Student News Briefs – August 17, 2018

Move-In Volunteers Needed – Saturday, August 25
Welcoming new students and their families is one of the most exciting times on campus. Student organizations are invited to help welcome in-coming students during move-in on Saturday, August 25. Your group can sign up for one shift or multiple shifts. This is a great service opportunity for your organization!

Times for the shifts are from:
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Link to sign up can be found here.

The move-in volunteer expectations are as follow:
•    Remember that you are representing your Student Organization and Michigan Technological University. First impressions are very important to new students and their family members.
•    Wear apparel that represents your Student Organization or Michigan Tech only.
•    Wear clothing that is neat and appropriate (no holes, no hats, and no sunglasses are permitted).
•    Wear comfortable, closed toe shoes (athletic shoes recommended).
•    Volunteers may not recruit or pass out invitations/flyers of any kind.
•    Volunteers must help everyone, not just the people you might want to get to know.
•    Please remember that some students and families may not want your help. Please be considerate and ask if they would like assistance first, before grabbing items.
•    Arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in at the Wadsworth Hall Reception Desk in order to get to your assigned location on time for the start of your shift.
•    Work with University, Orientation, and Housing and Residential Life staffs who are also assigned to assist with the move-in process. We are one big team on move-in day.

For any further questions, please contact Karen Patterson at

Comedian Pete Lee – Saturday, August 25 at 9 PM in the Rozsa
Looking for a fun Saturday night activity? Look no further! Join Late Night Programming and Orientation for the first comedian of the year, Pete Lee! The fun starts on Saturday, August 25th at 9 PM at the Rozsa Center. Bring your friends!
As always, this Late Night event is free and funded by the Student Activities Fee.Pete Lee picturePete Lee might be the nicest person in New York City, but that’s because it’s impossible to sound aggressive with a Wisconsin accent. Pete was raised in Janesville, WI by divorced parents and a 19-inch television, which is probably why he pursued a career in entertainment. Thanks to his highly rated Comedy Central Presents half hour special, Pete has packed venues at over 500 colleges and universities across the country. Pete has also been a standout on NBC’s Last Comic Standing and played a doctor on the CBS soap opera As the World Turns. His hit YouTube series titled Pete Lee’s Internet Freak Show attracted the attention of television executives. He was quickly hired to be a writer and cast member on FUSE TV’s Video on Trial and cast member on VH1’s Best Week Ever. Pete is a rising star in the college market and on television, but he is also really fun to have dinner with at your town’s Applebee’s.

Comedian Sammy Obeid – Saturday, September 1 at 10 PM in the Rozsa 

Lebanese-Palestinian-Syrian-Italian American (try saying it really fast) Sammy knows a lot about mixin’ it up. After double majoring in Business and Math at UC Berkeley — which is why he does comedy now — Obeid blends his education with his love for being the life of the party, breaking down hip, trending topics until you laugh your abs into a six-pack. Voted “Fastest Rising Star” of 2014 in Campus Activities Magazine, SaComedian Sammy Obeid EDS picturemmy has appeared on NBC’s Last Comic Standing, America’s Got Talent, TBS’s Conan, and often likes to remind strangers that he was the first comedian to ever tell jokes on the Food Network. In 2013, he may have even impressed his parents by setting a world record of performing comedy 1,001 consecutive nights, with his story featured in Time and The New York Times. And then he took a nap.

Come join us on Saturday, September 1 at 10 pm in the Rozsa Center!
This event is free and brought to you by Late Night Programming and Orientation.

K-Day Registration is Open!
KDay Registration is officially open, so reserve your spot now!  Space and resources are limited, so do not delay!
KDay, or Keweenaw Day, is an annual tradition that will be held on FridaySeptember 7 beginning at noon. Students head to KDay for an afternoon of food, fun, and music.  K-Day typically sees 3500-4000 students so this is an important recruitment opportunity for your organization.  Please have your organization’s event finalized before registering HERE.  This year’s theme is “Superior Tides and Keweenaw Vibes”…. so get out your beach gear!  Questions about KDay can be directed to Rochelle Spencer at or call
New this year: New Location! 
Unfortunately, McLain State Park is under construction and unavailable.  But the good news is that we have a new location – This year we are excited to celebrate KDay at Chassell Centennial Park!

Parade of Nations

Now is the time for student organizations to think about their involvement in the 2018 Parade of Nations scheduled for Saturday, September 15th.  The Parade begins at 11:00 am in Hancock near the Huntington Bank building, and marches to the Dee Stadium in Houghton where the multicultural festival will take place from approximately noon to 3:00 pm.  The theme for the 2018 Parade of Nations is “Global Beats – International Treats.”

Student organizations can:                                                                     Parade18

1) Have a float in the Parade (register here) and win cash in the float contest!

2) Sponsor a food or crafts booth at the multicultural festival (register for craft booth or food booth)

3) Showcase their talents by being a part of the entertainment – this is open to individuals too!  (register here)

4) Volunteer to help – sign up here.

Is your organization short on cash?  Activity Grant Available.

This year’s headline act is Ole!, sponsored by the Parade of Nations and the Rozsa Center for Performing Arts.  Ole! is a wonderful celebration of music and comedy, with all the exhilarating sounds from the rhythms of flamenco to salsa, swing, blues, jazz and pop.  The performance will take place at the Rozsa Center on Saturday, September 15 at 7:30 pm.  Tickets for Ole! go on sale August 1 and are $10 for adults, $5 for children, and free to students with the Experience Tech Fee.  Visit for more details.

