On Friday, May 1st the Department of Social Sciences held a virtual commencement celebration honoring its 2019-20 graduates.
“We are marking an important milestone in the lives of our graduates. Graduates, you are ending one phase of your formal education and beginning a new phase of your lives.”
- President Richard Koubek
- Dean David Hemmer
- Dr. Mayra Sanchez Morgan
- Ph.D. Candidate Will Lytle
- Professor Emerita Dr. Carol A. Maclennan
Professor Mark Rhodes provided a musical interlude “Theme from Star Trek Voyager” on trumpet and recent anthropology graduate, Charles Fugate read the poem “In April” by Rainer Maria Rilke. Undergraduate awards were presented and the names of our graduates were read. The musical closing was provided by the Pep Band and Blizzard.
Congratulations to all. We wish you continued success.
“You persevered, and along the way you made a lasting imprint on our campus community.”

Social Sciences Graduates 2019-2020
Doctor of Philsophy
Erin Burkett, Environmental and Energy Policy, PhD
Brent J. Burns, Environmental and Energy Policy, PhD
Mayra Sanchez Morgan, Environmental and Energy Policy, PhD
Andrew Mueller, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, PhD
Master of Science
Karuna Rana, Environmental and Energy Policy, MS
Sun Van Nguyen, Environmental and Energy Policy, MS
Michael Levi Ryan, Environmental and Energy Policy, MS
Azat Turegeldin, Environmental and Energy Policy, MS
Robert John Zupko, Environmental and Energy Policy, MS
Tyler D. Allen, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, MS
Brendan J. Doucet, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, MS
Josef Thomas Iwanicki, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, MS
Bachelor of Science
Charles R. Fugate, BS Anthropology
Bridget E. Quesnell, BS Anthropology
Trenton X. Woodcox, BS Social Sciences -Law and Society
Jessica M. Berryman, BS Social Sciences -Law and Society
Catherine A. Carra, BS Social Sciences -Education
Jason D. Sutherland, BS Social Sciences-Education
Undergraduate Awards
Outstanding Senior Award
Jessica Berryman and Charles Fugate
Undergraduate Research Awards
Alannah M Woodring and Lynette S Webber
Community-Based Research Prize
Angela Gutierrez and Timothy Stone
Departmental Scholar 2020
Timothy Stone