Author: Ryan Towles

Fall 2025 Waiting Lists for MAE Courses

Click on a course below to access a Google Form to create a waiting list entry for a full MAE course/section for the Fall 2025 semester.

  1. Please read the form carefully and complete it as accurately and completely as possible.
  2. We will prioritize the waiting lists firstly based on which students have the greatest need for a required course to maintain feasible graduation timing and/or earn a minor, etc.  We’ll also take the planned graduation semester into account for technical electives (Fall 2025 grads take priority over Spring/Summer 2026 grads, etc).  Then priority will be based on your designated time to begin registration in the priority schedule and/or the time stamp on your waiting list entry.
  3. The department will strive to quickly address the waiting lists to add students to needed courses as soon as possible.
  4. Students will be notified with an email if and when they are added to a course from a waiting list.
  5. Feel free to contact the academic advisors with questions at any time, but you must complete the online form to get on a waiting list.
  6. If you do get into an MAE course, but not in your preferred section, you can use the waiting list form to request a section change also.
  7. Do not complete the online form to get on a waiting list until after your registration time starts according to the published schedule (by earned credits).  If you do submit an entry early, it will jeopardize your priority for getting into the course.






























Full Details on ME Changes for Fall 2025 and Essential Education

BSME students need to be aware of some changes set to take effect in Fall 2025.  There are some slight ME-specific curriculum changes and the implementation of the new Essential Education program by the university.

It is really important that you stop in to see an MAE advisor to review how these changes do/might affect you and determine if you want to move up to the new BSME and/or Essential Ed requirements or not.  Fall 2025 registration begins on March 9th.

First, let’s lay out the BSME changes that will apply to all current students not graduating in Spring/Summer 2025:

  • All MEEM courses will become ME courses.  By and large the course numbers will remain the same and the same number for MEEM and ME will be equivalent courses.
  • MEEM 2901 will increase from 2 to 3 credits.  If you took the 2-cr version of MEEM 2901 already or are in it right now (or take it in the summer), that is fine.  If you take the 3-cr version of the course and stay on the older BSME requirements (prior to Fall 2025), the surplus credit will count towards your total technical elective credits required.
  • MEEM 3901 will increase from 2 to 3 credits.  If you took the 2-cr version of MEEM 3901 already or are in it right now, that is fine.  If you take the 3-cr version of the course and stay on the older BSME requirements (prior to Fall 2025), the surplus credit will count towards your total technical elective credits required.
  • MEEM 3600 (3 cr) will become ME 3601 (4 cr).  And the pre-req for ME 3601 will only be ME 2901.  ME 3601 will remain a concurrent pre-req for ME 4901/ENT 4950.  If you took MEEM 3600 already or are in it right now, that is fine.  If you take ME 3601 and stay on the older BSME requirements (prior to Fall 2025), the surplus credit will count towards your total technical elective credits required.
  • ME 3400 will have some content updates from MEEM 3400 and MSE 2100 has been added as a non-concurrent pre-req to ME 3400.
  • For students that move up to the Fall 2025 Essential Education set of requirements, EC 3400 will no longer be a required course.  It can still be taken/counted towards Essential Education as a SHAPE course if that requirement isn’t already satisfied for you.  If you stay on the older BSME requirements (prior to Fall 2025), then EC 3400 will still be a required course for you.

Example: for a student that stays on the current BSME flowcharts (gold/blue), takes EC 3400, and has the newer versions of all 3 of the other courses above, their technical electives requirement will be adjusted from 15 credits to 12 (12 to 9 for enterprise).

Also, students that do move up to the newer BSME/Essential Ed requirements, but already have a lower-credit version of a course, that credit can be made up with free electives (virtually any credits).  Example: for a student that moves up to Fall 2025 BSME flowcharts (beige/salmon) and has the older 2-cr MEEM 2901 but takes the 3-cr ME 3901 and 4-cr ME 3601, their free electives requirement will be adjusted from 3 credits to 4.

Regarding Essential Education, the structure is similar to the current general education (Core/HASS) requirements, but the names of the lists and the courses on each list are changing and there will be some minors that can be used to help fulfill Essential Ed if desired by the student.  No current students must move onto the Essential Ed requirements, but anyone that wants to can choose to.  Again, it is really important that you stop in to see an MAE advisor. We can mark both an older (gold or blue) flow chart for you and a newer ME flow chart with Essential Ed also (beige or salmon) to map out how each pathway could work for you and determine how many credits remain for either option, etc.