Be a parade spectator and have a chance to win the “I Love Parade of Nations” Weekend Getaway for two to Chicago worth more than $2000!!  Visit the Parade of Nations website or Facebook page for more details.

For more details on all Parade of Nations events, check out the event’s website, or to keep up on Parade happenings, visit their Facebook page.

Check out the Parade of Nations video here!

Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:

Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio 


Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Student News Briefs – August 10, 2018

Comedian Pete Lee – Saturday, August 25 at 9 PM in the Rozsa
Looking for a fun Saturday night activity? Look no further! Join Late Night Programming and Orientation for the first comedian of the year, Pete Lee! The fun starts on Saturday, August 25th at 9 PM at the Rozsa Center. Bring your friends!
As always, this Late Night event is free and funded by the Student Activities Fee.Pete Lee picturePete Lee might be the nicest person in New York City, but that’s because it’s impossible to sound aggressive with a Wisconsin accent. Pete was raised in Janesville, WI by divorced parents and a 19-inch television, which is probably why he pursued a career in entertainment. Thanks to his highly rated Comedy Central Presents half hour special, Pete has packed venues at over 500 colleges and universities across the country. Pete has also been a standout on NBC’s Last Comic Standing and played a doctor on the CBS soap opera As the World Turns. His hit YouTube series titled Pete Lee’s Internet Freak Show attracted the attention of television executives. He was quickly hired to be a writer and cast member on FUSE TV’s Video on Trial and cast member on VH1’s Best Week Ever. Pete is a rising star in the college market and on television, but he is also really fun to have dinner with at your town’s Applebee’s.

Comedian Sammy Obeid – Saturday, September 1 at 10 PM in the Rozsa 

Lebanese-Palestinian-Syrian-Italian American (try saying it really fast) Sammy knows a lot about mixin’ it up. After double majoring in Business and Math at UC Berkeley — which is why he does comedy now — Obeid blends his education with his love for being the life of the party, breaking down hip, trending topics until you laugh your abs into a six-pack. Voted “Fastest Rising Star” of 2014 in Campus Activities Magazine, SaComedian Sammy Obeid EDS picturemmy has appeared on NBC’s Last Comic Standing, America’s Got Talent, TBS’s Conan, and often likes to remind strangers that he was the first comedian to ever tell jokes on the Food Network. In 2013, he may have even impressed his parents by setting a world record of performing comedy 1,001 consecutive nights, with his story featured in Time and The New York Times. And then he took a nap.

Come join us on Saturday, September 1 at 10 pm in the Rozsa Center!
This event is free and brought to you by Late Night Programming and Orientation.

K-Day Registration is Open!
KDay Registration is officially open, so reserve your spot now!  Space and resources are limited, so do not delay!
KDay, or Keweenaw Day, is an annual tradition that will be held on FridaySeptember 7 beginning at noon. Students head to KDay for an afternoon of food, fun, and music.  K-Day typically sees 3500-4000 students so this is an important recruitment opportunity for your organization.  Please have your organization’s event finalized before registering HERE.  This year’s theme is “Superior Tides and Keweenaw Vibes”…. so get out your beach gear!  Questions about KDay can be directed to Rochelle Spencer at or call
New this year: New Location! 
Unfortunately, McLain State Park is under construction and unavailable.  But the good news is that we have a new location – This year we are excited to celebrate KDay at Chassell Centennial Park!

Parade of Nations

Now is the time for student organizations to think about their involvement in the 2018 Parade of Nations scheduled for Saturday, September 15th.  The Parade begins at 11:00 am in Hancock near the Huntington Bank building, and marches to the Dee Stadium in Houghton where the multicultural festival will take place from approximately noon to 3:00 pm.  The theme for the 2018 Parade of Nations is “Global Beats – International Treats.”

Student organizations can:                                                                     Parade18

1) Have a float in the Parade (register here) and win cash in the float contest!

2) Sponsor a food or crafts booth at the multicultural festival (register for craft booth or food booth)

3) Showcase their talents by being a part of the entertainment – this is open to individuals too!  (register here)

4) Volunteer to help – sign up here.

Is your organization short on cash?  Activity Grant Available.

This year’s headline act is Ole!, sponsored by the Parade of Nations and the Rozsa Center for Performing Arts.  Ole! is a wonderful celebration of music and comedy, with all the exhilarating sounds from the rhythms of flamenco to salsa, swing, blues, jazz and pop.  The performance will take place at the Rozsa Center on Saturday, September 15 at 7:30 pm.  Tickets for Ole! go on sale August 1 and are $10 for adults, $5 for children, and free to students with the Experience Tech Fee.  Visit for more details.

Be a parade spectator and have a chance to win the “I Love Parade of Nations” Weekend Getaway for two to Chicago worth more than $2000!!  Visit the Parade of Nations website or Facebook page for more details.

For more details on all Parade of Nations events, check out the event’s website, or to keep up on Parade happenings, visit their Facebook page.

Check out the Parade of Nations video here!

Volunteers Needed at VRC 

As the recovery from last month’s flood continues, there remains a need for volunteers. While many individuals have stepped forward to help, the Great Lakes Conservation Corps, who is now running the Volunteer Registration Center (VRC), is in need of groups of volunteers. Groups are needed to work on bigger projects like yard maintenance, trash removal and patching driveways with gravel.

The VRC is now located in the former J.C. Penney store in the Copper Country Mall. Volunteers can stop by the VRC 1 pm to 8 pm, Monday through Friday and 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Groups can stop by the VRC or call the helpline at 482-6626.


Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:


Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio 


Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Student News Briefs – August 3, 2018

K-Day Registration is Open!
KDay Registration is officially open, so reserve your spot now!  Space and resources are limited, so do not delay!
KDay, or Keweenaw Day, is an annual tradition that will be held on FridaySeptember 7 beginning at noon. Students head to KDay for an afternoon of food, fun, and music.  K-Day typically sees 3500-4000 students so this is an important recruitment opportunity for your organization.  Please have your organization’s event finalized before registering HERE.  This year’s theme is “Superior Tides and Keweenaw Vibes”…. so get out your beach gear!  Questions about KDay can be directed to Rochelle Spencer at or call
New this year: New Location! 
Unfortunately, McLain State Park is under construction and unavailable.  But the good news is that we have a new location – This year we are excited to celebrate KDay at Chassell Centennial Park!

Parade of Nations

Now is the time for student organizations to think about their involvement in the 2018 Parade of Nations scheduled for Saturday, September 15th.  The Parade begins at 11:00 am in Hancock near the Huntington Bank building, and marches to the Dee Stadium in Houghton where the multicultural festival will take place from approximately noon to 3:00 pm.  The theme for the 2018 Parade of Nations is “Global Beats – International Treats.”

Student organizations can:                                                                     Parade18

1) Have a float in the Parade (register here) and win cash in the float contest!

2) Sponsor a food or crafts booth at the multicultural festival (register for craft booth or food booth)

3) Showcase their talents by being a part of the entertainment – this is open to individuals too!  (register here)

4) Volunteer to help – sign up here.

Is your organization short on cash?  Activity Grant Available.

This year’s headline act is Ole!, sponsored by the Parade of Nations and the Rozsa Center for Performing Arts.  Ole! is a wonderful celebration of music and comedy, with all the exhilarating sounds from the rhythms of flamenco to salsa, swing, blues, jazz and pop.  The performance will take place at the Rozsa Center on Saturday, September 15 at 7:30 pm.  Tickets for Ole! go on sale August 1 and are $10 for adults, $5 for children, and free to students with the Experience Tech Fee.  Visit for more details.

Be a parade spectator and have a chance to win the “I Love Parade of Nations” Weekend Getaway for two to Chicago worth more than $2000!!  Visit the Parade of Nations website or Facebook page for more details.

For more details on all Parade of Nations events, check out the event’s website, or to keep up on Parade happenings, visit their Facebook page.

Check out the Parade of Nations video here!

Volunteers Needed at VRC 

As the recovery from last month’s flood continues, there remains a need for volunteers. While many individuals have stepped forward to help, the Great Lakes Conservation Corps, who is now running the Volunteer Registration Center (VRC), is in need of groups of volunteers. Groups are needed to work on bigger projects like yard maintenance, trash removal and patching driveways with gravel.

The VRC is now located in the former J.C. Penney store in the Copper Country Mall. Volunteers can stop by the VRC 1 pm to 8 pm, Monday through Friday and 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Groups can stop by the VRC or call the helpline at 482-6626.

Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise

Space is limited, sign up today!

Student Activities will once again sponsor a Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise on Lake Superior aboard the Isle Royale Queen IV.  The event will take place on Thursday, August 9, 2018.  The bus to Copper Harbor will board at 6:00 Sunset Cruise posterpm in front of the Memorial Union Building, and is expected to return by 11:00 pm.

Sign up begins now in Student Activities, MUB 112 Our hours are 8 am – 4 pm weekdays.  The cost of the event is $5.00.  You must sign up and pay cash in person and present your student ID.  Seats are limited, so do not delay!  Any questions, call Student Activities at 906-487-1963 or email

Please bring your student ID and $5 cash for sign up.




Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:

Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio 


Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Student News Briefs – July 27, 2018

K-Day Registration is Open!
KDay Registration is officially open, so reserve your spot now!  Space and resources are limited, so do not delay!
KDay, or Keweenaw Day, is an annual tradition that will be held on FridaySeptember 7 beginning at noon. Students head to KDay for an afternoon of food, fun, and music.  Kday typically sees 3500-4000 students so this is an important recruitment opportunity for your organization.  Please have your organization’s event finalized before registering HERE.  This year’s theme is “Superior Tides and Keweenaw Vibes”…. so get out your beach gear!  Questions about KDay can be directed to Rochelle Spencer at or call 906-487-1963.
New this year: New Location! 
Unfortunately, McLain State Park is under construction and unavailable.  But the good news is that we have a new location – This year we are excited to celebrate KDay at Chassell Centennial Park!


Parade of Nations

Now is the time for student organizations to think about their involvement in the 2018 Parade of Nations scheduled for Saturday, September 15th.  The Parade begins at 11:00 am in Hancock near the Huntington Bank building, and marches to the Dee Stadium in Houghton where the multicultural festival will take place from approximately noon to 3:00 pm.  The theme for the 2018 Parade of Nations is “Global Beats – International Treats.”

Student organizations can:                                                                     Parade18

1) Have a float in the Parade (register here) and win cash in the float contest!

2) Sponsor a food or crafts booth at the multicultural festival (register for craft booth or food booth)

3) Showcase their talents by being a part of the entertainment – this is open to individuals too!  (register here)

4) Volunteer to help – sign up here.

Is your organization short on cash?  Activity Grant Available.

