Opportunities for summer internships and more at the Lincoln Laboratories

MIT Lincoln Laboratory will be on-campus on October 2-3 to recruit undergraduate and graduate students for potential employment opportunities.  We will be participating in the Career Fair on October 2nd and holding on-campus interviews on October 3rd .  If you know top students who might be interested in employment at Lincoln Lab, please ask them to sign up for an on-campus interview with the Career Center and apply online at Lincoln’s website (http://www.ll.mit.edu/college). *The deadline for applying for interview slots is September 23rd .* Please note that all Lincoln employees must be able to obtain and maintain a SECRET-level U.S. security clearance.

*Peter A Kiefer*
/Associate Staff/
Advanced Sensor Systems & Test Beds
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood St, Lexington, MA 02420
Mailstop: KH1-235H
Phone: 781-981-4005

MIT Lincoln Lab