  • General Education Core requirements (UN 1015, UN 1025, Critical and Creative Thinking, Social Responsibility & Ethical Reasoning) are replaced by what Essential Education calls First-Year Experience (Michigan Tech Seminar, Composition, Foundations of the Human World).
    • The seminar is covered by ENG 1101.
    • Composition is still UN 1015.
    • Foundations of the Human World is a list of 3-cr courses to choose from.
    • There are also math, natural/physical science, and STEM requirements, but those are covered by required major courses for ME students.
  • HASS requirements will be replaced by a Distribution Pathway.  One 3-cr course to be chosen from each of these lists instead of the HASS lists.
    • Communication Intensive
    • Intercultural Competency (this list only has 3000+ level courses)
    • Arts and Culture
    • SHAPE (Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts for People and the Economy) – a second course taken from these other lists will count towards the SHAPE requirement plus some more choices beyond that.
    • Essential Education Experience (this list only has 3000+ level courses)
    • There is also a second STEM requirement that is covered by required major courses for ME students.
  • Co-Curricular Activities (mostly PE) become Activities for Well-being and Success.  Instead of 3 units of activities outside of the required credits for the degree, these activities become 3 required credit hours and do count towards the 128 total required credits to graduate.  However, for these courses, grades are not counted toward a student’s overall GPA.  Activities courses will become freely repeatable also.
  • An Essential Education minor, if so designated, can replace the Distribution Pathway above.  Interested students should consult with a minor advisor on the those requirements.

Full Essential Education information is here:

Transfer students: if you have satisfied the MTA, then that wipes out all Essential Ed requirements, although free electives may have to be increased to maintain the required 128 total credits to graduate.

Aerospace Engineering majors must complete Essential Education requirements.  The BSAE degree program does not exist before Fall 2025, so the older gen ed is not an option for that degree.  Double major ME/AE students should consult with an MAE advisor to determine if the older gen ed or Essential Ed makes sense for their BSME requirements.

Again, see an MAE advisor to discuss.


Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Changes


Aerospace Engineering Minor Changes

  • Students that have the pre-requisites to take ME 4810 in Fall 2025 – MEEM 2150 and MEEM 3201 – can complete the minor on the 2024-25 (Fall 2024 catalog year) requirements.
    • Minor students that will be in ME 3201 in Fall 2025 and graduating before Spring 2027 should add themselves to the ME 4810 wait list.
  • Fall 2025 is the last time ME 4810 will be offered.
  • Students that cannot take ME 4810 in Fall 2025 will need to move onto the newer 2025-26 (Fall 2025 catalog year) minor requirements.
  • The new minor requirements will have AE 2500 and AE 2550.  These courses must be taken for the minor and represent 3-6 extra credits for BSME students earning this minor.  AE 2500/2550 cannot be counted as ME technical elective credits.
  • Anyone that declares the Aerospace Engineering major (BSAE, alone or as an ME/AE double major) cannot also earn the Aerospace Engineering minor.  Students can drop the minor to add the major or vice versa.
  • Aerospace Engineering majors cannot take ME 4810.
  • See an MAE advisor to discuss your individual situation.


Notes on the NEW Aerospace Engineering Major

  • You must be declared as an Aerospace Engineering major to register for AE courses.
  • This includes AE 2500 registration for Fall 2025 and AE 2550 for Spring 2026.
  • Aerospace Engineering majors cannot take ME 4810.
  • You can make curriculum changes – changing majors, adding a double major, dropping a minor, etc – through this process.
  • See an MAE advisor to discuss your individual situation.


General Advising Reminders

  • Complete online graduation application during your second to last semester prior to graduation through MyMichiganTech or BanWeb.  Fall grads should submit in January.  Spring/summer grads in September.
  • Graduating next semester? Contact an ME academic advisor to start the process of finalizing your online degree audit.  See FAQ #18 below and watch your email if you are in your last or second to last semester.

How do I register on BanWeb and what if I think I need a waiver?

Please use this link for registration FAQs:

And here is a video tutorial regarding online registration through BanWeb:

If you get a registration error, please pay attention to the specific error that comes up and you may be able to troubleshoot the problem.  Check the course prerequisites/restrictions and the course descriptions listing by clicking on the section CRN in BanWeb.  If you think you need a waiver to override an error, please see below.

Some common registration issues that may require waivers/permissions are below.  Approval/Waiver form is available from the Registrar’s Office website or in hard copy in the ME Academic Advising Center.

