provide hands on experiences related to research.  Students use those valuable experiences in many ways that often leads to recognition.  Here are a few of our most recent successes.

Portage Health Foundation Graduate Fellowship
Robert Larson, PhD student working in Dr. Chen’s lab, was recently awarded the Portage Health Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award.  Congrats Robert for your continued successes in research, publications and overall contribution to the KIP department and Michigan Tech.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
 Dakota Anderson, Biomedical Engineering, recently received a Summer Research Fellowship.  Dakota’s advisor is Dr. Elmer.  Congrats Dakota and we wish you the best of luck conducting your research this summer.

Undergraduate Research Expo
A number of our faculty had students presenting their work as part of the 2016 Undergraduate Research Expo last week.

Undergraduate Expo 2016-2

Claire Eischer, Exercise Science – Dr. Tejin Yoon (Human Neurmechanics-nLab)

Olivia Ingram, Biological Sciences – Dr. Kevin Trewartha (Aging, Cognition & Action)

Tessa Sprague, Exercise Science – Dr. Kevin Trewartha (Aging, Cognition &  Action)

Ashley VanSumeren, Biological Sciences & Exercise Science – Dr. Steven Elmer (Exercise Physiology)

Undergraduate Expo 2016-3Dr. Trewarth’s student, Olivia Ingram, placed 3rd for her presentation on  “The Role of Implicit Memory Precesses in Age-Related Declines in Motor Learning.”  She was also one of three students recognized by expo visitors with the Audience Choice Award.

Tech Today Full Story

Accelerated Masters Program Informational Sessions

A message from Dr. Elmer, Interim Department Chair:

KIP Undergraduate Students,

Are you an extremely motivated student? Take a big leap forward with the Kinesiology Accelerated Master’s (BS-MS) program!

The Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology will hold a brief informational session this week on our Kinesiology Accelerated Master’s (BS-MS) program. This new accelerated degree plan allows you to combine a bachelor’s degree from Michigan Tech in exercise science or sports and fitness management with a coursework-based master’s degree in kinesiology (4 + 1 = 5 years total). Together, the two degrees help students strengthen their admission applications to professional graduate programs (e.g., medical school, physical therapy school) and gain a competitive edge for a careers in industry (e.g., cardiac rehabilitation, strength and conditioning).

Current undergraduate students (2nd, 3rd, and especially 4th year) who are interested are strongly encouraged to attend one of the informational sessions next week (see below). After a brief overview of the program students will have time to meet with current graduate students in the program, see a hands-on demonstration of new department equipment used in research and teaching (ultrasound machine), and network with other graduate students pursuing careers in academics and physical therapy.

Kinesiology Accelerated master’s (BS-MS) Program
Information Sessions

Wednesday March 23
6:00 – 6:30pm
SDC Room P105 (Exercise Science Classroom/Lab)

Friday March 25
2:30 – 3:00pm
SDC Room P105 (Exercise Science Classroom/Lab)

*Refreshments will be provided, please RSVP by contacting the KIP Main Office (SDC 231).

KIP Accelerated Masters Program_Flyer

Preview Day 2016

The KIP department will be at Preview Day this Saturday, March 19 from 11:00 am – 1:30, in the Memorial Union Building. We welcome all new students coming to Michigan Tech to stop by and see what we’re all about! We’ll have students from our sports & fitness management & exercise science programs along with students in their second year of CMU’s doctorate of physical therapy program available to answer questions and offer hands on demonstrations.

*Department tours also available from 2:30 – 3:15 p.m., interested participants should meet at the KIP offices located on the 2nd floor of the SDC. Graduate student Matt Gage will lead a tour through some of our KIP labs and talk about research being conducted.

More information and schedule of events can be found here.


Candidate for PHFoundation Endowed Professorship in Preventive and Community Health

Please join us for a presentation by:

Dr. Kristen Knutson,
Department of Medicine, Section of Pulmonary/Critical Care
University of Chicago











Candidate for a Portage Health Foundation
Endowed Professorship in Preventive and Community Health

Association Between Sleep and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk

Obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease have all been linked to characteristics of sleep, including duration, quality and timing. The goal of this presentation will be to review the associations between sleep and risk of cardiometabolic diseases.  Furthermore, socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in cardiometabolic disease are well-known.  This presentation will also discuss whether sleep may mediate these health disparities. Understanding novel risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases could help lead to the development of innovative intervention strategies to reduce chronic disease risk and improve community health.

Monday, March 21, 2016
3:00-4:00 pm
Kanwal and Ann Rekhi Hall – Room G009

Refreshments will be served.