This year’s headline act is Ole!, sponsored by the Parade of Nations and the Rozsa Center for Performing Arts.  Ole! is a wonderful celebration of music and comedy, with all the exhilarating sounds from the rhythms of flamenco to salsa, swing, blues, jazz and pop.  The performance will take place at the Rozsa Center on Saturday, September 15 at 7:30 pm.  Tickets for Ole! go on sale August 1 and are $10 for adults, $5 for children, and free to students with the Experience Tech Fee.  Visit for more details.

Be a parade spectator and have a chance to win the “I Love Parade of Nations” Weekend Getaway for two to Chicago worth more than $2000!!  Visit the Parade of Nations website or Facebook page for more details.

For more details on all Parade of Nations events, check out the event’s website, or to keep up on Parade happenings, visit their Facebook page.

Check out the Parade of Nations video here!

Volunteers Needed at VRC 

As the recovery from last month’s flood continues, there remains a need for volunteers. While many individuals have stepped forward to help, the Great Lakes Conservation Corps, who is now running the Volunteer Registration Center (VRC), is in need of groups of volunteers. Groups are needed to work on bigger projects like yard maintenance, trash removal and patching driveways with gravel.

The VRC is now located in the former J.C. Penney store in the Copper Country Mall. Volunteers can stop by the VRC 1 pm to 8 pm, Monday through Friday and 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Groups can stop by the VRC or call the helpline at 482-6626.


It’s FREE! Come and plant something wonderful at the Plant-A-Palooza on

Tuesday, July 31, 2018, 2 – 4 pm at the OAP Backyard.Plant-A-Paloozaabc

If it rains the location will be inside OAP from 2 – 4 pm.

Come while supplies last.

Plant your own succulent for FREE with Student Activities!

It is a summer event just for fun! Bring your friends and plant a plant!




Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise

Student Activities will once again sponsor a Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise on Lake Superior aboard the Isle Royale Queen IV.  The event will take place on Thursday, August 9, 2018.  The bus to Copper Harbor will board at 6:00 Sunset Cruise posterpm in front of the Memorial Union Building, and is expected to return by 11:00 pm.

Sign up begins now in Student Activities, MUB 112 Our hours are 8 am – 4 pm weekdays.  The cost of the event is $5.00.  You must sign up and pay cash in person and present your student ID.  Seats are limited, so do not delay!  Any questions, call Student Activities at 906-487-1963 or email





Summer Youth Programs
Summer Youth Programs (SYP) would like to invite you to participate in our Tech Expo during the Women in Engineering (WIE) and Engineering Scholars Program (ESP) courses.
Date:  Wednesday, August 1st (WIE)
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm (set up begins at 3:30 pm)
Location: August 1st – MUB Commons
Attendance: August 1st – 150 students
What is a Tech Expo?: Tech Expos are an opportunity to showcase all things Michigan Tech.  From academic departments to students organizations and enterprises, Tech Expos bring groups from all over campus to inform our participants about everything Michigan Tech has to offer.  The WIE and ESP programs are comprised of 150 incredibly bright and talented high school students from across the country. The ESP program is co-ed, and as the name implies, WIE is made up of all females.  Our Women in Computer Science (WICS) program will also be attending the ESP expo on July 25th.  This program is comprised of 20 high school females doing a week-long computer science curriculum.
Groups presenting at the Tech Expo will be assigned (1) 6-foot table to showcase information about their organization or department.  Students will be free to wander, visiting booths at their own pace.
This is a great way to recruit future Huskies.  About 10% of students currently at Michigan Tech are SYP alumni!
To register your group or department: fill out this registration form no later than Friday, July 13th.  More information will come the following week.
Questions?  Please contact us at or call 906-483-7654.

 Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:


Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio 


Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Student News Briefs – July 20, 2018

Parade of Nations

Now is the time for student organizations to think about their involvement in the 2018 Parade of Nations scheduled for Saturday, September 15th.  The Parade begins at 11:00 am in Hancock near the Huntington Bank building, and marches to the Dee Stadium in Houghton where the multicultural festival will take place from approximately noon to 3:00 pm.  The theme for the 2018 Parade of Nations is “Global Beats – International Treats.”

Student organizations can:                                                                     Parade18

1) Have a float in the Parade (register here) and win cash in the float contest!

2) Sponsor a food or crafts booth at the multicultural festival (register for craft booth or food booth)

3) Showcase their talents by being a part of the entertainment – this is open to individuals too!  (register here)

4) Volunteer to help – sign up here.

Is your organization short on cash?  Activity Grant Available.

This year’s headline act is Ole!, sponsored by the Parade of Nations and the Rozsa Center for Performing Arts.  Ole! is a wonderful celebration of music and comedy, with all the exhilarating sounds from the rhythms of flamenco to salsa, swing, blues, jazz and pop.  The performance will take place at the Rozsa Center on Saturday, September 15 at 7:30 pm.  Tickets for Ole! go on sale August 1 and are $10 for adults, $5 for children, and free to students with the Experience Tech Fee.  Visit for more details.

Be a parade spectator and have a chance to win the “I Love Parade of Nations” Weekend Getaway for two to Chicago worth more than $2000!!  Visit the Parade of Nations website or Facebook page for more details.

For more details on all Parade of Nations events, check out the event’s website, or to keep up on Parade happenings, visit their Facebook page.

Check out the Parade of Nations video here!