Types of waivers:

  • Filled sections: Get approval from department offering the course.  See FAQ #9 for listing of correct contact person(s) by department.  May or may not require a signed form.  For full MEEM courses, there is a Google Form wait list process to follow.  See an ME Academic advisor for details.
  • Lacking prerequisite: Get approval from MEEM course coordinator – see an academic advisor to identify the right faculty member – or the department/instructor offering the course. Prerequisites are NOT generally waived for required MEEM courses.
  • Instructor approval: Most commonly required to enroll in enterprise project courses.  For enterprise, may use this internal ME form through the end of 1st week of the semester.  Otherwise special approval or late-add form (if after 1st week) is used.  See an advisor for these forms.  An email form the enterprise advisor to in lieu of a sign form is acceptable.
  • Special Approval/Restriction waivers: Use Approval/Waiver Form for instructor permission to waive class restriction, level restriction, or other restrictions where appropriate.
  • Credit overload permission form: Approval signature from your academic advisor.  Approval from the Dean of Students office is necessary if on academic probation.  Academic advisors are generally not inclined to approve credit overloads (enrolling in more than 18 credits in a semester).
  • Time conflict: Approval from all instructors involved is required.  Use the Approval/Waiver Form.
  • Grading Changes: Used if student wishes to change the course to an audit or pass-fail.

To obtain approvals:

  1. Print a waiver form or pick the correct form up from the ME Advising Center (some forms are available outside the offices, others you can request from an advisor).
  2. Fully complete your form and get required signatures.
  3. Bring completed, signed waivers to:
    • The Registrar’s Office – First floor Administration Building
    • or ME Advising Center (for MEEM or enterprise related forms)
    • Late-Add forms always go to the Registrar’s Office once signed off.

Emails from instructors, etc to and/or (as applicable) in place of signed forms are acceptable.

Enterprise: Instructor approval required for many enterprise teams, every semester. Bring the enrollment form to the enterprise faculty advisor for their signature. Return signed form to ME Advising Center (205 MEEM, inside 203) by the end of 1st week.  An approval email from the enterprise advisor to is acceptable also.  Late Add procedures are in effect after 1st week.  For ENT 4950 the typical instructor permission form is not used.  See FAQ #2 or here for ENT 4950 enrollment instructions.

Late Adds: After 1st week of the semester, any added courses or section changes are late adds.  See an academic advisor to determine if a late add is appropriate and to get a late add form.  MEEM course control/waiting list policies are still in effect for late-adds or section changes of MEEM courses.  Emails may be used in place of forms.

Another common registration error is a linked section error.  If you see this error, it means that you missed a course component for a course that requires more than one CRN for registration.  Typically because a recitation (R0X) and a lab (L0X) are both required for that course.  For different courses this can mean different things:

  • Calculus – MA 1160/1161/2160/3160 – Need a recitation and a lab and the section numbers must match.  R01 with L01, R02 with L02, etc.
  • Chemistry – Any section of CH 1150 can go with any section of CH 1151, but both must be registered simultaneously (otherwise corequisite error).
  • Mechanical Engineering Practice (MEP) Courses:
    • MEEM 2901 – MEP I – For the fall semester certain section combinations are required.  R01/R02 must schedule L01-L08 OR L17. R03/R04 must schedule L09-L16 OR L18.  For the spring semester, R01 and any lab section can be registered.
    • MEEM 2911 – MEP II – R01 and any lab section can be registered.
    • MEEM 3901 – MEP III – Need a recitation and a lab and the section numbers must match.  R01 with L01, R02 with L02, etc.
    • MEEM 3911 – MEP IV – R01 and any lab section can be registered. 
  • Circuits – EE 3010 – Any lecture (0A, 0B, etc) and any lab.  However if an online lecture section is selected, the online lab section must also be selected.
  • Some technical electives have labs – MEEM 4405, 4430, 4701, 4702, 4704, 4705, 4707, 4775, MSE 4310, etc.  Typically, in these situations R01 and any lab section will work.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I register on BanWeb and what if I think I need a waiver?
  2. Joining an Enterprise
  3. When and how can I add/drop classes?  What is a ‘W’ grade?
  4. How to change your major or add a major/minor and/or concentration.
  5. Transferring credits from elsewhere
  6. Repeating a Course
  7. Academic Probation & Suspension
  8. I am feeling stressed. What can I do? (And Study Tips)
  9. Contacts for Filled Sections – By Department
  10. ME versus MET
  11. Study Abroad
  12. ROTC Academic Plans (AF Form 48, AR Form 104R)
  13. Co-op credits
  14. What if I have less than 12 credits for my last semester?
  15. Thinking of graduate school?
  16. Looking for Undergraduate Research?
  17. Am I ready to take Senior Capstone Design (MEEM4901/4911 or ENT4950/60)? How are MEEM 4901/4911 projects defined?
  18. Preparing for Graduation & Degree Audit FAQs
  19. Should I take the FE Exam?  When?  How?