A Peak inside EH4510 – Strength & Conditioning

Every year, Strength and Conditioning Coach and KIP Instructor Matt Thome, invites guest lecturer Dr. Bill Harrison or Ryan Harrison from the company, Slow the Game Down, to speak in his Strength and Conditioning (EH4510) class.   Dr. Harrison’s lecture focuses on how the eye can be used as a tool to train the brain in specific ways.

Following this guest lecture, students participate in a practical class session.  The practical session allows students the opportunity to try some of the “brain training” drills used to enhance an athlete’s focus, visual acuity,and decision making skills.  This is always a fun class session, especially when students time the drills and compete against each other.

*This class will be offered again for Fall 2016.  For more information about the class click here EH4510 or contact our KIP department with questions.

S&C2  S&C3S&C1S&C4


GSG Graduate Research Colloquium


Several graduate students working in KIP laboratories presented their research at the GSG Graduate Research Colloquium last week.  Great job to all that presented and congratulations to the students that received awards.

Graduate Student Presenters
Robert Larson – PhD student (Chen Lab)
Matthew Kilgas – PhD student (Elmer Lab)
Lydia Lytle and Jennifer Dannenbring – DPT students (Elmer Lab)
Michael Huber – MS student (Shan Lab)
Travis Wakeham – MS student (Durocher Lab) and collaborating with KIP faculty
Ida Fonkoue – PhD student (Carter Lab) did not present but was instrumental in helping organize the event for GSG

Graduate Student Awards

  • Matthew Kilgas and Travis Wakeham both received the Highest Attended Presentation Award.
  • Lydia Lytle and Jennifer Dannenbring earned 2nd place for their poster presentation.
  • Lydia Lytle also received a Graduate Student Service Award for her dedication and contributions in GSG.
  • Travis Wakeham won 1st place for his oral presentation. He also received an Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award.

Lytle & Dannenbring.GSG-201601

Body Positivity Week

Body Positivity Presentation

Erin Brown is a writer, activist, advocate and big voice for women living autonomous lives while feeling good in the skin they’re in. She will be speaking to Michigan Tech and the larger community about body autonomy, self image, sexual assault and eating disorders.

Her presentation is part of Body Positivity Week which takes place today through February 26. Erin’s lecture will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, February 25 in Fisher 135.

This talk is geared toward the college audience and will be appropriate for youth with parental accompaniment. We welcome the community, particularly parents, to attend this talk if they’re interested.

Erin is an entrepreneur who owns and operates a business and website. She also serves on the Advisory Board for Girls Gone Strong, an online women’s fitness business.

For questions, contact Whitney Boroski.

Body Positivity poster FINAL

KIP Seminar Series

KIP Seminar Series_Spring 2016_Final

The KIP Fall Seminar Series wrapped up in December with Dr. Syd Johnson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities, presenting on the ethical and legal implications surrounding concussions and CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). Dr. Johnson’s presentation was featured on the front page of the December 7th edition of the Daily Mining Gazette.  Gazette Article-Head trauma 

We kicked off the spring series with Medical Careers Week in January.  Our second spring seminar will be held next week Friday, Feb. 12th in the ATDC (101) at 3:00 pm.  Dr. Myounghoon Jean, Assistant Professor in the Department of Cognitive & Learning Sciences and Computer Science, will present on his research related to human-computer interaction and human-robot interaction.

These monthly research seminars are a great way for students and faculty to broaden their knowledge beyond their specific area of research/interest.

KIP Seminar Series_Spring 2016_Final

2nd Annual Medical Careers Week Wraps Up

Michigan Tech held the second annual Medical Careers Week

By Brittany Denny |

Published 01/22 2016 06:14PM
Updated 01/22 2016 06:14PM

This week, Michigan Tech held their second Annual Medical Careers Week, it was open to the public and gave information about a variety of careers in the Medical Health field.
Steve Elmer, an assistant professor at Michigan Tech said, “I think at Michigan Tech we’re historically known for mining and engineering and we’re really emerging as regional and eventually soon, a national program in human health.”
Travis Wakeham, a graduate student studying physiology said, “I think it’s great.  At Michigan Tech, there’s a lot of engineering students, but there’s a lot of other students interested in health sometimes.  We don’t always have those opportunities so, it’s nice to get some exposure.”
A different topic of health was covered each day with Friday geared towards Allied Health.
Kelsey Saladin, an undergraduate student studying Kinesiology said, “Today, it’s really related to what I’m going into which is physical therapy. So, you get a lot of information on what different fields and occupations you can go into.”
“Primarily we’ve had undergraduate students currently enrolled at programs here at Michigan Tech. We also have some of our graduate students here and students from really the four surrounding counties, high school students that are considering Michigan Tech or considering even other programs as well,” said Elmer.
Organizers say they are already making plans and ideas for the event next year.