The filmmakers behind the Michigan-based Northbound series are seeking actors to be extras in an upcoming film shoot at the Great Lakes Research Center (GRLC) on the Michigan Technological University campus. Auditions can be done either by submitting a video, or in person at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts, by this Sunday, July 22, 2018. In-Person auditions will be done on Sunday, July 22nd, in the Room 120 at the Rozsa Center. The actual filming date is Saturday, August 11th, and will take place between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm. The GLRC will be portrayed as a medical research facility. The extras will be playing a large group of characters who die, after a mysterious outbreak. The team is looking for 25 to 30 extras in total. Three will be interacting with the main actors, without dialogue. An additional four actors are needed to play military guards, and will be needed between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM on August 11th. The majority of extras will be playing doctors, nurses or lab technicians. All adults are welcome to audition. There are no age or gender preferences.

Northbound is a post-apocalyptic webseries made in the Upper Peninsula, that began in early 2014. To date, there are 2 seasons currently available exclusively on the online streaming platform Seeka TV, which you can view for free by clicking this link: . The upcoming shoot is intended for the first episode of Season 3, which will also be the final season of the series, and will lead into a feature film called Northstar. This is a community-driven project that has found an audience around the world. The filmmakers are seeking actors to become part of their ongoing effort to bring the UP to a wider audience.

 How to Audition:

  • Send a Video
    • Fill out a Talent Form by Sunday, July 22
    • The form requires an upload of a MP4 video – deadline 5:00 pm, July 22
    • You may use the scene provided, or use your own material, so long as the video is no longer than 1 minute.
  • Audition in Person
  • Fill out a Talent Form by Sunday, July 22
    • You will be sent a 30-minute audition slot between 3:00-5:00 pm, July 22, at Rozsa 120 (Choir Room), at Michigan Technological University
    • Using the provided scene, you will read or improvise for a video recording.

AUDITION SCENE: Download Audition Scene

For further information, please contact Patricia Helsel,

Volunteers Needed at VRC 

As the recovery from last month’s flood continues, there remains a need for volunteers. While many individuals have stepped forward to help, the Great Lakes Conservation Corps, who is now running the Volunteer Registration Center (VRC), is in need of groups of volunteers. Groups are needed to work on bigger projects like yard maintenance, trash removal and patching driveways with gravel.

The VRC is now located in the former J.C. Penney store in the Copper Country Mall. Volunteers can stop by the VRC 1 pm to 8 pm, Monday through Friday and 9 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Groups can stop by the VRC or call the helpline at 482-6626.


It’s FREE! Come and plant something wonderful at the Plant-A-Palooza on

Tuesday, July 31, 2018, 2 – 4 pm at the OAP Backyard.Plant-A-Paloozaabc

If it rains the location will be inside OAP from 2 – 4 pm.

Come while supplies last.

Plant your own succulent for FREE with Student Activities!

It is a summer event just for fun! Bring your friends and plant a plant!




Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise

Student Activities will once again sponsor a Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise on Lake Superior aboard the Isle Royale Queen IV.  The event will take place on Thursday, August 9, 2018.  The bus to Copper Harbor will board at 6:00 Sunset Cruise posterpm in front of the Memorial Union Building, and is expected to return by 11:00 pm.

Sign up begins now in Student Activities, MUB 112 Our hours are 8 am – 4 pm weekdays.  The cost of the event is $5.00.  You must sign up and pay cash in person and present your student ID.  Seats are limited, so do not delay!  Any questions, call Student Activities at 906-487-1963 or email





Summer Youth Programs
Summer Youth Programs (SYP) would like to invite you to participate in our Tech Expo during the Women in Engineering (WIE) and Engineering Scholars Program (ESP) courses.
Date: Wednesday, July 25th (ESP) & Wednesday, August 1st (WIE)
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm (set up begins at 3:30 pm)
Location: July 25th – MUB Ballroom, August 1st – MUB Commons
Attendance: July 25th  – 170 students, August 1st – 150 students
What is a Tech Expo?: Tech Expos are an opportunity to showcase all things Michigan Tech.  From academic departments to students organizations and enterprises, Tech Expos bring groups from all over campus to inform our participants about everything Michigan Tech has to offer.  The WIE and ESP programs are comprised of 150 incredibly bright and talented high school students from across the country. The ESP program is co-ed, and as the name implies, WIE is made up of all females.  Our Women in Computer Science (WICS) program will also be attending the ESP expo on July 25th.  This program is comprised of 20 high school females doing a week-long computer science curriculum.
Groups presenting at the Tech Expo will be assigned (1) 6-foot table to showcase information about their organization or department.  Students will be free to wander, visiting booths at their own pace.
This is a great way to recruit future Huskies.  About 10% of students currently at Michigan Tech are SYP alumni!
To register your group or department: fill out this registration form no later than Friday, July 13th.  More information will come the following week.
Questions?  Please contact us at or call 906-483-7654.

 Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:


Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio 


Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Student News Briefs – July 13, 2018

Volunteers Needed at VRC 

As the recovery from last month’s flood continues, there remains a need for volunteers. While many individuals have stepped forward to help, the Great Lakes Conservation Corps, who is now running the Volunteer Registration Center (VRC), is in need of groups of volunteers. Groups are needed to work on bigger projects like yard maintenance, trash removal and patching driveways with gravel.

The VRC is now located in the former J.C. Penney store in the Copper Country Mall. Volunteers can stop by the VRC 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Groups can stop by the VRC or call the helpline at 482-6626.


Chalk Art Competition

Everyone is invited to display their creativity and imagination and demonstrate the many varieties of chalk art! We welcome ALL skill levels to join in the fun. We invite children, adults, families, and student organizations to create their own art using chalk.                                               Chalk Art Fest Posteraabbcc

Come out for some fun in the sun and an opportunity to let loose and create! In the event of rain, it will be pushed back a day. Prizes will be given to contest winners!