Should I take the FE Exam? When? How?

The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is typically the first of two intensive competency exams needed to qualify for a professional engineer license (PE). In general, the process of becoming a PE is as follows:

  • Earn a four-year degree in engineering from an accredited engineering program. The BSME from Michigan Tech has met this criterion since 1936.
  • Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.
  • Complete four years of progressive engineering experience under a PE (most states).
  • Pass the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam.

Earning a PE license is similar to passing the bar exam for attorneys after law school or the medical board exams after medical school for physicians.  The National Society of Professional Engineers provides an accurate and concise definition of a PE here.

A mechanical engineering student should consider taking the FE (with an eye toward becoming a PE) if their career plans include work that requires the authority to prepare, sign and seal, and submit engineering plans and drawings to a public authority for approval, or seal engineering work for public and private clients. Students should inquire with prospective employers to determine if becoming a PE is desired for possible positions and how the credential may affect upward (or lateral) mobility in a particular company/organization.

The individual decision to prepare for and take the FE will depend on a student’s desire to keep the option open to take the PE exam after gaining the required work experience.  The FE exam is not a degree requirement to graduate or an entrance exam for further education (i.e. it is not similar to the MCAT, LSAT, GRE, GMAT, etc).

The FE exam is appropriate to take for students who are close to finishing an undergraduate engineering degree.  Most students  take this exam during their final semester as an undergrad, but it can be taken earlier or post-graduation, if desired.

The FE exam is not state-specific and is administered by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). Even if you are not a Michigan resident, you could plan to take the FE here on campus and use the Michigan registration link.  In Michigan, you do not have to apply for approval or submit any documents to take the FE. Once you create an account and log into you will be able to register for the FE. You will be prompted to select a test (choose FE), discipline, and state to take the test. After selecting, FE, mechanical, and Michigan, a list of testing centers will be displayed. The testing center within the VanPelt and Opie Library is a local option. Once you select your testing location a list of available exam dates will be displayed.  The FE exam is now online and has a certain number of slots available in certain date ranges throughout the calendar year.

Additional information about exam content, format, preparation, registration, fees and scoring can be found on the NCEES website.

The Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering department does have some exam review materials online here for you to access if you wish.  These materials may not match up exactly with the mechanical engineering version of the FE exam, but may be helpful in some areas.

Transfer credits from other schools

Transfer Credits: If you choose to take classes elsewhere and transfer them to Michigan Tech, please follow the below procedure.  The Transfer Services web page has links for all the information you will need as referenced below.

