Category: News

Celebrating Achievements by one of our former Students and the University!

PhD candidate Kevin Waters (Physics) is one of 52 new doctoral students nationwide selected for the US Department of Energy (DOE) 2017 Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program.

The program provides support for graduate students to spend 3 to 12 consecutive months at a DOE national laboratory conducting graduate thesis research in a priority research area in collaboration with a DOE laboratory scientist.

Waters will do his DOE research at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. His PhD research focuses on predictive materials science and chemistry. See here.


Meanwhile Michigan Tech celebrates 5th straight year of enrollment increases!

New Funding

image98360-persimage153545-persPengfei Xue (CEE, left) is the principal investigator on a project that has received a $104,168 research and development grant from NASA.

Mark Kulie (GMES/GLRC, right) is the Co-PI on the project, ” Evaluation and Advancing the Representation of Lake-Atmosphere Interactions and Resulting Heavy Lake-Effect Snowstorms across the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin Within the NASA-Unified Weather Research and Forecasting Model.”

This is the first year of a potential four-year project totaling $327,927.