Kamal Kant Chandrakar has received a prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship. Kamal is working for his PhD degree with Prof. R. Shaw in the area of atmospheric physics.
Congratulations Kamal!
Kamal Kant Chandrakar has received a prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship. Kamal is working for his PhD degree with Prof. R. Shaw in the area of atmospheric physics.
Congratulations Kamal!
Professor Ramy El-Ganainy has recently been published on the nature international weekly journal, titled ‘Enhanced sensitivity at higher-order exceptional points’.
Congratulations Professor El-Ganainy!
Merelaniite, a new mineral discovered by Michigan Tech professor John Jaszczak, was named Mineral Of the Year for 2016. The mineral was selected by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). Sergey V. Krivovichev of the IMA says this annual initiative was started in 2014, and “recognizes a single new mineral species published in the previous year as most interesting and outstanding among others.”