  • First, choose courses that are an approved equivalent to Michigan Tech courses required for your degree.
  • To access a list of courses already approved for transfer, use the Michigan Tech Transfer Equivalency System.  This online system is also linked through the Transfer Services page.  It is organized by state and then by institution.  This is the system you must use for these equivalencies rather than transfer guides, etc from any other source.  It is a good idea to make a dated screenshot of any equivalencies you find just in case anything changes between when you look the course up and when you complete the course.
    • The Michigan Transfer Network may be a useful, time-saving tool for looking up course equivalencies at other institutions in the state of Michigan.  This website allows you to see all other equivalent courses at colleges or universities in the state in one search, rather than looking at each institution separately.  However, it is recommended that you confirm any equivalencies you find here by cross-referencing the Michigan Tech Transfer Equivalency System.
  • Any courses with an equivalent course number shown on the Critical & Creative Thinking list, Social Responsibility & Ethical Reasoning list, any HASS list, or Co-Curricular list may be used for those requirements.
  • Any courses with an equivalent course number shown on the ME tech elective list or MEEM 4XXE in most cases may be used for those requirements.  MEEM 4XXE is mainly used to transfer a course that is not equivalent to any specific MEEM course, but does meet the criteria for technical elective credit.
  • Equivalent transfer courses to both MA 2710 and MA 2720 are acceptable in place of MA 3710 for the BSME program.
  • If the course you want or need is NOT included in the transfer equivalency system, you can request to have it evaluated for transfer credit by contacting Transfer Services.
  • Transfer Services will let you know if you need to submit a course syllabus for evaluation.
  • A short catalog description is not enough information to evaluate a course for possible Michigan Tech credit. You must provide a syllabus.  The below information should be included.
  1. University or college name and location
  2. Course number, course title, and number of credits (note if credits are not on a standard semester system)
  3. Textbook(s) used
  4. Detailed description of topics (not just outcomes) and grading system. At a minimum, the description of topics must include a week-by-week (class-by-class, etc) breakdown of the topics/chapters covered.
  5. If all this information is available online, you can send attached files or link(s) to Allow several weeks for the course evaluation process to be completed by the appropriate Michigan Tech academic department.
  6. Before submitting a course for evaluation, please make sure that the course is being offered and you intend/are allowed to take it. Please bear in mind that you will be subject to any pre-requisites or restrictions in place at the transfer institution, as well as Michigan Tech pre-reqs, etc.
  • If you will be taking a class at another institution in the state of Michigan (regardless of your in-state or out-of-state residency), fill out a Guest Student Application and submit it to Michigan Tech Transfer Services.  This will streamline the process of becoming a student at another college or university in Michigan.  Transfer Services must complete Part II on the application form (ME advisors cannot complete this).  See this document to find out how to complete the guest student application at different institutions across the state.
  • Once admitted as a guest student, register for the course(s) at the other institution.
  • If a transfer course you are taking is a prerequisite for a course you plan to take in your next semester at Michigan Tech, notify Transfer Services of your registration and an in-session (IS) placeholder can be entered into Banner.  The IS will act as a pre-req to allow you to register for the next course(s) you need here at Tech.
  • Complete the transfer course(s).  Grades for each course must be ‘C’ (2.00/4.00 or equivalent) or better to be accepted by Michigan Tech. For example, a grade of ‘C-minus’ will not transfer.
  • How to complete transfer of credits to Michigan Tech:
    Request an official copy of your transcript be sent to Michigan Tech as soon as you have completed the course(s) and earned a ‘C’ or better.  This will not happen automatically.  You must make a transcript request with the institution where you have completed courses.  Official transcripts are sealed and must be sent to/received by Michigan Tech Transfer Services directly (electronically or otherwise) from other institutions. Do not request these transcripts to be sent to yourself, academic advisors, etc.
  • Earned transfer credits are not included in any GPA calculations, but can impact your GPAs if the transfer replaces a previous Michigan Tech grade.  Removal of poor grades from these calculations may cause GPAs to improve once transfer credits are entered. The earned grade at the transferring institution will not be used to calculate Michigan Tech GPAs.
  • At least 30 credits of upper-level (3000 or higher) coursework must be completed at Michigan Tech to earn a Michigan Tech degree.
  • Study Abroad credits are not necessarily transfer credits.  Typically, study-abroad credits through sanctioned study-abroad programs are considered to be Michigan Tech credits and are normally graded as pass-fail according to minimum standards of grades that are earned while studying through those programs.  Contact The Pavlis Honors College for more information on study-abroad opportunities and the pre-departure process.  Courses will be evaluated and possibly approved as equivalent to Michigan Tech courses similar to the syllabus submission process detailed above.  It is critical that you have all your study-abroad equivalencies pre-approved before leaving Michigan Tech and departing for that experience.

Getting ready for graduate school at Michigan Tech

If you are considering continuing with an advanced degree at Michigan Tech after graduation, the first step is applying through the Graduate School.  The admissions staff there can answer questions regarding the application process, requirements, and special programs.  You may apply to graduate school when you have junior class standing (60 earned credit hours).