Tuesday, July 17 at 1 pm near the Husky Statue.






It’s FREE! Come and plant something wonderful at the Plant-A-Palooza on

Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at the OAP Backyard.Plant-A-Paloozaabc

If it rains the location will be inside OAP from 2 – 4 pm.

Come while supplies last.

Plant your own succulent for FREE with Student Activities!

It is a summer event just for fun! Bring your friends and plant a plant!





Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise

Student Activities will once again sponsor a Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise on Lake Superior aboard the Isle Royale Queen IV.  The event will take place on Thursday, August 9, 2018.  The bus to Copper Harbor will board at 6:00 Sunset Cruise posterpm in front of the Memorial Union Building, and is expected to return by 11:00 pm.

Sign up begins now in Student Activities, MUB 112.  Our hours are 8 am – 4 pm weekdays.  The cost of the event is $5.00.  You must sign up and pay cash in person and present your student ID.  Seats are limited, so do not delay!  Any questions, call Student Activities at 906-487-1963 or email





Summer Youth Programs
Summer Youth Programs (SYP) would like to invite you to participate in our Tech Expo during the Women in Engineering (WIE) and Engineering Scholars Program (ESP) courses.
Date: Wednesday, July 25th (ESP) & Wednesday, August 1st (WIE)
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm (set up begins at 3:30 pm)
Location: July 25th – MUB Ballroom, August 1st – MUB Commons
Attendance: July 25th  – 170 students, August 1st – 150 students
What is a Tech Expo?: Tech Expos are an opportunity to showcase all things Michigan Tech.  From academic departments to students organizations and enterprises, Tech Expos bring groups from all over campus to inform our participants about everything Michigan Tech has to offer.  The WIE and ESP programs are comprised of 150 incredibly bright and talented high school students from across the country. The ESP program is co-ed, and as the name implies, WIE is made up of all females.  Our Women in Computer Science (WICS) program will also be attending the ESP expo on July 25th.  This program is comprised of 20 high school females doing a week-long computer science curriculum.
Groups presenting at the Tech Expo will be assigned (1) 6-foot table to showcase information about their organization or department.  Students will be free to wander, visiting booths at their own pace.
This is a great way to recruit future Huskies.  About 10% of students currently at Michigan Tech are SYP alumni!
To register your group or department: fill out this registration form no later than Friday, July 13th.  More information will come the following week.
Questions?  Please contact us at or call 906-483-7654.

 Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:


Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio 


Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Student News Briefs – July 6, 2018



It’s FREE! Come and plant something wonderful at the Plant-A-Palooza on

Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at the OAP Backyard.

If it rains the location will be inside OAP from 2 – 4 pm.

Come while supplies last.

Plant your own succulent for FREE with Student Activities!

It is a summer event just for fun! Bring your friends and plant a plant!



Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise

Student Activities will once again sponsor a Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise on Lake Superior aboard the Isle Royale Queen IV.  The event will take place on Thursday, August 9, 2018.  The bus to Copper Harbor will board at 6:00 Sunset Cruise posterpm in front of the Memorial Union Building, and is expected to return by 11:00 pm.

Sign up begins now in Student Activities, MUB 112.  Our hours are 8 am – 4 pm weekdays.  The cost of the event is $5.00.  You must sign up and pay cash in person and present your student ID.  Seats are limited, so do not delay!  Any questions, call Student Activities at 906-487-1963 or email






Summer Youth Programs
Summer Youth Programs (SYP) would like to invite you to participate in our Tech Expo during the Women in Engineering (WIE) and Engineering Scholars Program (ESP) courses.
Date: Wednesday, July 25th (ESP)Wednesday, August 1st (WIE)
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm (set up begins at 3:30 pm)
Location: July 25th – MUB Ballroom, August 1st – MUB Commons
Attendance: July 25th  – 170 students, August 1st – 150 students
What is a Tech Expo?: Tech Expos are an opportunity to showcase all things Michigan Tech.  From academic departments to students organizations and enterprises, Tech Expos bring groups from all over campus to inform our participants about everything Michigan Tech has to offer.  The WIE and ESP programs are comprised of 150 incredibly bright and talented high school students from across the country. The ESP program is co-ed, and as the name implies, WIE is made up of all females.  Our Women in Computer Science (WICS) program will also be attending the ESP expo on July 25th.  This program is comprised of 20 high school females doing a week-long computer science curriculum.
Groups presenting at the Tech Expo will be assigned (1) 6-foot table to showcase information about their organization or department.  Students will be free to wander, visiting booths at their own pace.
This is a great way to recruit future Huskies.  About 10% of students currently at Michigan Tech are SYP alumni!
To register your group or department: fill out this registration form no later than Friday, July 13th.  More information will come the following week.
Questions?  Please contact us at or call 906-483-7654.


 Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:



Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio 


Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Student News Briefs – June 1, 2018


 Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:


Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio 


Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Summer Hours for SDC

SDC summer building hours have begun now and run through August 25.

For details, see SDC Summer Building Schedule.

One Diet Does Not Fit All! 

Work together with our certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Joan Kero, as she guides, supports, educates and motivates you to create goals that are in line with your dreams for greater health and vitality.

Fresh appetizing apple and brightly colored dumbbells tied with a measuring tape. Slight reflection, white background, focus on the apple

For more information, visit Personal Health Coaching or contact Joan Kero at

It’s never too late to start your health journey. Get started RIGHT now!