  • The ME-EM department does offer an accelerated Master’s program which allows Michigan Tech undergraduate students to count up to 6 acceptable credits towards both the BS and MS degrees (double-counting).  Student must have a 3.00 minimum cumulative GPA to qualify and declare their interest in this program when applying to grad school. The application to the accelerated masters program must be submitted prior to undergraduate graduation.  Inquire with the graduate school about which undergraduate credits may be acceptable to use for the MS degree.  Students may only pursue the accelerated BS/MS if they remain enrolled at Michigan Tech.  A student may not have a gap between graduation with the BS and starting the MS degree (a break over summer is fine however).  Students may be able to take advantage of the accelerated masters program even if both degrees are not in the same department (e.g. a BSME student might pursue an MS in biomedical engineering or an MBA). Inquires about programs and which credits may be acceptable to use for the MS degree should be directed to the Graduate School.
  • Students who have room in their schedules for extra courses in their last 1 or 2 semesters of undergraduate work may also consider applying surplus undergraduate credits towards an advanced degree via the Senior Rule.  These credits must be surplus to bachelor’s degree/minor requirements and will be placed onto a separate, graduate-level transcript.  These credits will then only count towards the advanced degree (not double counted with the BS).  Inquire with the graduate school about which credits may be acceptable to use for the MS degree and work with an undergraduate academic advisor to ensure the credits are not necessary for completion of the BSME.  Also, students should consult with Financial Aid if the placement of credits into the graduate level via senior rule will drive their undergraduate credits below 12 total for any semester.  Less than 12 undergraduate credits in a semester, even if it is your last undergraduate semester before graduation, can cause a loss of financial aid in some situations.
  • Michigan Tech also now offers many options for 9-credit graduate certificates (some may require more than 9 credits) that may be pursued after BS degree completion.  More info can be found here.  Many of these certificates can be completed online.  Some examples of ME-EM certificates are Aerodynamics, Automotive Systems and Controls, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Control Systems, Dynamic Systems, Hybrid Electric Drive Vehicle Engineering, Quality Engineering, Safety and Security of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems, and Vehicle Dynamics.

If you are thinking of graduate school/post-graduate education at another institution, you must contact graduate admissions there to get details on how to apply, required testing (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, etc), program requirements, accelerated programs, use of senior rule credits, etc.

Repeating Courses

One of the easiest ways to improve your GPA is by repeating courses. Especially, if you have any grades that are less than ‘C’ (‘CD’, ‘D’, or ‘F’), you should repeat them as soon as possible (the next semester, summer, etc).
  • If you fail a required BSME course, you will have to repeat and pass the class to meet the degree requirement.
  • Even if it is an elective course that is not required specifically, a repeat of a poor grade is probably warranted as well.
  • All current Michigan Tech grades are included in GPA calculations regardless of course status as a degree required course or not.
  • Students may repeat a course no more than two times (3 total attempts allowed).  Sign-offs from your academic advisor, Financial Aid, and the Dean of Students office are required to repeat a course a 2nd and final time (3rd attempt).  You may download the 3rd attempt form here.  This process is mostly a formal acknowledgement from the student that the 3rd attempt is the final attempt and a failing grade in a required course will necessitate a major change.  It is also in place to make sure the student is well-advised about how to best facilitate success in the final course attempt.
  • Students may repeat any previous grade.  This is a recent change made after the Spring 2021 semester.
  • The most recent grade is used in your GPA calculation even if it is lower than the previous grade (including failure after a previous passing grade, resulting in loss of credit).
  • Course attempts are repeats only if the exact same or equivalent course number is completed (example of equivalent course numbers: MA 1160 and MA 1161).
  • See an academic advisor if you believe you need a similar repeat (only applicable if a course is/was no longer offered after a grade in a course is earned, i.e. student did not have an opportunity to repeat).
  • You may transfer credit from another institution to replace a grade in a course as long as the requirements outlined in FAQ #5 are met. However, earned transfer credits are not included in any GPA calculations. Transfer repeats can impact your GPAs if the transfer replaces a previous Michigan Tech grade.  Removal of poor grades from these calculations may cause GPAs to improve once transfer credits are entered. Please note once again, the Michigan Tech grade is completely removed from the GPA calculation by the transfer, but the earned grade from the transferring institution will not be used to calculate Michigan Tech GPAs.  Transfer repeats only can remove prior grades if the transfer credit is evaluated equivalent to the exact same course number at Michigan Tech that was originally completed (or an equivalent course like the Calculus I example above).
  • Prerequisite courses must be passed in order to continue to next course.  In most cases is is not advisable to move ahead in a course sequence if you have not earned a ‘C’ or better in a pre-req course, even though you may have passed the course.
  • Concurrent pre-req courses may be taken at the same time.
  • Minimum GPAs are established that must be met in order to maintain good academic standing: University cumulative GPA ≥ 2.00 and cumulative departmental GPA ≥ 2.00 (MEEM courses, based on at least 16 credits) and current semester GPA ≥ 2.00.
  • The minimum ≥ 2.00 cumulative and departmental GPAs are also required for graduation
  • Repeating courses may impact financial aid. Please visit the Student Financial Services Center to discuss specific situations.