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Buti Yoga

Join instructor Natasha for a new HuskiesFit adult group fitness class – Buti Yoga! Classes start soon!    BUTI-card

Buti Yoga Basics Express – Perfect for the beginner and open to all fitness levels; anyone who wants to blast through their Friday lunch hour

Commit to Be HuskiesFit with Buti Yoga.




HuskiesFit Punch Card


HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card

Like to change it up a lot, but don’t want to commit to just one program? Check out the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punchcard, a premium 8-punch card good toward several programs such as yoga, zumba, TRX and more.
To view all the great adult group fitness classes offered May through August, see Adult Group Fitness Schedule. Individual class details and schedule are available at HuskiesFit Adult Programs. Stay HuskiesFit this summer!

Student News Briefs – May 25, 2018

2018 Bridgefest 5000

Come and run or walk with or in front of your family, friends, and neighbors. This race is your only opportunity to run/walk through downtown Hancock and Houghton and over the Portage Lake Lift Bridge on closed streets.

The 2018 Bridgefest 5000 is going to be held on June 15, 2018 at 7 pm.

Preceding the 2018 Bridgefest parade is the first-ever Bridgefest 5000 (5K, 3.1 mile) road race and non-competitive walk – starting at the west end of downtown Hancock and finishing in Houghton – with proceeds to support 31 Backpacks in their mission to combat childhood hunger in Houghton and Keweenaw counties. You can participate in this new event and not miss the parade too! The finish will be in Bridgeview Park in Houghton, just a block off the parade route.

This will be a first-class event with T-Shirts for all participants, professional chip timing and results, an accurate distance with mile splits, age group awards, and safe race conditions. Not to mention probable great weather and an awesome time racing in front of a huge crowd!

Add to your Bridgefest experience with a fun, new event. Improve your physical fitness, set a goal, challenge yourself, and enjoy the comradery of your community both on the course and lining both sides of the street as you go by. This is a great warm-up event to prep for the Canal Run in Hancock (July 21, 2018).

For more information and to register online, go to or CLICK HERE (


$20 per participant until June 4, 2018

$25 late registration after June 4, 2018 including day of race

$50 family registration fee until June 4, 2018 (up to 2 adults and all minor children of a nuclear family up to 6), save $30 for a family of 4!

T-Shirts included for all participants, even for race day registration. We’ll mail you your shirt after the event if we have to!

Race Day registration and pre-registration check-in/packet pick-up on Scott St between Quincy St and Hancock St (behind Krist Oil) in Hancock, 4:30 – 6:30pm.
If you have any interest in advertising with the race as a sponsor or volunteering to help with the event, please email

Get Your Kids Active This Summer!
 Get your kids actively involved this summer with Michigan Tech Sports Camps and HuskiesFit Programs for youth. Boys and girls basketball camps for grades 6-12 start up in June along with a junior mountain biking camp for ages 13 through under 20. July brings hockey camp for birth years 2003-2011, cross country running camp for grades 9-12 and volleyball for girls in grades 7-12. August rounds out with a figure skating camp for all ages and the college soccer ID clinic for girls grades 9-12. Check these camps out today and register at Sports Camps. HuskiesFit Programs for youth are gearing up to start very soon! Learn to swim or hone skills in aikido, tennis, learn to skate and hockey. OAP joins us this summer with adventurous classes in rock climbing and log rolling. More information and registration is available at HuskiesFit Youth. Commit your kids to be active #futurehuskies this summer with Michigan Tech Sports Camps and HuskiesFit Programs for youth!

Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:

Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio    AppAudio

Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Summer Hours for SDC

SDC summer building hours begin effective Sunday, May 6, and run through August 25.

For details, see SDC Summer Building Schedule.

One Diet Does Not Fit All! 

Work together with our certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Joan Kero, as she guides, supports, educates and motivates you to create goals that are in line with your dreams for greater health and vitality.

Fresh appetizing apple and brightly colored dumbbells tied with a measuring tape. Slight reflection, white background, focus on the apple

For more information, visit Personal Health Coaching or contact Joan Kero at

It’s never too late to start your health journey. Get started RIGHT now!

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

Buti Yoga

Join instructor Natasha for a new HuskiesFit adult group fitness class – Buti Yoga! Classes start soon!    BUTI-card

Buti Yoga Basics Express – Perfect for the beginner and open to all fitness levels; anyone who wants to blast through their Friday lunch hour.

Commit to Be HuskiesFit with Buti Yoga!




HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card

Like to change it up a lot, but don’t want to commit to just one program? Check out the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punchcard, a premium 8-punch card good toward several programs such as yoga, zumba, TRX and more.
To view all the great adult group fitness classes offered May through August, see Adult Group Fitness Schedule. Individual class details and schedule are available at HuskiesFit Adult Programs. Stay HuskiesFit this summer!

Student News Briefs – May 18, 2018

2018 Bridgefest 5000

Come and run or walk with or in front of your family, friends, and neighbors. This race is your only opportunity to run/walk through downtown Hancock and Houghton and over the Portage Lake Lift Bridge on closed streets.

Preceding the 2018 Bridgefest parade is the first-ever Bridgefest 5000 (5K, 3.1 mile) road race and non-competitive walk – starting at the west end of downtown Hancock and finishing in Houghton – with proceeds to support 31 Backpacks in their mission to combat childhood hunger in Houghton and Keweenaw counties. You can participate in this new event and not miss the parade too! The finish will be in Bridgeview Park in Houghton, just a block off the parade route.

This will be a first-class event with T-Shirts for all participants, professional chip timing and results, an accurate distance with mile splits, age group awards, and safe race conditions. Not to mention probable great weather and an awesome time racing in front of a huge crowd!

Add to your Bridgefest experience with a fun, new event. Improve your physical fitness, set a goal, challenge yourself, and enjoy the comradery of your community both on the course and lining both sides of the street as you go by. This is a great warm-up event to prep for the Canal Run in Hancock (July 21, 2018).

For more information and to register online, go to or CLICK HERE (


$20 per participant until June 4, 2018

$25 late registration after June 4, 2018 including day of race

$50 family registration fee until June 4, 2018 (up to 2 adults and all minor children of a nuclear family up to 6), save $30 for a family of 4!

T-Shirts included for all participants, even for race day registration. We’ll mail you your shirt after the event if we have to!

Race Day registration and pre-registration check-in/packet pick-up on Scott St between Quincy St and Hancock St (behind Krist Oil) in Hancock, 4:30 – 6:30pm.
If you have any interest in advertising with the race as a sponsor or volunteering to help with the event, please email


Kindness Rocks!
Student Activities is ready to kick off our summer programming with our first event, Kindness Rocks! We will have rocks or cards for people to decorate.  Then they can leaKindness Rocks_Student Activitiesve them around the community to help spread kindness or leave them with us and we will spread the kindness for them. Everyone is welcome and the event is free!  The event will be May 24, at 2 pm at the CDI while supplies last!

Help Welcome New International Students to Campus in August!

Are you and/or members of your student organization going to be in Houghton during the week of August 20th-25th before the fall semester begins? If so, please consider helping with the new international student arrivals! Airport pick-ups and events will be taking place throughout the week. If you’re interested and want to get on the volunteer list, email We will send out details and sign-ups for shifts over the summer to those that express interest!

Season Tickets on Sale at The Rozsa Center

The Rozsa Center is pleased to announce their 2018/19 Season Ticket Sale! Season Ticket Packages are on sale early this year, May 1st, with the best Ballet adiscounts available on all the season has to offer! There are four Season Ticket Package options this year, offering savings of 18% – 37% off single ticket prices. Featured this year are 12 Rozsa Presenting Series events, including five distinguished lecturers, and more than 33 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events, and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival. For full season details, please visit our website:


Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio    AppAudio

Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.

For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.

Summer Hours for SDC

SDC summer building hours begin effective Sunday, May 6, and run through August 25.

For details, see SDC Summer Building Schedule.

One Diet Does Not Fit All! 

Work together with our certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Joan Kero, as she guides, supports, educates and motivates you to create goals that are in line with your dreams for greater health and vitality.

Fresh appetizing apple and brightly colored dumbbells tied with a measuring tape. Slight reflection, white background, focus on the apple

For more information, visit Personal Health Coaching or contact Joan Kero at

It’s never too late to start your health journey. Get started RIGHT now!

HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness – Round 2!


Several HuskiesFit Adult Group Fitness Classes will be starting new sessions soon! Choose your fit and try one of the following:
  • Afrobeat Fitness
  • Aikido
  • Aqua-Fit
  • Buti Yoga Basics Express NEW!
  • Buti Yoga Intensive NEW!
  • Fitbarre
  • Muay Thai
  • Simple Changes for a Healthier Lifestyle
  • TRX Fit
  • TRX Body Blast
  • Yoga for Back Health

There are 4 weeks left in the spring semester – plenty of time to sample a variety of adult group fitness classes with a daily pass or the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card!

Visit HuskiesFit Programs for up to date program information.

SAVE THE DATE… Summer Dollar Days May 13-19! Try out a class for only $2! More information coming soon!

For more information and to register, visit HuskiesFit Adult Programs. Commit to be HuskiesFit!

Donation Bin Information

If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in approved locations, for a list of approved locations find the list here.

Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first “notify” first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.

Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported

Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed

For additional information or to complete a “Donation Bin Notification Form” please find the list here.

High School Yoga

High school athletes, join certified instructor Joan Kero for a Yoga class just for you! No matter what sport you participate in, this yoga class will assist you in improving your flexibility, alignment, balance, core stability, strength, agility, endurance, lung capacity and mobility, thus dramatically affecting your athletic performance. Learn techniques that you can use to calm your nerves, steady your mind and improve your focus. Please bring your own mat if you have one.

April 4 – May 23 (8 weeks)
Wednesdays, 7:00-7:50 p.m. in the SDC Studio
8-week session $30/person OR Daily $5
Pre-registration is preferred. For more information or to register, visit Yoga for High School Athletes.

Buti Yoga
Join instructor Natasha for a new HuskiesFit adult group fitness class – Buti Yoga! Classes start soon!    BUTI-card

Buti Yoga Basics Express – Perfect for the beginner and open to all fitness levels; anyone who wants to blast through their Friday lunch hour.

Commit to Be HuskiesFit with Buti Yoga!



Stay Husky Fit This Summer

Stay HuskiesFit this summer with a variety of adult group fitness classes offered at the SDC.

Dollar Days
Not sure what you’re into or looking for something new? Sample several classes for only $2 each during Dollar DaysMay 14-17.

HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card

Like to change it up a lot, but don’t want to commit to just one program? Check out the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punchcard, a premium 8-punch card good toward several programs such as yoga, zumba, TRX and more.
To view all the great adult group fitness classes offered May through August, see Adult Group Fitness Schedule. Individual class details and schedule are available at HuskiesFit Adult Programs. Stay HuskiesFit this summer!